require_relative '../test_helper' describe Fastly::Dictionary do let(:client) { 'notasecrettestkey') } let(:service_id) { SecureRandom.hex(6) } let(:version) { 1 } let(:dictionary) {{id: SecureRandom.hex(6), service_id: service_id, version: 1}, client) } before { stub_request(:post, "#{Fastly::Client::DEFAULT_URL}/login").to_return(body: '{}', status: 200) } describe '#item' do it 'returns the nil when item is not present' do item_key = 'key' get_item_url = "#{Fastly::Client::DEFAULT_URL}/service/#{service_id}/dictionary/#{}/item/#{item_key}" response_body = JSON.dump( "msg" => "Record not found", "detail" => "Couldn't find dictionary item '{ service => #{service_id}, dictionary_id => #{}, item_key => #{item_key}, deleted => 0000-00-00 00:00:00'", ) stub_request(:get, get_item_url).to_return(body: response_body, status: 404) assert_nil dictionary.item('key') end it 'returns the corresponding dictionary item when present' do item_key = 'key' item_value = 'value' response_body = JSON.dump( "dictionary_id" =>, "service_id" => service_id, "item_key" => item_key, "item_value" => item_value, "created_at" => "2016-04-21T18:14:32+00:00", "deleted_at" => nil, "updated_at" => "2016-04-21T18:14:32+00:00", ) get_item_url = "#{Fastly::Client::DEFAULT_URL}/service/#{service_id}/dictionary/#{}/item/#{item_key}" stub_request(:get, get_item_url).to_return(body: response_body, status: 200) item = dictionary.item('key') assert_equal item_key, item.key assert_equal item_value, item.value end end end