class NafSchema < ActiveRecord::Migration def up # Define a schema_name, the scheduling tables fall under: schema_name = Naf.schema_name # affinities # names: normal, canary, perennial # location: ip address # application/release on machine: application-release-number execute <<-SQL do LANGUAGE plpgsql $$ begin if (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname !~ '^pg_.*' AND nspname NOT IN ('information_schema') AND nspname = '#{schema_name}') > 0 THEN raise notice 'Skipping creation of schema: #{schema_name}, already exists'; else raise notice 'Creating new schema #{schema_name}'; create schema #{schema_name}; end if; end; $$; create table #{schema_name}.affinity_classifications ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, affinity_classification_name text not null unique ); insert into #{schema_name}.affinity_classifications (affinity_classification_name) values ('location'), ('purpose'), ('application'), ('weight'), ('machine'); create table #{schema_name}.affinities ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, selectable boolean not null default true, affinity_classification_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.affinity_classifications, affinity_name text not null, affinity_short_name text unique check ( affinity_short_name ~ '^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$' ), affinity_note text null, unique (affinity_classification_id, affinity_name) ); insert into #{schema_name}.affinities (affinity_classification_id, affinity_name, affinity_short_name) values ((select id from #{schema_name}.affinity_classifications where affinity_classification_name = 'purpose'), 'normal', 'normal'), ((select id from #{schema_name}.affinity_classifications where affinity_classification_name = 'purpose'), 'canary', 'canary'), ((select id from #{schema_name}.affinity_classifications where affinity_classification_name = 'purpose'), 'perennial', 'perennial'), ((select id from #{schema_name}.affinity_classifications where affinity_classification_name = 'weight'), 'memory', 'memory'), ((select id from #{schema_name}.affinity_classifications where affinity_classification_name = 'weight'), 'cpus', 'cpus'); create table #{schema_name}.machines ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, server_address inet not null unique, server_name text, short_name text unique check ( short_name ~ '^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$' ), server_note text, enabled boolean not null default true, thread_pool_size integer not null default 5, last_checked_schedules_at timestamp null, last_seen_alive_at timestamp null, marked_down boolean not null default false, marked_down_by_machine_id integer null references #{schema_name}.machines, marked_down_at timestamp null, log_level text null, deleted boolean not null default false check (deleted = false OR enabled = false) ); create table #{schema_name}.machine_affinity_slots ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), machine_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.machines, affinity_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.affinities, affinity_parameter numeric null, required boolean not null default false, unique (machine_id, affinity_id) ); create table #{schema_name}.machine_runners ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), machine_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.machines, runner_cwd text not null, unique (machine_id, runner_cwd) ); create table #{schema_name}.machine_runner_invocations ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, machine_runner_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.machine_runners, pid integer not null, dead_at timestamp null, wind_down_at timestamp null, commit_information text null, branch_name text null, repository_name text null, deployment_tag text null ); create table #{schema_name}.application_types ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, enabled boolean not null default true, script_type_name text unique not null, description text, invocation_method text not null ); insert into #{schema_name}.application_types (script_type_name, description, invocation_method) values ('rails', 'ruby on rails NAF application', 'rails_invocator'), ('bash command', 'bash command', 'bash_command_invocator'), ('bash script', 'bash script', 'bash_script_invocator'), ('ruby', 'ruby script', 'ruby_script_invocator'); create table #{schema_name}.applications ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, deleted boolean not null default false, application_type_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.application_types, command text not null, title text not null, short_name text null unique check ( short_name ~ '^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$' ), log_level text null ); insert into #{schema_name}.applications (application_type_id, command, title) values ( (select id from #{schema_name}.application_types where script_type_name = 'rails'), '', 'Database Janitorial Work' ); create table #{schema_name}.application_run_group_restrictions ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), application_run_group_restriction_name text unique not null ); insert into #{schema_name}.application_run_group_restrictions (application_run_group_restriction_name) values ('no limit'), ('limited per machine'), ('limited per all machines'); create table #{schema_name}.application_schedules ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, enabled boolean not null default true, visible boolean not null default true, application_id integer unique not null references #{schema_name}.applications, application_run_group_restriction_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.application_run_group_restrictions, application_run_group_name text null, application_run_group_limit integer null check (application_run_group_limit >= 1 or application_run_group_limit is null), run_start_minute integer null check (run_start_minute >= 0 and run_start_minute < (24 * 60)), run_interval integer null check (run_interval >= 0), priority integer not null default 0, enqueue_backlogs boolean not null default false, check (visible = true OR enabled = false), check (run_start_minute is null OR run_interval is null) ); insert into #{schema_name}.application_schedules (application_id, application_run_group_restriction_id, application_run_group_name, application_run_group_limit, run_start_minute, run_interval) values ( (select id from #{schema_name}.applications where command = ''), (select id from #{schema_name}.application_run_group_restrictions where application_run_group_restriction_name = 'limited per all machines'), '', 1, 5, null ); create unique index applications_have_one_schedule_udx on #{schema_name}.application_schedules (application_id) where enabled = true; create table #{schema_name}.application_schedule_affinity_tabs ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), application_schedule_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.application_schedules, affinity_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.affinities, affinity_parameter numeric null, UNIQUE (application_schedule_id, affinity_id) ); create table #{schema_name}.application_schedule_prerequisites ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), application_schedule_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.application_schedules, prerequisite_application_schedule_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.application_schedules, UNIQUE (application_schedule_id, prerequisite_application_schedule_id), CHECK (application_schedule_id <> prerequisite_application_schedule_id) ); create table #{schema_name}.historical_jobs ( id bigserial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, application_id integer null references #{schema_name}.applications, application_type_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.application_types, command text not null, application_run_group_restriction_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.application_run_group_restrictions, application_run_group_name text null, application_run_group_limit integer null default 1, priority integer not null default 0, started_on_machine_id integer null references #{schema_name}.machines, failed_to_start boolean null, started_at timestamp null, pid integer null, finished_at timestamp null, exit_status integer null, termination_signal integer null, state text null, request_to_terminate boolean not null default false, marked_dead_by_machine_id integer null references #{schema_name}.machines, marked_dead_at timestamp null, log_level text null, tags text[], machine_runner_invocation_id integer null references #{schema_name}.machine_runner_invocations ); create table #{schema_name}.historical_job_prerequisites ( id bigserial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), historical_job_id bigint not null, -- references #{schema_name}.historical_jobs, prerequisite_historical_job_id bigint not null, -- references #{schema_name}.historical_jobs, UNIQUE (historical_job_id, prerequisite_historical_job_id), CHECK (historical_job_id <> prerequisite_historical_job_id) ); create table #{schema_name}.historical_job_affinity_tabs ( id bigserial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), historical_job_id bigint not null, -- references #{schema_name}.historical_jobs, affinity_id bigint not null references #{schema_name}.affinities, affinity_parameter numeric null, UNIQUE (historical_job_id, affinity_id) ); create table #{schema_name}.queued_jobs ( id bigint not null primary key, -- references #{schema_name}.historical_jobs created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, application_id integer null references #{schema_name}.applications, application_type_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.application_types, command text not null, application_run_group_restriction_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.application_run_group_restrictions, application_run_group_name text null, application_run_group_limit integer null default 1, priority integer not null default 0 ); create table #{schema_name}.running_jobs ( id bigint not null primary key, -- references #{schema_name}.historical_jobs created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, application_id integer null references #{schema_name}.applications, application_type_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.application_types, command text not null, application_run_group_restriction_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.application_run_group_restrictions, application_run_group_name text null, application_run_group_limit integer null default 1, started_on_machine_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.machines, started_at timestamp null, pid integer null, request_to_terminate boolean not null default false, marked_dead_by_machine_id integer null references #{schema_name}.machines, marked_dead_at timestamp null, log_level text null ); create table #{schema_name}.janitorial_assignments ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, type text not null, enabled boolean not null default true, deleted boolean not null default false, model_name text not null, -- ::Naf::HistoricalJob assignment_order integer not null default 0, check (deleted = false OR enabled = false) ); create table #{schema_name}.logger_styles ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, name text not null unique, note text null ); create table #{schema_name}.logger_names ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, name text not null unique ); create table #{schema_name}.logger_levels ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, level text not null unique ); insert into #{schema_name}.logger_levels (level) values ('ALL'), ('DEBUG'), ('DEBUG_FINE'), ('DEBUG_MEDIUM'), ('DEBUG_GROSS'), ('DETAIL'), ('INFO'), ('WARN'), ('ALARM'), ('ERROR'), ('FATAL'), ('OFF'); create table #{schema_name}.logger_style_names ( id serial not null primary key, created_at timestamp not null default now(), updated_at timestamp, logger_style_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.logger_styles, logger_name_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.logger_names, logger_level_id integer not null references #{schema_name}.logger_levels, UNIQUE(logger_style_id, logger_name_id) ); insert into #{schema_name}.janitorial_assignments (type, assignment_order, model_name) values ('Naf::JanitorialCreateAssignment', 500, '::Naf::HistoricalJob'), ('Naf::JanitorialDropAssignment', 500, '::Naf::HistoricalJob'), ('Naf::JanitorialCreateAssignment', 125, '::Naf::HistoricalJobPrerequisite'), ('Naf::JanitorialDropAssignment', 125, '::Naf::HistoricalJobPrerequisite'), ('Naf::JanitorialCreateAssignment', 250, '::Naf::HistoricalJobAffinityTab'), ('Naf::JanitorialDropAssignment', 250, '::Naf::HistoricalJobAffinityTab'); set search_path = 'public'; SQL end def down schema_name = Naf.schema_name execute <<-SQL drop table #{schema_name}.janitorial_assignments cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.historical_job_affinity_tabs cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.historical_job_prerequisites cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.historical_jobs cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.running_jobs cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.queued_jobs cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.affinities cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.affinity_classifications cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.machines cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.machine_runner_invocations cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.machine_runners cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.machine_affinity_slots cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.applications cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.application_types cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.application_run_group_restrictions cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.application_schedule_prerequisites cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.application_schedules cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.application_schedule_affinity_tabs cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.logger_levels cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.logger_names cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.logger_styles cascade; drop table #{schema_name}.logger_style_names cascade; SQL if schema_name != "public" execute <<-SQL do LANGUAGE plpgsql $$ begin if (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = '#{schema_name}') > 0 THEN raise notice 'Skipping drop of schema:: #{schema_name}, there are still other tables under it!'; else raise notice 'Dropping schema #{schema_name}'; drop schema #{schema_name} cascade; end if; end; $$; SQL end schemas = execute <<-SQL SELECT 'drop schema ' || nspname ||' cascade;' FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'naf_historical_job_affinity_tabs_partitions' OR nspname = 'naf_historical_job_prerequisites_partitions' OR nspname = 'naf_historical_jobs_partitions'; SQL schemas.values.each do |schema| execute <<-SQL #{schema.first} SQL end end end