// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals module ok equals same test MyApp */ var store, child, Foo, json, foo ; module("SC.Record#storeDidChangeProperties", { setup: function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); store = SC.Store.create(); Foo = SC.Record.extend({ // record diagnostic change statusCnt: 0, statusDidChange: function() { this.statusCnt++; }.observes('status'), fooCnt: 0, fooDidChange: function() { this.fooCnt++; }.observes('foo') }); json = { foo: "bar", number: 123, bool: YES, array: [1,2,3] }; foo = store.createRecord(Foo, json); store.writeStatus(foo.storeKey, SC.Record.READY_CLEAN); SC.RunLoop.end(); } }); function checkPreconditions() { equals(foo.statusCnt, 0, 'precond - statusCnt'); equals(foo.fooCnt, 0, 'precond - fooCnt'); } function expect(fooObject, expectedStatusCnt, expectedFooCnt) { equals(fooObject.statusCnt, expectedStatusCnt, 'status should have changed'); equals(fooObject.fooCnt, expectedFooCnt, 'foo should have changed'); } // .......................................................... // BASIC BEHAVIORS // test("should change status only if statusOnly=YES", function() { checkPreconditions(); foo.storeDidChangeProperties(YES); expect(foo,1,0); }); test("should change attrs & status if statusOnly=NO", function() { checkPreconditions(); foo.storeDidChangeProperties(NO); expect(foo,1,1); }); // .......................................................... // VERIFY CALL SCENARIOS // test("editing a clean record should change all", function() { checkPreconditions(); SC.RunLoop.begin(); foo.writeAttribute("foo", "baz"); // NB: Must be different from "foo" SC.RunLoop.end(); expect(foo,2,1); }); test("editing an attribute to same value should do nothing", function() { checkPreconditions(); SC.RunLoop.begin(); foo.writeAttribute("foo", "bar"); // NB: Must be "bar" SC.RunLoop.end(); expect(foo,0,0); }); test("destroying a record should change all", function() { checkPreconditions(); SC.RunLoop.begin(); foo.destroy(); expect(foo,1,0); // calling destroy() should specifically change status SC.RunLoop.end(); expect(foo,2,1); }); test("refreshing a record should change status", function() { checkPreconditions(); SC.RunLoop.begin(); foo.refresh(); SC.RunLoop.end(); expect(foo,1,0); }); test("committing attribute changes from nested store should change attrs", function() { checkPreconditions(); SC.RunLoop.begin(); var child = store.chain(); var foo2 = child.materializeRecord(foo.storeKey); foo2.writeAttribute('foo', 'baz'); // must not be 'bar' SC.RunLoop.end(); // no changes should happen yet on foo. expect(foo,0,0); SC.RunLoop.begin(); // commit child.commitChanges(); // now changes expect(foo,1,1); }); test("changing attributes on a parent store should notify child store if inherited", function() { var child = store.chain(); var oldfoo = foo; var parentfoo = store.materializeRecord(foo.storeKey); var childfoo = child.materializeRecord(foo.storeKey); equals(child.storeKeyEditState(foo.storeKey), SC.Store.INHERITED, 'precond - foo should be inherited from parent store'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); parentfoo.writeAttribute('foo', 'baz'); // must not be bar SC.RunLoop.end(); expect(childfoo,1,1); // should reflect on child }); test("changing attributes on a parent store should NOT notify child store if locked", function() { var child = store.chain(); var oldfoo = foo; var parentfoo = store.materializeRecord(foo.storeKey); var childfoo = child.materializeRecord(foo.storeKey); childfoo.readAttribute('foo'); equals(child.storeKeyEditState(foo.storeKey), SC.Store.EDITABLE, 'precond - foo should be locked from parent store'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); parentfoo.writeAttribute('foo', 'baz'); // must not be bar SC.RunLoop.end(); expect(childfoo,0,0); // should not reflect on child expect(parentfoo,2,1); // discarding changes should update // NOTE: recourds should change immediately on commit/discard changes. // test results here BEFORE run loop ends SC.RunLoop.begin(); child.discardChanges(); // make it match parent again expect(childfoo,1,1); //the childfoo record is reset to whatever the parentValue is. SC.RunLoop.end(); });