# file: table_spec.rb # # require 'spec_helper' require_relative '../lib/tablestakes' describe "Table" do describe ".new" do let(:t) { Table.new('test.tab') } let(:empty) { Table.new() } it "reads a file and create a table" do expect(t).to be_a(Table) end it "creates a table if no file was given" do expect(empty).to be_a(Table) end it "errors when the file is not found" do expect{Table.new('sillyfile.txt')}.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end end describe ".empty?" do let(:test) { Table.new('test.tab') } let(:empty) { Table.new() } it "recognizes an empty table" do expect(empty).to be_empty() end it "recognizes a populated table" do expect(test).not_to be_empty() end end describe ".add_column" do let(:test) { FactoryGirl.build(:table) } let(:newcol) { ["A", "B", "C"] } let(:headercol) { ["TestCol", "A", "B", "C"] } let(:empty) { Table.new() } it "returns a Table" do expect(test.add_column("TestCol", newcol)).to be_a(Table) end it "adds a column to an empty table" do expect(empty.add_column("TestCol", newcol).headers[0]).to eq("TestCol") end it "adds a column to a populated table" do expect(test.add_column("TestCol", newcol).headers).to include("TestCol") end it "raises an ArgumentError when given a duplicate header" do expect { test.add_column("Name", newcol) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an ArgumentError when given a column with the wrong length" do expect { test.add_column("Name", newcol << "D") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "adds a column when given an Array" do expect(test.add_column(headercol).headers).to include("TestCol") end end describe ".del_column" do let(:test) { FactoryGirl.build(:table) } let(:empty) { Table.new() } let(:remaining_headers) { ["Address", "Phone", "Records"] } it "returns a Table" do expect(test.del_column("Name")).to be_a(Table) end it "removes the correct column from the Table" do expect(test.del_column("Name").headers).not_to include("Name") end it "retains the other columns from the Table" do expect(test.del_column("Name").headers - remaining_headers).to be_empty end it "raises an ArgumentError when given an invalid header" do expect { test.del_column("Silly") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe ".add_row(s)" do let(:test) { FactoryGirl.build(:table) } let(:empty) { Table.new() } let(:newheaders) { ["Name", "Address", "Phone", "Records"]} let(:newrow) { ["Phil", "567 Vine", "567-432-1234", "3"] } let(:newrow2) { ["Harry", "57 Maple", "567-555-4321", "2"] } it "returns a Table" do expect(test.add_row(newrow)).to be_a(Table) end it "adds a row to a populated table" do expect(test.add_row(newrow).count).to eq(4) end it "adds headers to an empty table" do expect(test.add_row(newheaders).headers.length).to eq(4) end it "raises an ArgumentError when given a row with the wrong length" do expect { test.add_row(newrow << "extra") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "adds a header and row to an empty table" do expect(empty.add_rows([newheaders] << newrow).headers.length).to eq(4) end it "adds row elements with specified headers to a populated table" do expect(test.add_rows([newrow] << newrow2).count).to eq(5) end end describe ".del_row" do let(:test) { FactoryGirl.build(:table) } let(:empty) { Table.new() } it "returns a Table" do expect(test.del_row(0)).to be_a(Table) end it "removes the correct row from the Table" do expect(test.del_row(0).column("Name")).not_to include("John") end it "retains the other rows from the Table" do expect(test.del_row(0).column("Name")).to include("Jerry") end it "raises an ArgumentError when given an index that is out of bounds" do expect { test.del_row(10) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe ".count" do let(:t) { FactoryGirl.build(:table) } it "counts the number of instances in a column" do expect(t.count("Address", "123 Main")).to eq(2) end it "counts total number of rows when no parameters are given" do expect(t.count).to eq(3) end it "returns nil if given column is not found" do expect(t.count("Silly", "")).to be_nil end it "returns zero when instance not found" do expect(t.count("Address", "")).to eq(0) end it "changes numeric input to a string" do expect(t.count("Records", 3)).to eq(2) end end describe ".tally" do let(:t) { FactoryGirl.build(:table) } it "returns a hash" do expect(t.tally("Address")).to be_a(Table) end it "returns nil if the column is not found" do expect(t.tally("Silly")).to be_nil end its "returns a set of keys matched to headers" do expect(t.tally("Address").column("Count").each.reduce(:+)).to eq(t.column("Address").length) end end describe ".where" do let(:t) { FactoryGirl.build(:table) } let(:cities) { Table.new('cities.txt') } it "returns an instance of Table" do expect(t.where("Records", "< '3'")).to be_a(Table) end #it "selects rows that equal an integer" do # expect(t.where("Records", "==3").count).to eq(2) #end it "selects rows that equal a string" do expect(cities.where("State", "=='Texas'").count).to eq(32) end it "does not select rows that do not meet the given condition" do expect(t.where("Records", "=='3'").count("Records", 1)).to eq(0) end it "returns all rows when no condition is specified" do expect(t.where("Records").count).to eq(3) end it "returns nil when the given condition is not met" do expect(t.where("Records", "< '0'")).to be_nil end end describe ".select" do let(:t) { FactoryGirl.build(:table) } it "returns an instance of Table" do expect(t.select("Name","Address","Records")).to be_a(Table) end it "selects columns given as arguments" do expect((t.select("Name","Address","Records")).headers).to eq(["Name","Address","Records"]) end it "does not select columns that are not given as arguments" do expect((t.select("Name","Address","Records")).headers.include?("Phone")).to be_false end it "returns nil when the given arguments don't match a column" do expect(t.select("Silly")).to be_nil end end describe ".join" do let(:cities) { Table.new('cities.txt') } let(:capitals) { Table.new('capitals.txt') } it "returns an instance of Table" do expect(capitals.join(cities, "State")).to be_a(Table) end it "returns only the rows that match" do expect(capitals.join(cities, "State").count).to eq(45) end it "returns the correct rows when tables have matching column names" do expect((capitals.join(cities, "State").headers.select { |v| v =="State" }).size).to eq(1) end it "returns the correct headers when tables do not have matching column names" do expect(cities.join(capitals, "City", "Capital").headers).to eq(cities.headers + capitals.headers ) end it "does not return rows that do not match" do expect(capitals.join(cities, "State").count("State","West Virginia")).to eq(0) end it "returns nil when the given arguments don't match a column" do expect(capitals.join(cities, "Silly")).to be_nil end end describe ".sub" do let (:cities) { Table.new('cities.txt') } it "returns an instance of Table" do expect(cities.sub("State", /Jersey/, "York")).to be_a(Table) end it "substitutes the values in a given field" do expect((cities.sub("State", /Jersey/, "York")).count("State", "New York")).to eq(9) end it "returns nil when the given arguments don't match a column" do expect(cities.sub("Silly", /NJ/, "NY")).to be_nil end end describe ".union" do let (:cities) { Table.new('cities.txt') } let(:capitals) { Table.new('capitals.txt') } it "returns an instance of Array" do expect(capitals.union(cities, "Capital", "City")).to be_a(Array) end it "returns instances in table 1, but not in table 2" do expect(capitals.union(cities,"Capital", "City")).to include("Montpelier") end it "returns instances in table 2, but not in table 1" do expect(capitals.union(cities,"Capital", "City")).to include("El Monte") end it "returns nil for invalid values" do expect(capitals.union(cities,"Silly")).to be_nil end end describe ".intersect" do let(:cities) { Table.new('cities.txt') } let(:capitals) { Table.new('capitals.txt') } it "returns an instance of Array" do expect(capitals.intersect(cities, "Capital", "City")).to be_a(Array) end it "does not return instances in table 1, but not in table 2" do expect(capitals.intersect(cities,"Capital", "City")).not_to include("Montpelier") end it "does not return instances in table 2, but not in table 1" do expect(capitals.intersect(cities,"Capital", "City")).not_to include("El Monte") end it "returns nil for invalid values" do expect(capitals.intersect(cities,"Silly")).to be_nil end end end