How is your app doing?

This page shows how your app is doing in cohorts of monthly signups. Analyzing your app's usage in monthly cohorts helps you pinpoint important changes to your app and or marketing strategy.

The Activation graph tells you how your app is growing and which cohort performed the most subsequent actions in your app.
The Retention graph shows you how many users stay active in your app in the months after signing up.

<%= @user_class.count %>
<%= @number_of_weeks %> weeks
Current Cohort
<%= @current_cohort_label %>


<%= area_chart( [ { name: ">= 5 interactions", data: @graphs[:activation][:five_activations] }, { name: "<= 5 interactions", data: @graphs[:activation][:one_activation] }, { name: "Signup without interacting", data: @graphs[:activation][:signup_without_activation] }], library: { legend: { position: "bottom" } } )%>


<%= area_chart(@graphs[:retention].map { |k,v| {name: k, data: v}}, stacked: true, library: { bar: { groupWidth: "98%" }, legend: { position: "bottom" } } ) %>