en: monologue: posts: pagination: older_posts: "Older posts" newer_posts: "Newer posts" social_sharing: tagline: "Loved what you just read? Share it!" index: readmore: "Read more" "404": title: "The page you were looking for doesn't exist." message: "You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved." admin: posts: index: title: "Title" edit: "Edit" delete: "Delete" published: "Yes" not_published: "Not published" status: "Published ?" new: header: "New monologue" edit: header: "Edit" form: title: "Title" content: "Content" url: before_generated_url: "URL
This will be filled by default with " after_generated_url: ". You can choose your own URL. " generated_title: "your-post-title" published_at: "Published at" published: "Published" save: "Save" preview: "Preview" sessions: new: title: "Sign in" email: "Email" password: "Password" button: "Log in" messages: invalid: "Invalid email or password" logged_in: "Logged in!" logged_out: "Logged out!" layouts: monologue: admin: nav_bar: add_a_monologue: "Add a monologue" list_monologues: "List of monologues" comments: "Comments" logged_in_as: "Logged in as" log_out: "Log out" activerecord: errors: format: "%{message}" errors: full_messages: "%{message}" errors: models: full_messages: "%{message}" monologue/posts_revision: blank: "%{attribute} is required" attributes: published_at: blank: "'Published at' is required"