require 'nokogiri' require 'erb' require 'ostruct' require 'action_mailer' require 'premailer' require 'premailer/rails' require 'rails' module BootstrapEmail class Compiler def initialize mail @mail = mail self.update_doc(@mail.body.raw_source) end def update_doc source @doc = Nokogiri::HTML(source) end def perform_full_compile compile_html! inline_css! inject_head! update_mailer! end def compile_html! button badge alert card hr container grid align padding margin spacer table body end def inline_css! @mail.body = @doc.to_html @mail = Premailer::Rails::Hook.perform(@mail) @mail.header[:skip_premailer] = true self.update_doc(@mail.html_part.body.raw_source) end def inject_head! @doc.at_css('head').add_child(bootstrap_email_head) end def update_mailer! @mail.html_part.body = @doc.to_html @mail end private def bootstrap_email_head html_string = <<-HEREDOC HEREDOC html_string end def template file, locals_hash = {} namespace = template_html ="../core/templates/#{file}.html.erb", __dir__)).read { binding }) end def each_node css_lookup, &blk # sort by youngest child and traverse backwards up the tree @doc.css(css_lookup).sort_by{ |n| n.ancestors.size }.reverse!.each(&blk) end def button each_node('.btn') do |node| # move all classes up and remove all classes from the element node.replace(template('table', {classes: node['class'], contents: node.delete('class') && node.to_html})) end end def badge each_node('.badge') do |node| # move all classes up and remove all classes from the element node.replace(template('table-left', {classes: node['class'], contents: node.delete('class') && node.to_html})) end end def alert each_node('.alert') do |node| # move all classes up and remove all classes from the element node.replace(template('table', {classes: node['class'], contents: node.delete('class') && node.to_html})) end end def align each_node('.float-left') do |node| align_helper(node, /float-left/, 'left') end each_node('.mx-auto') do |node| align_helper(node, /mx-auto/, 'center') end each_node('.float-right') do |node| align_helper(node, /float-right/, 'right') end end def align_helper node, klass, template if != 'table' # if it is already on a table, set the proprieties on the current table node['class'] = node['class'].sub(klass, '') node.replace(template("align-#{template}", {contents: node.to_html})) else node['align'] = template end end def card each_node('.card') do |node| # move all classes up and remove all classes from element node.replace(template('table', {classes: node['class'], contents: node.delete('class') && node.to_html})) end each_node('.card-body') do |node| # move all classes up and remove all classes from element node.replace(template('table', {classes: node['class'], contents: node.delete('class') && node.to_html})) end end def hr each_node('hr') do |node| # drop hr in place of current node.replace(template('hr', {classes: "hr #{node['class']}"})) end end def container each_node('.container') do |node| node.replace(template('container', {classes: node['class'], contents: node.inner_html})) end each_node('.container-fluid') do |node| node.replace(template('table', {classes: node['class'], contents: node.inner_html})) end end def grid each_node('.row') do |node| node.replace(template('row', {classes: node['class'], contents: node.inner_html})) end each_node('*[class*=col]') do |node| node.replace(template('col', {classes: node['class'], contents: node.inner_html})) end end def padding each_node('*[class*=p-], *[class*=pt-], *[class*=pr-], *[class*=pb-], *[class*=pl-], *[class*=px-], *[class*=py-]') do |node| if != 'table' # if it is already on a table, set the padding on the table, else wrap the content in a table padding_regex = /(p[trblxy]?-\d)/ classes = node['class'].scan(padding_regex).join(' ') node['class'] = node['class'].gsub(padding_regex, '') node.replace(template('table', {classes: classes, contents: node.to_html})) end end end def margin each_node('*[class*=my-], *[class*=mt-], *[class*=mb-]') do |node| top_class = node['class'][/m[ty]{1}-(lg-)?(\d)/] bottom_class = node['class'][/m[by]{1}-(lg-)?(\d)/] node['class'] = node['class'].gsub(/(m[tby]{1}-(lg-)?\d)/, '') html = '' if top_class html += template('div', {classes: "s-#{top_class.gsub(/m[ty]{1}-/, '')}", contents: nil}) end html += node.to_html if bottom_class html += template('div', {classes: "s-#{bottom_class.gsub(/m[by]{1}-/, '')}", contents: nil}) end node.replace(html) end end def spacer spacers = { '0' => 0, '1' => (16 * 0.25), '2' => (16 * 0.5), '3' => 16, '4' => (16 * 1.5), '5' => (16 * 3) } each_node('*[class*=s-]') do |node| temp = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(template('table', {classes: node['class'] + ' w-100', contents: " "})) temp.at_css('td')['height'] = spacers[node['class'].gsub(/s-/, '')].to_i node.replace(temp) end end def table @doc.css('table').each do |node| #border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" node['border'] = 0 node['cellpadding'] = 0 node['cellspacing'] = 0 end end def body @doc.css('body').each do |node| node.replace( '' + preview_text.to_s + template('table', {classes: "#{node['class']} body", contents: "#{node.inner_html}"}) + '' ) end end def preview_text preview_node = @doc.at_css('preview') if preview_node.present? # apply spacing after the text max of 100 characters so it doesn't show body text preview_node.content += " " * (100 - preview_node.content.length.to_i) node = template('div', {classes: 'preview', contents: preview_node.content}) preview_node.remove return node end end end end require 'bootstrap-email/premailer_railtie' require 'bootstrap-email/action_mailer' require 'bootstrap-email/engine' require 'bootstrap-email/version'