require 'securerandom' module Orats module Shell def run_from(path, command) run "cd #{path} && #{command} && cd -" end def log_message(type, message) puts say_status type, "#{message}...", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 0.25 end def git_commit(message) run_from @active_path, "git add . && git commit -m '#{message}'" end def gsub_postgres_info log_message 'root', 'Changing the postgres information' gsub_file "#{@active_path}/.env", ': localhost', ": #{@options[:pg_location]}" gsub_file "#{@active_path}/.env", ': postgres', ": #{@options[:pg_username]}" gsub_file "#{@active_path}/.env", ': supersecrets', ": #{@options[:pg_password]}" end def gsub_redis_info log_message 'root', 'Adding the redis password' gsub_file "#{@active_path}/config/initializers/sidekiq.rb", '//', '//:#{ENV[\'TESTPROJ_CACHE_PASSWORD\']}@' gsub_file "#{@active_path}/.env", ': greatsecurity', ": #{@options[:redis_password]}" end def gsub_project_path log_message 'root', 'Changing the project path' gsub_file "#{@active_path}/.env", ': /full/path/to/your/project', ": #{File.expand_path(@active_path)}" end def run_rake(command) log_message 'shell', 'Running rake commands' run_from @active_path, "bundle exec rake #{command}" end def bundle_install log_message 'shell', 'Running bundle install, this may take a while' run_from @active_path, 'bundle install' end def bundle_binstubs log_message 'shell', 'Running bundle binstubs for a few gems' run_from @active_path, 'bundle binstubs whenever puma sidekiq' end def spring_binstub log_message 'shell', 'Running spring binstub' run_from @active_path, 'bundle exec spring binstub --all' end def nuke_warning puts say_status 'nuke', "\e[1mYou are about to permanently delete this directory:\e[0m", :red say_status 'path', "#{File.expand_path(@app_name)}", :yellow puts end def rails_directories rails_gemfiles = run("find #{@active_path} -type f -name Gemfile | xargs grep -lE \"gem 'rails'|gem \\\"rails\\\"\"", capture: true) gemfile_paths = rails_gemfiles.split("\n") { |gemfile| File.dirname(gemfile) } end def nuke_data_details_warning rails_projects = [] rails_directories.each do |rails_dir| rails_projects << File.basename(rails_dir) end project_names = rails_projects.join(', ') puts say_status 'nuke', "\e[1mYou are about to permanently delete all postgres databases for:\e[0m", :red say_status 'databases', project_names, :yellow puts say_status 'nuke', "\e[1mYou are about to permanently delete all redis namespaces for:\e[0m", :red say_status 'namespace', project_names, :yellow puts end def nuke_data rails_directories.each do |directory| log_message 'root', 'Removing postgres databases' run_from directory, 'bundle exec rake db:drop:all' nuke_redis File.basename(directory) end end def can_play? log_message 'shell', 'Checking for the ansible binary' has_ansible = run('which ansible', capture: true) dependency_error 'Cannot access ansible', 'Are you sure you have ansible setup correctly?', '`' if has_ansible.empty? !has_ansible.empty? end def rails_template(command, flags = '') exit_if_cannot_rails exit_if_exists unless flags.index(/--skip/) run "rails new #{@active_path} #{flags} --skip-bundle --template #{File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/#{command}.rb" yield if block_given? end def play_app(path) return unless can_play? @active_path = path rails_template 'play' end def ansible_init(path) log_message 'shell', 'Creating ansible inventory' run "mkdir #{path}/inventory" run "mkdir #{path}/inventory/group_vars" copy_from_includes 'inventory/hosts', path copy_from_includes 'inventory/group_vars/all.yml', path secrets_path = "#{path}/secrets" log_message 'shell', 'Creating ansible secrets' run "mkdir #{secrets_path}" save_secret_string "#{secrets_path}/postgres_password" save_secret_string "#{secrets_path}/redis_password" save_secret_string "#{secrets_path}/mail_password" save_secret_string "#{secrets_path}/rails_token" save_secret_string "#{secrets_path}/devise_token" save_secret_string "#{secrets_path}/devise_pepper_token" log_message 'shell', 'Modifying secrets path in group_vars/all.yml' update_secrets_path secrets_path log_message 'shell', 'Creating ssh keypair' run "echo '' | echo '' | echo #{secrets_path}/id_rsa | ssh-keygen -t rsa" log_message 'shell', 'Creating self signed ssl certificates' # these are very insecure as I'm not generating new keys for everyone, this should only be used to test # SSL on your web app before switching to signed keys from a trusted vendor copy_from_includes 'secrets/sslcert.crt', path copy_from_includes 'secrets/sslkey.key', path end private def save_secret_string(file), 'w+') { |f| f.write(SecureRandom.hex(64)) } end def update_secrets_path(secrets_path) all_yaml_path = "#{secrets_path}/../inventory/group_vars/all.yml" IO.write(all_yaml_path, do |f|'~/tmp/testproj/secrets/', secrets_path) end ) end def copy_from_includes(file, destination_root_path) base_path = "#{File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/includes" log_message 'shell', "Creating #{file}" run "cp #{base_path}/#{file} #{destination_root_path}/#{file}" end def nuke_redis(namespace) log_message 'root', 'Removing redis keys' run "redis-cli KEYS '#{namespace}:*' | xargs --delim='\n' redis-cli DEL" end def nuke_directory log_message 'root', 'Deleting directory' run "rm -rf #{@active_path}" end def dependency_error(message, question, answer) puts say_status 'error', "\e[1m#{message}\e[0m", :red say_status 'question', question, :yellow say_status 'answer', answer, :cyan puts '-'*80 puts end def exit_if_cannot_rails log_message 'shell', 'Checking for rails' has_rails = run('which rails', capture: true) dependency_error 'Cannot access rails', 'Are you sure you have rails setup correctly?', 'You can install it by running `gem install rails`' if has_rails.empty? exit 1 if has_rails.empty? end def exit_if_exists log_message 'shell', 'Checking if a file or directory already exists' if Dir.exist?(@active_path) || File.exist?(@active_path) puts say_status 'aborting', "\e[1mA file or directory already exists at this location:\e[0m", :red say_status 'location', @active_path, :yellow puts '-'*80 puts exit 1 end end end end