# encoding: utf-8 module Mail module Utilities module ClassMethods # :nodoc: end module InstanceMethods include Patterns # Returns true if the string supplied is free from characters not allowed as an ATOM def atom_safe?( str ) not ATOM_UNSAFE === str end # If the string supplied has ATOM unsafe characters in it, will return the string quoted # in double quotes, otherwise returns the string unmodified def quote_atom( str ) (ATOM_UNSAFE === str) ? dquote(str) : str end # If the string supplied has PHRASE unsafe characters in it, will return the string quoted # in double quotes, otherwise returns the string unmodified def quote_phrase( str ) if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' original_encoding = str.encoding str.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') if (PHRASE_UNSAFE === str) dquote(str).force_encoding(original_encoding) else str.force_encoding(original_encoding) end else (PHRASE_UNSAFE === str) ? dquote(str) : str end end # Returns true if the string supplied is free from characters not allowed as a TOKEN def token_safe?( str ) not TOKEN_UNSAFE === str end # If the string supplied has TOKEN unsafe characters in it, will return the string quoted # in double quotes, otherwise returns the string unmodified def quote_token( str ) (TOKEN_UNSAFE === str) ? dquote(str) : str end # Wraps supplied string in double quotes unless it is already wrapped. # # Additionally will escape any double quotation marks in the string with a single # backslash in front of the '"' character. def dquote( str ) str = $1 if str =~ /^"(.*)?"$/ # First remove all escaped double quotes: str = str.gsub(/\\"/, '"') # Then wrap and re-escape all double quotes '"' + str.gsub(/["]/n) {|s| '\\' + s } + '"' end # Unwraps supplied string from inside double quotes. # # Example: # # string = '"This is a string"' # unquote(string) #=> 'This is a string' def unquote( str ) str =~ /^"(.*?)"$/ ? $1 : str end # Wraps a string in parenthesis and escapes any that are in the string itself. # # Example: # # string def paren( str ) RubyVer.paren( str ) end # Unwraps a string from being wrapped in parenthesis # # Example: # # str = '(This is a string)' # unparen( str ) #=> 'This is a string' def unparen( str ) str =~ /^\((.*?)\)$/ ? $1 : str end # Escape parenthesies in a string # # Example: # # str = 'This is (a) string' # escape_paren( str ) #=> 'This is \(a\) string' def escape_paren( str ) RubyVer.escape_paren( str ) end # Matches two objects with their to_s values case insensitively # # Example: # # obj2 = "This_is_An_object" # obj1 = :this_IS_an_object # match_to_s( obj1, obj2 ) #=> true def match_to_s( obj1, obj2 ) obj1.to_s.downcase == obj2.to_s.downcase end # Capitalizes a string that is joined by hyphens correctly. # # Example: # # string = 'resent-from-field' # capitalize_field( string ) #=> 'Resent-From-Field' def capitalize_field( str ) str.to_s.split("-").map { |v| v.capitalize }.join("-") end # Takes an underscored word and turns it into a class name # # Example: # # constantize("hello") #=> "Hello" # constantize("hello-there") #=> "HelloThere" # constantize("hello-there-mate") #=> "HelloThereMate" def constantize( str ) str.to_s.split(/[-_]/).map { |v| v.capitalize }.to_s end # Swaps out all underscores (_) for hyphens (-) good for stringing from symbols # a field name. # # Example: # # string = :resent_from_field # dasherize ( string ) #=> 'resent-from-field' def dasherize( str ) str.to_s.gsub('_', '-') end # Swaps out all hyphens (-) for underscores (_) good for stringing to symbols # a field name. # # Example: # # string = :resent_from_field # underscoreize ( string ) #=> 'resent_from_field' def underscoreize( str ) str.to_s.downcase.gsub('-', '_') end end def self.included(receiver) # :nodoc: receiver.extend ClassMethods receiver.send :include, InstanceMethods end end end