module SSHKit module Formatter class Pretty < Abstract LEVEL_NAMES = %w{ DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL }.freeze LEVEL_COLORS = [:black, :blue, :yellow, :red, :red].freeze def write(obj) if obj.kind_of?(SSHKit::LogMessage) write_message(obj.verbosity, obj.to_s) else raise "write only supports formatting SSHKit::LogMessage, called with #{obj.class}: #{obj.inspect}" end end def log_command_start(command) host_prefix = ? "as #{colorize(, :blue)}@" : 'on ' message = "Running #{colorize(command, :yellow, :bold)} #{host_prefix}#{colorize(, :blue)}" write_message(command.verbosity, message, command.uuid) write_message(Logger::DEBUG, "Command: #{colorize(command.to_command, :blue)}", command.uuid) end def log_command_data(command, stream_type, stream_data) color = \ case stream_type when :stdout then :green when :stderr then :red else raise "Unrecognised stream_type #{stream_type}, expected :stdout or :stderr" end write_message(Logger::DEBUG, colorize("\t#{stream_data}".chomp, color), command.uuid) end def log_command_exit(command) runtime = sprintf('%5.3f seconds', command.runtime) successful_or_failed = command.failure? ? colorize('failed', :red, :bold) : colorize('successful', :green, :bold) message = "Finished in #{runtime} with exit status #{command.exit_status} (#{successful_or_failed})." write_message(command.verbosity, message, command.uuid) end protected def format_message(verbosity, message, uuid=nil) message = "[#{colorize(uuid, :green)}] #{message}" unless uuid.nil? level = colorize(LEVEL_NAMES[verbosity].rjust(6), LEVEL_COLORS[verbosity]) "#{level} #{message}" end private def write_message(verbosity, message, uuid=nil) original_output << "#{format_message(verbosity, message, uuid)}\n" if verbosity >= SSHKit.config.output_verbosity end end end end