require "optparse" require "git_commands/computer" module GitCommands class CLI include Prompt VALID_COMMANDS = %w[rebase aggregate remove] class UnknownCommandError < ArgumentError; end def initialize(command_name:, args: ARGV, out: STDOUT, computer_klass: Computer) @command_name = check_command_name(command_name) @computer_klass = computer_klass @args = args @out = out @repo = nil @branches = nil end def call parser.parse!(@args) @origin ||= Branch::ORIGIN @default ||= Branch::DEFAULT computer = @repo, branches: @branches, origin: @origin, default: @default) computer.send(@command_name) rescue Repository::PathError, Computer::GitError, AbortError, Repository::InvalidError => e error(e.message) exit end private def check_command_name(name) return name if VALID_COMMANDS.include?(name) fail UnknownCommandError, "#{name} is not a supported command" end private def parser do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{@command_name} --repo=/Users/Elvis/greatest_hits --origin=upstream --default=production --branches=feature/love_me_tender,fetaure/teddybear" opts.on("-rREPO", "--repo=REPO", "The path to the existing GIT repository") do |repo| @repo = repo end opts.on("-oORIGIN", "--origin=ORIGIN", "Specify the remote alias (origin)") do |origin| @origin = origin end opts.on("-dDEFAULT", "--default=DEFAULT", "Specify the default branch (master)") do |default| @default = default end opts.on("-bBRANCHES", "--branches=BRANCHES", "Specify branches as: 1. a comma-separated list of names 2. the path to a file containing names on each line 3. via pattern matching") do |branches| @branches = branches end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Prints this help") do @out.puts opts exit end end end end end