class Licensee class InvalidLicense < ArgumentError; end class License class << self def all(options={}) @all ||= { |key| } options[:hidden] ? @all : @all.reject { |l| l.hidden? } end def keys @keys ||= { |l| File.basename(l, ".txt").downcase } + ["other"] end def find(key, options={}) options = {:hidden => true}.merge(options) key = key.downcase all(options).find { |license| license.key == key } end alias_method :[], :find alias_method :find_by_key, :find def license_dir File.expand_path "../../vendor/", File.dirname(__FILE__) end def license_files @license_files ||= Dir.glob("#{license_dir}/*.txt") end end attr_reader :key YAML_DEFAULTS = { "featured" => false, "hidden" => false, "variant" => false } HIDDEN_LICENSES = %w[other no-license] def initialize(key) @key=key.downcase end # Path to vendored license file on disk def path @path ||= File.expand_path "#{@key}.txt", Licensee::License.license_dir end # Raw content of license file, including YAML front matter def content @content ||= if File.exists?(path) elsif key == "other" # A pseudo-license with no content nil else raise Licensee::InvalidLicense, "'#{key}' is not a valid license key" end end # License metadata from YAML front matter def meta @meta ||= if parts && parts[1] if YAML.respond_to? :safe_load meta = YAML.safe_load(parts[1]) else meta = YAML.load(parts[1]) end YAML_DEFAULTS.merge(meta) end end # Returns the human-readable license name def name meta.nil? ? key.capitalize : meta["title"] end def featured? !!(meta["featured"] if meta) end alias_method :featured, :featured? def hidden? return true if HIDDEN_LICENSES.include?(key) !!(meta["hidden"] if meta) end # The license body (e.g., contents - frontmatter) def body @body ||= parts[2] if parts && parts[2] end alias_method :to_s, :body alias_method :text, :body # License body with all whitespace replaced with a single space def body_normalized @content_normalized ||= body.to_s.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, " ").strip end # Git-computed hash signature for the license file def hashsig @hashsig ||= body, Rugged::Blob::HashSignature::WHITESPACE_SMART) unless body.nil? rescue Rugged::InvalidError nil end def inspect "#" end def url URI.join(Licensee::DOMAIN, "/licenses/#{key}/").to_s end def ==(other) other != nil && key == other.key end private def parts @parts ||= content.match(/\A(---\n.*\n---\n+)?(.*)/m).to_a if content end end end