module ROM module Plugins module Relation module SQL # Instrumentation for relations and commands # # This plugin allows configuring a notification system, that will be used # to instrument interactions with databases, it's based on an abstract API # so it should work with any instrumentation object that provides # `instrument(identifier, payload)` method. # # By default, instrumentation is triggered with following arguments: # - `identifier` is set to `:sql` # - `payload` is set to a hash with following keys: # - `:name` database type, ie `:sqlite`, `:postgresql` etc. # - `:query` a string with an SQL statement that was executed # # @example configuring notifications # config =, 'sqlite::memory') # # config.plugin(:sql, relations: :instrumentation) do |c| # c.notifications = # end # # @api public module Instrumentation extend Notifications::Listener subscribe('configuration.relations.registry.created') do |event| registry = event[:registry] relations = { |_, r| r.adapter == :sql && r.respond_to?(:notifications) }.to_h db_notifications = { |r| [r.dataset.db, r.notifications] }.uniq.to_h db_notifications.each do |db, notifications| instrumenter =, notifications) db.extend(instrumenter) end end # This stateful module is used to extend database connection objects # and monkey-patches `log_connection_yield` method, which unfortunately # is the only way to provide instrumentation on the sequel side. # # @api private class Instrumenter < Module # @!attribute [r] name # @return [Symbol] database type attr_reader :name # @!attribute [r] notifications # @return [Object] any object that responds to `instrument` attr_reader :notifications # @api private def initialize(name, notifications) @name = name @notifications = notifications define_log_connection_yield end private # @api private def define_log_connection_yield name = notifications = self.notifications define_method(:log_connection_yield) do |*args, &block| notifications.instrument(:sql, name: name, query: args[0]) do super(*args, &block) end end end end # Add `:notifications` option to a relation # # @api private def self.included(klass) super klass.option :notifications end end end end end end ROM.plugins do adapter :sql do register :instrumentation, ROM::Plugins::Relation::SQL::Instrumentation, type: :relation end end