require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Customer, type: :model do describe 'should have default attributes' do it { should respond_to :name } end describe 'should have MagicAddresses attributes' do it { should respond_to :invoice_address } it { should respond_to :delivery_address } it 'doesn`t change address for multiple customers' do @that = Customer.create!( name: "Acme", invoice_address_addressible_attributes: {invoice_address_attributes: {street: "Reinhardtstraße", number: "9", postalcode: "10117", city: "Berlin", country: "Germany"}} ) # @that.address.trigger_build_address_associations # sleep 4 @that = @that.reload expect( @that.invoice_address ).not_to eql( nil ) expect( @that.invoice_address.street ).to eql( "Reinhardtstraße" ) expect( @that.invoice_address.longitude ).not_to eql( nil ) @this = Customer.create!( name: "Apple", invoice_address_addressible_attributes: {invoice_address_attributes: {street: "Reinhardtstraße", number: "9", postalcode: "10117", city: "Berlin", country: "Germany"}} ) @this = @this.reload expect( @this.invoice_address ).not_to eql( nil ) expect( @this.invoice_address.street ).to eql( "Reinhardtstraße" ) expect( @this.invoice_address.longitude ).not_to eql( nil ) puts "#####" @that.update( invoice_address_addressible_attributes: {invoice_address_attributes: {street: "Reinhardtstraße", number: "7", postalcode: "10117", city: "Berlin", country: "Germany"}} ) @that = @that.reload @this = @this.reload expect( ).not_to eql( ) expect( @that.invoice_address.number ).not_to eql( @this.invoice_address.number ) expect( @that.invoice_address.number ).to eql( "7" ) expect( @this.invoice_address.number ).to eql( "9" ) end it 'has multiple named address' do @that = Customer.create!( name: "Acme", invoice_address_attributes: {street: "Reinhardtstraße", number: "9", postalcode: "10117", city: "Berlin", country: "Germany"}, delivery_address_attributes: {street: "Reinhardtstraße", number: "11", postalcode: "10117", city: "Berlin", country: "Germany"} ) # @that.address.trigger_build_address_associations # sleep 4 @that = @that.reload expect( @that.invoice_address ).not_to eql( nil ) expect( @that.delivery_address ).not_to eql( nil ) expect( @that.invoice_address.street ).to eql( "Reinhardtstraße" ) expect( @that.delivery_address.street ).to eql( "Reinhardtstraße" ) expect( @that.invoice_address.longitude ).not_to eql( nil ) expect( @that.invoice_address.number ).to eql( "9" ) expect( @that.delivery_address.number ).to eql( "11" ) end # , focus: true it 'has multiple named addresses amnd default address' do @that = Customer.create!( name: "Acme", invoice_address_attributes: {street: "Reinhardtstr.", number: "9", postalcode: "10117", city: "Berlin", country: "Germany"}, delivery_address_attributes: {street: "Bornholmerstr.", number: "90", postalcode: "10439", city: "Berlin", country: "Germany"}, address_attributes: {street: "Grünbergerstr.", number: "60", postalcode: "10245", city: "Berlin", country: "Germany"} ) # @that.address.trigger_build_address_associations # sleep 4 # @that = @that.reload @that = Customer.first expect( @that.invoice_address ).not_to eql( nil ) expect( @that.delivery_address ).not_to eql( nil ) expect( @that.address ).not_to eql( nil ) # puts "invoice_address:" # puts @that.invoice_address.inspect # puts @that.invoice_address.translations.inspect # puts MagicAddresses::Address.find(1).translations.inspect # puts "delivery_address:" # puts @that.delivery_address.inspect # puts "address:" # puts @that.address.inspect expect( @that.invoice_address.street ).to eql( "Reinhardtstraße" ) expect( @that.delivery_address.street ).to eql( "Bornholmer Straße" ) expect( @that.address.street ).to eql( "Grünberger Straße" ) expect( @that.invoice_address.longitude ).not_to eql( nil ) expect( @that.delivery_address.longitude ).not_to eql( nil ) expect( @that.address.longitude ).not_to eql( nil ) expect( @that.invoice_address.number ).to eql( "9" ) expect( @that.delivery_address.number ).to eql( "90" ) expect( @that.address.number ).to eql( "60" ) end end end