module CQM # Provider model that holds non-QDM data for the provider. As well as indentifiers referenced in QDM class Provider include Mongoid::Document NPI_OID = '2.16.840.1.113883.4.6'.freeze TAX_ID_OID = '2.16.840.1.113883.4.2'.freeze CCN_OID = '2.16.840.1.113883.4.336'.freeze field :givenNames, type: Array field :familyName, type: String field :specialty, type: String field :title, type: String validates_uniqueness_of :npi, allow_blank: true embeds_many :addresses embeds_many :telecoms embeds_many :ids, class_name: 'QDM::Id' def npi=(an_npi) cda_id_npi = ids.where(namingSystem: NPI_OID).first if cda_id_npi cda_id_npi.value = an_npi! else ids << NPI_OID, value: an_npi) end end def npi cda_id_npi = ids.where(namingSystem: NPI_OID).first cda_id_npi ? cda_id_npi.value : nil end def tin=(a_tin) ids << TAX_ID_OID, value: a_tin) end def tin cda_id_tin = ids.where(namingSystem: TAX_ID_OID).first cda_id_tin ? cda_id_tin.value : nil end def ccn=(a_ccn) cda_id_ccn = ids.where(namingSystem: CCN_OID).first if cda_id_ccn cda_id_ccn.value = a_ccn! else ids << CCN_OID, value: a_ccn) end end def ccn cda_id_ccn = ids.where(namingSystem: CCN_OID).first cda_id_ccn ? cda_id_ccn.value : nil end # validate the NPI, should be 10 or 15 digits total with the final digit being a # checksum using the Luhn algorithm with additional special handling as described in # def self.valid_npi?(npi) return false unless npi return false if npi.length != 10 && npi.length != 15 return false if npi.gsub(/\d/, '').length.positive? # npi must be all digits return false if npi.length == 15 && (npi =~ /^80840/).nil? # 15 digit npi must start with 80840 # checksum is always calculated as if 80840 prefix is present npi = '80840' + npi if npi.length == 10 luhn_checksum(npi[0, 14]) == npi[14] end def self.luhn_checksum(num) double = { '0' => 0, '1' => 2, '2' => 4, '3' => 6, '4' => 8, '5' => 1, '6' => 3, '7' => 5, '8' => 7, '9' => 9 } sum = 0 num.reverse! num.split('').each_with_index do |char, i| sum += if (i % 2).zero? double[char] else char.to_i end end sum = (9 * sum) % 10 sum.to_s end end # Model for a standard postal address class Address include Mongoid::Document field :street, type: Array, default: [] field :city, type: String field :state, type: String field :zip, type: String field :country, type: String field :use, type: String end # Model for a standard telephone number class Telecom include Mongoid::Document field :use, type: String field :value, type: String field :preferred, type: Boolean end end