require 'battlenet/api' describe Battlenet::API do context "configuration management" do it "defauls to nil when getting an unset option" do subject.get_option(:a_fake_setting_i_made_up).should be_nil end it "returns a passed value if an option is not set" do subject.get_option(:a_fake_setting_i_made_up, "value").should == "value" end it "allows setting and retrieving a value" do subject.set_option(:a_fake_setting_i_made_up, "my_value") subject.get_option(:a_fake_setting_i_made_up).should == "my_value" end end context "default configuration" do it "defaults to the US region" do subject.get_option(:region).should == :us end it "defaults to indifferent hashes" do subject.get_option(:indifferent_hashes).should == true end it "defaults to the Net::HTTP library" do subject.get_option(:http_adapter).should == :net_http end end context "HTTP adapter" do it "retrieval is via the Adapter module" do adapter = subject.get_option(:http_adapter) Battlenet::AdapterManager.should_receive(:fetch).with(adapter) subject.send(:adapter) end it "caches its adapter" do mock_adapter = mock("adapter") Battlenet::AdapterManager.should_receive(:fetch).with(any_args()).and_return(mock_adapter) adapter = subject.send(:adapter) subject.set_option(:http_adapter, :fake_adapter) subject.send(:adapter).should == mock_adapter end end it "returns a base URL dependant on the region" do old_region = subject.get_option(:region) subject.set_option(:region, :eu) subject.send(:base_url).should == "" subject.set_option(:region, old_region) end context "#make_query_string" do it "produces an empty string with an empty hash" do str = subject.send(:make_query_string, {}) str.should be_empty end it "starts with a question mark" do str = subject.send(:make_query_string, {:first => "value1", :second => "value2"}) str.start_with?("?").should == true end it "parses a basic hash" do str = subject.send(:make_query_string, {:first => "value1", :second => "value2"}) str.should == "?first=value1&second=value2" end it "parses a hash with array values" do str = subject.send(:make_query_string, {:first => ["value1", "value2"], :second => "value3"}) str.should == "?first=value1&first=value2&second=value3" end it "escapes values" do str = subject.send(:make_query_string, {:first => ["value1", "va&lue2"], :second => "val&ue3"}) str.should == "?first=value1&first=va%26lue2&second=val%26ue3" end end context "#make_api_call" do it "makes a get call with the correct URL" do subject.should_receive(:get).once.with("").and_return([200, '{"testing": "value"}']) subject.send(:make_api_call, '/my/path') end it "adds a slash to the path if necessary" do subject.should_receive(:get).once.with("").and_return([200, '{"testing": "value"}']) subject.send(:make_api_call, 'my/path') end it "converts the second parameter into a query string" do options = {:first => ["value1", "va&lue2"], :second => "val&ue3"} query_string = subject.send(:make_query_string, options) subject.should_receive(:get).once.with("{query_string}").and_return([200, '{"testing": "value"}']) subject.send(:make_api_call, 'my/path', options) end it "raises an exception on an error" do subject.adapter.should_receive(:get).and_return([404, "not found"]) lambda { subject.make_api_call('my/path') }.should raise_error Battlenet::API::APIError, /404 (.*) not found/ end it "returns the data as JSON" do subject.adapter.should_receive(:get).and_return([200, '{"testing": "value"}']) data = subject.make_api_call('my/path') data.should be_a Hash data["testing"].should == "value" end end end