require 'secondbase' #################################### # # SecondBase database managment tasks # # We are overriding a handful of rake tasks here: # db:create # db:migrate # db:test:prepare # # We ARE NOT redefining the implementation of these tasks, we are simply # appending custom functionality to them. We just want to be sure that in # addition to creating, migrating, and preparing your default (Rails.env) # database, that we can also work with with the second (data)base. namespace :db do override_task :create do # First, we execute the original/default create task Rake::Task["db:create:original"].invoke # now, we create our secondary databases Rake::Task['environment'].invoke ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[SecondBase::CONNECTION_PREFIX].each_value do |config| next unless config['database'] # Only connect to local databases local_database?(config) { create_database(config) } end end override_task :migrate do Rake::Task['environment'].invoke # Migrate secondbase... Rake::Task["db:migrate:secondbase"].invoke # Execute the original/default prepare task Rake::Task["db:migrate:original"].invoke end namespace :test do override_task :prepare do Rake::Task['environment'].invoke # Clone the secondary database structure Rake::Task["db:test:prepare:secondbase"].invoke # Execute the original/default prepare task Rake::Task["db:test:prepare:original"].invoke end end ################################## # SecondBase specific database tasks namespace :migrate do desc "migrates the second database" task :secondbase => :load_config do Rake::Task['environment'].invoke # NOTE: We are not generating a db schema on purpose. Since we're running # in a dual db mode, it could be confusing to have two schemas. # reset connection to secondbase... use_secondbase(Rails.env) # run secondbase migrations... ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = ENV["VERBOSE"] ? ENV["VERBOSE"] == "true" : true ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate("db/migrate/#{SecondBase::CONNECTION_PREFIX}/", ENV["VERSION"] ? ENV["VERSION"].to_i : nil) # reset connection back to firstbase... use_firstbase(Rails.env) end namespace :up do desc 'Runs the "up" for a given SecondBase migration VERSION.' task :secondbase => :environment do version = ENV["VERSION"] ? ENV["VERSION"].to_i : nil raise "VERSION is required" unless version # reset connection to secondbase... use_secondbase(Rails.env), "db/migrate/#{SecondBase::CONNECTION_PREFIX}/", version) # reset connection back to firstbase... use_firstbase(Rails.env) end end namespace :down do desc 'Runs the "down" for a given SecondBase migration VERSION.' task :secondbase => :environment do version = ENV["VERSION"] ? ENV["VERSION"].to_i : nil raise "VERSION is required" unless version # reset connection to secondbase... use_secondbase(Rails.env), "db/migrate/#{SecondBase::CONNECTION_PREFIX}/", version) # reset connection back to firstbase... use_firstbase(Rails.env) end end end namespace :create do desc 'Create the database defined in config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV' task :secondbase => :load_config do # We can still use the #create_database method defined in activerecord's databases.rake # we call it passing the secondbase config instead of the default (Rails.env) config... create_database(secondbase_config(Rails.env)) end end namespace :structure do namespace :dump do desc "dumps structure for both (first and second) databases." task :secondbase do Rake::Task['environment'].invoke # we want to dump the development (second)database.... use_secondbase('development')"#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/#{SecondBase::CONNECTION_PREFIX}_#{RAILS_ENV}_structure.sql", "w+") do |f| f << ActiveRecord::Base.connection.structure_dump end use_firstbase(Rails.env) end end end namespace :test do namespace :prepare do desc 'Prepares the test instance of secondbase' task :secondbase do Rake::Task["db:test:clone_structure:secondbase"].invoke end end namespace :purge do task :secondbase do Rake::Task['environment'].invoke use_secondbase('test') ActiveRecord::Base.connection.recreate_database(secondbase_config('test')["database"], secondbase_config('test')) use_firstbase(Rails.env) end end namespace :clone_structure do task :secondbase do Rake::Task['environment'].invoke # dump secondbase structure and purge the test secondbase `rake db:structure:dump:secondbase` `rake db:test:purge:secondbase` # now lets clone the structure for secondbase use_secondbase('test') ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('SET foreign_key_checks = 0') IO.readlines("#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/#{SecondBase::CONNECTION_PREFIX}_#{RAILS_ENV}_structure.sql").join.split("\n\n").each do |table| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(table) end use_firstbase(Rails.env) end end end end #################################### # # Some helper methods to run back and forth between first and second base. def use_firstbase(env) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(firstbase_config(env)) end def use_secondbase(env) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(secondbase_config(env)) end def secondbase_config(env) ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[SecondBase::CONNECTION_PREFIX][env] end def firstbase_config(env) ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[env] end