# frozen_string_literal: true # Admin::DocumentsController module Admin class DocumentsController < Admin::AdminController ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters = true before_action :set_document, only: %i[show edit update destroy versions] # GET /documents # GET /documents.json def index @request = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host}:#{request.port}" query_params = { q: params["q"], f: params["f"], page: params["page"], rows: params["rows"] || 20, sort: params["sort"] || "score desc", daterange: params["daterange"] || nil } @documents = BlacklightApi.new(@request, **query_params) respond_to do |format| format.html { render :index } format.json { render json: @documents.results.to_json } # JSON - BTAA Aardvark format.json_btaa_aardvark do ExportJsonJob.perform_later(@request, current_user, query_params.merge!({format: "json_btaa_aardvark"}), ExportJsonService) head :no_content end # JSON - GBL Aardvark format.json_aardvark do ExportJsonJob.perform_later(@request, current_user, query_params.merge!({format: "json_aardvark"}), ExportJsonService) head :no_content end # JSON - GBL v1 format.json_gbl_v1 do ExportJsonJob.perform_later(@request, current_user, query_params.merge!({format: "json_gbl_v1"}), ExportJsonService) head :no_content end # JSON - FILE format.json_file do ExportJsonBulkJob.perform_later(@request, current_user, query_params.merge!({format: "json_file"}), ExportJsonService) head :no_content end # CSV - B1G format.csv do ExportJob.perform_later(@request, current_user, query_params, ExportCsvService) head :no_content end # CSV Document Downloads - B1G format.csv_document_downloads do ExportJob.perform_later(@request, current_user, query_params, ExportCsvDocumentDownloadsService) head :no_content end # CSV Document Access Links - B1G format.csv_document_access_links do ExportJob.perform_later(@request, current_user, query_params, ExportCsvDocumentAccessLinksService) head :no_content end end end # Fetch documents from array of friendlier_ids def fetch @request = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host}:#{request.port}" @documents = Document.where(friendlier_id: params["ids"]) respond_to do |format| format.html { render :index } format.json { render json: @documents.to_json } # JSON - BTAA Aardvark format.json_btaa_aardvark do ExportJsonJob.perform_later(@request, current_user, {ids: @documents.pluck(:friendlier_id), format: "json_btaa_aardvark"}, ExportJsonService) head :no_content end # JSON - GBL Aardvark format.json_aardvark do ExportJsonJob.perform_later(@request, current_user, {ids: @documents.pluck(:friendlier_id), format: "json_aardvark"}, ExportJsonService) head :no_content end # JSON - GBL v1 format.json_gbl_v1 do ExportJsonJob.perform_later(@request, current_user, {ids: @documents.pluck(:friendlier_id), format: "json_gbl_v1"}, ExportJsonService) head :no_content end # CSV - B1G format.csv do ExportJob.perform_later(@request, current_user, {ids: @documents.pluck(:friendlier_id), format: "csv"}, ExportCsvService) head :no_content end # CSV Document Downloads - B1G format.csv_document_downloads do ExportJob.perform_later(@request, current_user, {ids: @documents.pluck(:friendlier_id), format: "csv_document_downloads"}, ExportCsvDocumentDownloadsService) head :no_content end # CSV Document Downloads - B1G format.csv_document_access_links do ExportJob.perform_later(@request, current_user, {ids: @documents.pluck(:friendlier_id), format: "csv_document_access_links"}, ExportCsvDocumentAccessLinksService) head :no_content end end end # GET /documents/new def new @document = Document.new render :edit end # GET /documents/1/edit def edit end # GET /documents/1/versions def versions end # POST /documents # POST /documents.json def create @document = Document.new(document_params) @document.friendlier_id = @document.send(GeoblacklightAdmin::Schema.instance.solr_fields[:id]) respond_to do |format| if @document.save format.html { redirect_to admin_documents_path, notice: "Document was successfully created." } format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @document } else format.html { render :edit } format.json { render json: @document.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # PATCH/PUT /documents/1 # PATCH/PUT /documents/1.json def update respond_to do |format| if @document.update(document_params) format.html { redirect_to edit_admin_document_path(@document), notice: "Document was successfully updated." } format.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: @document } else format.html { render :edit } format.json { render json: @document.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # DELETE /documents/1 # DELETE /documents/1.json def destroy @document.destroy respond_to do |format| format.html do redirect_to admin_documents_url, notice: "Document '#{@document.title}' was successfully destroyed." end format.json { head :no_content } end end def show respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to edit_admin_document_url(@document) } format.json { render json: @document.to_json } # App-style JSON format.json_aardvark format.json_btaa_aardvark format.json_gbl_v1 # B1G CSV format.csv { send_data collect_csv([@document]), filename: "documents-#{Time.zone.today}.csv" } # @TODO: # geoblacklight_version: 1.0 (strict) # geoblacklight_version: 1.0 + B1G customizations # geoblacklight_version: 2.0 (strict) # geoblacklight_version: 2.0 + B1G customizations end end private # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions. def set_document @document = Document.includes(:leaf_representative).find_by!(friendlier_id: params[:id] || params[:document_id]) end # only allow whitelisted params through (TODO, we're allowing all document params!) # Plus sanitization or any other mutation. # # This could be done in a form object or otherwise abstracted, but this is good # enough for now. def permittable_params %i[title publication_state layer_geom_type_s dct_references_s q f page sort rows daterange] end def document_params Kithe::Parameters.new(params).require(:document).permit_attr_json(Document).permit(permittable_params) end def collect_csv(documents) CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv| csv << GeoblacklightAdmin::Schema.instance.exportable_fields.map { |k, _v| k.to_s } if documents.instance_of?(BlacklightApi) documents.load_all.map do |doc| csv << doc.to_csv if doc.present? end else documents.each do |doc| csv << doc.to_csv end end end end end end