# # $Id: htmlutils.rb 2227 2006-05-13 00:09:08Z aamine $ # # Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Minero Aoki # # This program is free software. # You can distribute or modify this program under the terms of # the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1. # require 'cgi/util' module ReVIEW module HTMLUtils ESC = { '&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '"' => '"' } def escape_html(str) t = ESC str.gsub(/[&"<>]/) {|c| t[c] } end alias_method :escape, :escape_html alias_method :h, :escape_html def unescape_html(str) # FIXME: better code str.gsub('"', '"').gsub('>', '>').gsub('<', '<').gsub('&', '&') end alias_method :unescape, :unescape_html def strip_html(str) str.gsub(/<\/?[^>]*>/, "") end def escape_comment(str) str.gsub('-', '-') end def highlight? @book.config["highlight"] && @book.config["highlight"]["html"] end def highlight(ops) if @book.config["pygments"].present? raise ReVIEW::ConfigError, "'pygments:' in config.yml is obsoleted." end return ops[:body].to_s if !highlight? if @book.config["highlight"]["html"] == "pygments" highlight_pygments(ops) elsif @book.config["highlight"]["html"] == "rouge" highlight_rouge(ops) else raise ReVIEW::ConfigError, "unknown highlight method #{@book.config["highlight"]["html"]} in config.yml." end end def highlight_pygments(ops) body = ops[:body] || '' if @book.config["highlight"] && @book.config["highlight"]["lang"] lexer = @book.config["highlight"]["lang"] # default setting else lexer = 'text' end lexer = ops[:lexer] if ops[:lexer].present? format = ops[:format] || '' options = {:nowrap => true, :noclasses => true} if ops[:linenum] options[:nowrap] = false options[:linenos] = 'inline' end if ops[:options] && ops[:options].kind_of?(Hash) options.merge!(ops[:options]) end begin require 'pygments' begin Pygments.highlight(unescape_html(body), :options => options, :formatter => format, :lexer => lexer) rescue MentosError body end rescue LoadError body end end def highlight_rouge(ops) body = ops[:body] || '' if ops[:lexer].present? lexer = ops[:lexer] elsif @book.config["highlight"] && @book.config["highlight"]["lang"] lexer = @book.config["highlight"]["lang"] # default setting else lexer = 'text' end format = ops[:format] || '' first_line_num = 1 ## default if ops[:options] && ops[:options][:linenostart] first_line_num = ops[:options][:linenostart] end require 'rouge' lexer = Rouge::Lexer.find(lexer) raise "unknown lexer #{lexer}" unless lexer formatter = Rouge::Formatters::HTML.new(:css_class => 'highlight') if ops[:linenum] formatter = Rouge::Formatters::HTMLTable.new(formatter, :table_class => 'highlight rouge-table', :start_line => first_line_num) end raise "unknown formatter #{formatter}" unless formatter text = unescape_html(body) formatter.format(lexer.lex(text)) end def normalize_id(id) if id =~ /\A[a-z][a-z0-9_.-]*\Z/i return id elsif id =~ /\A[0-9_.-][a-z0-9_.-]*\Z/i return "id_#{id}" # dummy prefix else return "id_#{CGI.escape(id.gsub("_", "__")).gsub("%", "_").gsub("+", "-")}" # escape all end end end end # module ReVIEW