require 'pathname' require 'forwardable' require 'tsort' module MRuby module Gem class << self attr_accessor :current end LinkerConfig =, :library_paths, :flags, :flags_before_libraries, :flags_after_libraries) class Specification include Rake::DSL extend Forwardable def_delegators :@build, :filename, :objfile, :libfile, :exefile attr_accessor :name, :dir, :build alias mruby build attr_accessor :build_config_initializer attr_accessor :version attr_accessor :description, :summary attr_accessor :homepage attr_accessor :licenses, :authors alias :license= :licenses= alias :author= :authors= attr_accessor :rbfiles, :objs attr_accessor :test_objs, :test_rbfiles, :test_args attr_accessor :test_preload attr_accessor :bins attr_accessor :requirements attr_reader :dependencies, :conflicts attr_accessor :export_include_paths attr_reader :generate_functions attr_block MRuby::Build::COMMANDS def initialize(name, &block) @name = name @initializer = block @version = "0.0.0" MRuby::Gem.current = self end def setup MRuby::Gem.current = self MRuby::Build::COMMANDS.each do |command| instance_variable_set("@#{command}", @build.send(command).clone) end @linker =[], [], [], []) @rbfiles = Dir.glob("#{dir}/mrblib/*.rb").sort @objs = Dir.glob("#{dir}/src/*.{c,cpp,cxx,cc,m,asm,s,S}").map do |f| objfile(f.relative_path_from(@dir).to_s.pathmap("#{build_dir}/%X")) end @generate_functions = !(@rbfiles.empty? && @objs.empty?) @objs << objfile("#{build_dir}/gem_init") if @generate_functions @test_rbfiles = Dir.glob("#{dir}/test/*.rb") @test_objs = Dir.glob("#{dir}/test/*.{c,cpp,cxx,cc,m,asm,s,S}").map do |f| objfile(f.relative_path_from(dir).to_s.pathmap("#{build_dir}/%X")) end @custom_test_init = !@test_objs.empty? @test_preload = nil # 'test/assert.rb' @test_args = {} @bins = [] @requirements = [] @dependencies, @conflicts = [], [] @export_include_paths = [] @export_include_paths << "#{dir}/include" if "#{dir}/include" instance_eval(&@initializer) if !name || !licenses || !authors fail "#{name || dir} required to set name, license(s) and author(s)" end build.libmruby << @objs instance_eval(&@build_config_initializer) if @build_config_initializer compilers.each do |compiler| compiler.define_rules build_dir, "#{dir}" compiler.defines << %Q[MRBGEM_#{funcname.upcase}_VERSION=#{version}] compiler.include_paths << "#{dir}/include" if "#{dir}/include" end define_gem_init_builder if @generate_functions end def add_dependency(name, *requirements) default_gem = requirements.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? requirements.pop : nil requirements = ['>= 0.0.0'] if requirements.empty? requirements.flatten! @dependencies << {:gem => name, :requirements => requirements, :default => default_gem} end def add_conflict(name, *req) @conflicts << {:gem => name, :requirements => req.empty? ? nil : req} end def self.bin=(bin) @bins = [bin].flatten end def build_dir "#{build.build_dir}/mrbgems/#{name}" end def test_rbireps "#{build_dir}/gem_test.c" end def funcname @funcname ||= @name.gsub('-', '_') end def compilers do |c| instance_variable_get("@#{c}") end end def define_gem_init_builder file objfile("#{build_dir}/gem_init") => "#{build_dir}/gem_init.c" file "#{build_dir}/gem_init.c" => [build.mrbcfile, __FILE__] + [rbfiles].flatten do |t| FileUtils.mkdir_p build_dir generate_gem_init("#{build_dir}/gem_init.c") end end def generate_gem_init(fname) open(fname, 'w') do |f| print_gem_init_header f f, rbfiles, "gem_mrblib_irep_#{funcname}" unless rbfiles.empty? f.puts %Q[void mrb_#{funcname}_gem_init(mrb_state *mrb);] f.puts %Q[void mrb_#{funcname}_gem_final(mrb_state *mrb);] f.puts %Q[] f.puts %Q[void GENERATED_TMP_mrb_#{funcname}_gem_init(mrb_state *mrb) {] f.puts %Q[ int ai = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb);] f.puts %Q[ mrb_#{funcname}_gem_init(mrb);] if objs != [objfile("#{build_dir}/gem_init")] unless rbfiles.empty? f.puts %Q[ mrb_load_irep(mrb, gem_mrblib_irep_#{funcname});] f.puts %Q[ if (mrb->exc) {] f.puts %Q[ mrb_print_error(mrb);] f.puts %Q[ exit(EXIT_FAILURE);] f.puts %Q[ }] end f.puts %Q[ mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, ai);] f.puts %Q[}] f.puts %Q[] f.puts %Q[void GENERATED_TMP_mrb_#{funcname}_gem_final(mrb_state *mrb) {] f.puts %Q[ mrb_#{funcname}_gem_final(mrb);] if objs != [objfile("#{build_dir}/gem_init")] f.puts %Q[}] end end # generate_gem_init def print_gem_comment(f) f.puts %Q[/*] f.puts %Q[ * This file is loading the irep] f.puts %Q[ * Ruby GEM code.] f.puts %Q[ *] f.puts %Q[ * IMPORTANT:] f.puts %Q[ * This file was generated!] f.puts %Q[ * All manual changes will get lost.] f.puts %Q[ */] end def print_gem_init_header(f) print_gem_comment(f) f.puts %Q[#include ] unless rbfiles.empty? f.puts %Q[#include "mruby.h"] f.puts %Q[#include "mruby/irep.h"] unless rbfiles.empty? end def print_gem_test_header(f) print_gem_comment(f) f.puts %Q[#include ] f.puts %Q[#include ] f.puts %Q[#include "mruby.h"] f.puts %Q[#include "mruby/irep.h"] f.puts %Q[#include "mruby/variable.h"] f.puts %Q[#include "mruby/hash.h"] unless test_args.empty? end def test_dependencies [@name] end def custom_test_init? @custom_test_init end def version_ok?(req_versions) do |req| cmp, ver = req.split cmp_result = <=> case cmp when '=' then cmp_result == 0 when '!=' then cmp_result != 0 when '>' then cmp_result == 1 when '<' then cmp_result == -1 when '>=' then cmp_result >= 0 when '<=' then cmp_result <= 0 when '~>' else fail "Comparison not possible with '#{cmp}'" end end.all? end end # Specification class Version include Comparable include Enumerable def <=>(other) ret = 0 own = to_enum other.each do |oth| begin ret = <=> oth rescue StopIteration ret = 0 <=> oth end break unless ret == 0 end ret end # ~> compare algorithm # # Example: # ~> 2.2 means >= 2.2.0 and < 3.0.0 # ~> 2.2.0 means >= 2.2.0 and < 2.3.0 def twiddle_wakka_ok?(other) gr_or_eql = (self <=> other) >= 0 still_minor = (self <=> other.skip_minor) < 0 gr_or_eql and still_minor end def skip_minor a = @ary.dup a.slice!(-1) a[-1] = a[-1].succ a end def initialize(str) @str = str @ary = @str.split('.').map(&:to_i) end def each(&block); @ary.each(&block); end def [](index); @ary[index]; end def []=(index, value) @ary[index] = value @str = @ary.join('.') end def slice!(index) @ary.slice!(index) @str = @ary.join('.') end end # Version class List include Enumerable def initialize @ary = [] end def each(&b) @ary.each(&b) end def <<(gem) unless @ary.detect {|g| g.dir == gem.dir } @ary << gem else # GEM was already added to this list end end def empty? @ary.empty? end def generate_gem_table build gem_table = @ary.reduce({}) { |res,v| res[] = v; res } default_gems = [] each do |g| g.dependencies.each do |dep| default_gems << dep if dep[:default] and not gem_table.key? dep[:gem] end end until default_gems.empty? def_gem = default_gems.pop spec = build.gem def_gem[:default] fail "Invalid gem name: #{} (Expected: #{def_gem[:gem]})" if != def_gem[:gem] spec.setup spec.dependencies.each do |dep| default_gems << dep if dep[:default] and not gem_table.key? dep[:gem] end gem_table[] = spec end each do |g| g.dependencies.each do |dep| name = dep[:gem] req_versions = dep[:requirements] dep_g = gem_table[name] # check each GEM dependency against all available GEMs if dep_g.nil? fail "The GEM '#{}' depends on the GEM '#{name}' but it could not be found" end unless dep_g.version_ok? req_versions fail "#{name} version should be #{req_versions.join(' and ')} but was '#{dep_g.version}'" end end cfls = { |c| cfl_g = gem_table[c[:gem]] cfl_g and cfl_g.version_ok?(c[:requirements] || ['>= 0.0.0']) }.map { |c| "#{c[:gem]}(#{gem_table[c[:gem]].version})" } fail "Conflicts of gem `#{}` found: #{cfls.join ', '}" unless cfls.empty? end gem_table end def tsort_dependencies ary, table, all_dependency_listed = false unless all_dependency_listed left = ary.dup until left.empty? v = left.pop table[v].dependencies.each do |dep| left.push dep[:gem] ary.push dep[:gem] end end end ary.uniq! table.instance_variable_set :@root_gems, ary class << table include TSort def tsort_each_node &b @root_gems.each &b end def tsort_each_child(n, &b) fetch(n).dependencies.each do |v| v[:gem] end end end begin { |v| table[v] } rescue TSort::Cyclic => e fail "Circular mrbgem dependency found: #{e.message}" end end def check(build) gem_table = generate_gem_table build @ary = tsort_dependencies gem_table.keys, gem_table, true each do |g| import_include_paths(g) end end def import_include_paths(g) gem_table = @ary.reduce({}) { |res,v| res[] = v; res } g.dependencies.each do |dep| dep_g = gem_table[dep[:gem]] # We can do recursive call safely # as circular dependency has already detected in the caller. import_include_paths(dep_g) g.compilers.each do |compiler| compiler.include_paths += dep_g.export_include_paths g.export_include_paths += dep_g.export_include_paths end end end end # List end # Gem GemBox = class << GemBox attr_accessor :path def new(&block);; end def config=(obj); @config = obj; end def gem(gemdir, &block); @config.gem(gemdir, &block); end end # GemBox end # MRuby