// add methods to a form element so it can be easily manipulated // // add client side validation // understands: // - rails form structures // - rails form errors in JSON // - etc (function($) { $.fn.edifice_form = function() { $.extend(this, methods); return this; }; // VALIDATORS: // validators expect a form element and return true or an error message $.fn.edifice_form.validators = { not_empty: function($input) { return $input.val() ? true : 'must not be empty'; } }; // in these 'this' is the $form var methods = { fields: function() { return this.find('input, textarea, select'); }, error_fields: function() { var $form = this; return this.fields().filter(function() { return $form.has_error($(this)); }); }, submits: function() { return this.find('input[type=submit], button[type=submit]'); }, valid: function() { var $form = this, valid = true; this.fields().each(function() { if (!$form.validate($(this))) { valid = false; } }); return valid; }, // 'prepare' a validator --> validator returns true or an error string set_validator: function($field, validator) { if (typeof validator === 'string') { validator = $.fn.edifice_form.validators[validator] || validator; if (typeof validator !== 'function') { throw "Validator not defined: '" + validator + "'"; } }; $field.data('validator', validator); }, // validate a single field validate: function($field) { var validator; if (validator = $field.data('validator')) { var error = validator($field), valid = error === true; this.clear_error($field); if (!valid) { this.add_error($field, error); } return valid; } else { return true; } }, has_error: function($field) { return $field.parent('.field_with_errors').length > 0; }, clear_error: function($field) { var id = $field.attr('id'); if (this.has_error($field)) { $field.unwrap() } this.find('.field_with_errors label[for=' + id + ']') .unwrap() .next('.formError').remove(); }, add_error: function($field, error) { var id = $field.attr('id'); $field.wrap('