var app = angular.module('rdb', ['ngTable']) function Events(url) { this.source = new EventSource(url); this.handlers = {}; var self = this; this.source.addEventListener('message', function(e) { var message = JSON.parse(; var handlers = self.handlers[message.event]; if (handlers) { for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; ++i) { handlers[i](message); } } }, false); this.on = function(eventName, handler) { if (typeof eventName == 'string') { this.handlers[eventName] = this.handlers[eventName] || []; this.handlers[eventName].push(handler); } else if (eventName instanceof Array) { var names = eventName; for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { this.on(names[i], handler); } } }; } app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $http) { var self = this; $scope.process = null; $scope.running = true; $scope.activeThread = null; $scope.activeFrame = null; $scope.locals = {}; self.liveThread = null; $ = new Events('/events'); $'break', function() { $scope.$apply(function() { updateThreads(); updateRunning(); }); }); $scope.showSettings = function() { }; $scope.pause = function() { $http.put('/pause') .success(function(res) { $scope.running = res.running; updateThreads(); }); }; $scope.resume = function() { $http.put('/resume') .success(function(res) { $scope.running = res.running; }); }; $scope.stepIn = function() { $http.put('/step-in') .success(function(res) { updateThreads(); updateLocals(); }); }; $scope.stepOver = function() { $http.put('/step-over') .success(function(res) { updateThreads(); updateLocals(); }); }; $scope.stepOut = function() { $http.put('/step-out') .success(function(res) { updateThreads(); updateLocals(); }); }; $scope.openFile = function(path, line) { $'/open', { path: path, line: line }) .success(function() { }); } $scope.setActiveThread = function(thread) { $scope.activeThread = thread; $scope.setActiveFrame(thread.backtrace[0]); }; $scope.setActiveFrame = function(frame) { $scope.activeFrame = frame; }; function updateThreads() { $http.get('/threads') .success(function(res) { $scope.threads = res; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.threads.length; ++i) { var thread = $scope.threads[i]; if (thread.main) { self.liveThread = thread; $scope.setActiveThread(self.liveThread); break; } } }); } function updateLocals() { $http.get('/locals') .success(function(res) { $scope.locals = res; }); } function updateRunning() { $http.get('/running') .success(function(res) { $scope.running = res.running; }); } function connect() { $http.get('/process') .success(function(res) { $scope.process = res.process; }); updateRunning(); updateThreads(); updateLocals(); } connect(); }); app.controller('SourceEditCtrl', function($scope, $http) { var self = this; // Maps line number to breakpoint ID. self.breakpoints = {}; self.activeLineMarker = null; self.activeGutterRow = null; self.editor = null; function setupEditor() { var editor = ace.edit('source-editor'); editor.setTheme('ace/theme/clouds'); editor.session.setMode("ace/mode/ruby"); editor.setReadOnly(true); editor.setShowPrintMargin(false); editor.on('guttermousedown', function(e) { if (e.domEvent.button != 0 /* left click */) { return; } var target =; if (target.className.indexOf('ace_gutter-cell') < 0) { return; } var row = e.getDocumentPosition().row; var line = row + 1; var breakpoints = e.editor.session.getBreakpoints(); var exists = breakpoints[row] != null; if (exists) { removeBreakpoint(line); } else { addBreakpoint(line); } e.stop(); }); self.editor = editor; } $scope.$watch('activeFrame', function(newFrame, oldFrame) { if (newFrame == null) { return; } if ((oldFrame == null) || (newFrame.path != oldFrame.path)) { // TODO: Avoid requesting source constantly if we already have it locally. // TODO: Cache source locally (in-mem, localStorage). $http.get('/source', { params: { path: newFrame.path } }) .success(function(res) { $scope.currentSource = res; self.editor.setValue($scope.currentSource, newFrame.line); setActiveLine(newFrame.line); }); } else { setActiveLine(newFrame.line); } }); function setActiveLine(line) { if (!self.editor) return; setTimeout(function() { self.editor.scrollToLine(line, true, true, function() {}); var lineText = self.editor.session.getLine(line - 1); var endCol = lineText.length; var startCol = 1; var match = /\S/.exec(lineText); if (match) { startCol = match.index; } if (self.activeLineMarker != null) { self.editor.session.removeMarker(self.activeLineMarker); } var row = line - 1; var aceRange = ace.require('ace/range').Range; var range = new aceRange(row, startCol, row, endCol); self.activeLineMarker = self.editor.session.addMarker(range, 'live-command', 'text'); if (self.activeGutterRow != null) { self.editor.session.removeGutterDecoration(self.activeGutterRow, 'live-command'); } self.activeGutterRow = row; self.editor.session.addGutterDecoration(self.activeGutterRow, 'live-command'); }, 0); }; function addBreakpoint(line) { var params = { file: $scope.activeFrame.path, line: line }; $'/breakpoints', params) .success(function(res) { var row = line - 1; self.editor.session.setBreakpoint(row); var breakpointId =; self.breakpoints[line] = breakpointId; }); } function removeBreakpoint(line) { var breakpointId = self.breakpoints[line]; if (breakpointId == null) { return; } $http.delete('/breakpoints/' + breakpointId) .success(function(res) { var row = line - 1; self.editor.session.clearBreakpoint(row); delete self.breakpoints[line]; }); } function updateBreakpoints() { $http.get('/breakpoints') .success(function(res) { for (var line in self.breakpoints) { var row = line - 1; self.editor.session.clearBreakpoint(row); } self.breakpoints = {}; for (var i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) { var breakpoint = res[i]; var row = breakpoint.line - 1; self.editor.session.setBreakpoint(row); self.breakpoints[breakpoint.line] =; } }); } $['breakpoint-created', 'breakpoint-deleted'], function(e) { $scope.$apply(function() { updateBreakpoints(); }); }); updateBreakpoints(); setTimeout(setupEditor, 0); }); app.controller('ExpressionEditCtrl', function($scope, $http) { var self = this; self.editor = null; function setupEditor() { // TODO: Should be a directive? var editor = ace.edit('expr-editor'); editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false); editor.renderer.setShowPrintMargin(false); editor.setValue('> '); editor.navigateLineEnd(); editor.navigateRight(1); editor.session.setUseWrapMode(true); editor.commands.addCommand({ name: 'Clear', bindKey: { win: 'Ctrl-L', mac: 'Command-L' }, exec: function(editor) { editor.setValue('> '); editor.navigateLineEnd(); editor.navigateRight(1); return true; } }); editor.commands.addCommand({ name: 'Evaluate', bindKey: { win: 'Enter', mac: 'Enter' }, exec: function(editor) { var lineNumber = editor.selection.getCursor().row; var line = editor.session.getLine(lineNumber); var match = /\s*>\s*(.*)/.exec(line); if (match) { var expr = match[1]; var params = { expr: match[1], frame: getFrameIndex($scope.activeFrame) }; $http.put('/eval', params) .success(function(res) { editor.insert('\n'); editor.insert(JSON.stringify(res)); editor.insert('\n> '); }); } return true; } }); self.editor = editor; } function getFrameIndex(frame) { var frames = $scope.activeThread.backtrace; for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i) { if (frames[i] == frame) { return i; } } return null; } setTimeout(setupEditor, 0); }); app.controller('EnvironmentCtrl', function($scope, ngTableParams) { $scope.tableParams = new ngTableParams({ count: 0 }, { counts: [] }); $scope.$watch('process', function(newProcess, _) { if (newProcess == null) { return; } $scope.tableParams = new ngTableParams({ count: Object.keys(newProcess.env).length }, { counts: [], total: Object.keys(newProcess.env).length, getData: function($defer, params) { $defer.resolve(newProcess.env) } }); // See $scope.tableParams.settings().$scope = $scope; $scope.tableParams.reload(); }); });