module Redwood class CryptoManager include Singleton class Error < StandardError; end OUTGOING_MESSAGE_OPERATIONS = [:sign, "Sign"], [:sign_and_encrypt, "Sign and encrypt"], [:encrypt, "Encrypt only"] ) def initialize @mutex = bin = `which gpg`.chomp @cmd = case bin when /\S/ debug "crypto: detected gpg binary in #{bin}" "#{bin} --quiet --batch --no-verbose --logger-fd 1 --use-agent" else debug "crypto: no gpg binary detected" nil end end def have_crypto?; !@cmd.nil? end def sign from, to, payload payload_fn = "redwood.payload" payload_fn.write format_payload(payload) payload_fn.close output = run_gpg "--output - --armor --detach-sign --textmode --local-user '#{from}' #{payload_fn.path}" raise Error, (output || "gpg command failed: #{cmd}") unless $?.success? envelope = envelope.header["Content-Type"] = 'multipart/signed; protocol=application/pgp-signature; micalg=pgp-sha1' envelope.add_part payload signature = RMail::Message.make_attachment output, "application/pgp-signature", nil, "signature.asc" envelope.add_part signature envelope end def encrypt from, to, payload, sign=false payload_fn = "redwood.payload" payload_fn.write format_payload(payload) payload_fn.close recipient_opts = (to + [ from ] ).map { |r| "--recipient '<#{r}>'" }.join(" ") sign_opts = sign ? "--sign --local-user '#{from}'" : "" gpg_output = run_gpg "--output - --armor --encrypt --textmode #{sign_opts} #{recipient_opts} #{payload_fn.path}" raise Error, (gpg_output || "gpg command failed: #{cmd}") unless $?.success? encrypted_payload = encrypted_payload.header["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream" encrypted_payload.header["Content-Disposition"] = 'inline; filename="msg.asc"' encrypted_payload.body = gpg_output control = control.header["Content-Type"] = "application/pgp-encrypted" control.header["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment" control.body = "Version: 1\n" envelope = envelope.header["Content-Type"] = 'multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"' envelope.add_part control envelope.add_part encrypted_payload envelope end def sign_and_encrypt from, to, payload encrypt from, to, payload, true end def verify payload, signature # both RubyMail::Message objects return unknown_status(cant_find_binary) unless @cmd payload_fn = "redwood.payload" payload_fn.write format_payload(payload) payload_fn.close signature_fn = "redwood.signature" signature_fn.write signature.decode signature_fn.close output = run_gpg "--verify #{signature_fn.path} #{payload_fn.path}" output_lines = output.split(/\n/) if output =~ /^gpg: (.* signature from .*$)/ if $? == 0 :valid, $1, output_lines else :invalid, $1, output_lines end else unknown_status output_lines end end ## returns decrypted_message, status, desc, lines def decrypt payload # a RubyMail::Message object return unknown_status(cant_find_binary) unless @cmd payload_fn = "redwood.payload" payload_fn.write payload.to_s payload_fn.close output = run_gpg "--decrypt #{payload_fn.path}" if $?.success? decrypted_payload, sig_lines = if output =~ /\A(.*?)((^gpg: .*$)+)\Z/m [$1, $2] else [output, nil] end sig = if sig_lines # encrypted & signed if sig_lines =~ /^gpg: (Good signature from .*$)/ :valid, $1, sig_lines.split("\n") else :invalid, $1, sig_lines.split("\n") end end # This is gross. This decrypted payload could very well be a multipart # element itself, as opposed to a simple payload. For example, a # multipart/signed element, like those generated by Mutt when encrypting # and signing a message (instead of just clearsigning the body). # Supposedly, decrypted_payload being a multipart element ought to work # out nicely because Message::multipart_encrypted_to_chunks() runs the # decrypted message through message_to_chunks() again to get any # children. However, it does not work as intended because these inner # payloads need not carry a MIME-Version header, yet they are fed to # RMail as a top-level message, for which the MIME-Version header is # required. This causes for the part not to be detected as multipart, # hence being shown as an attachment. If we detect this is happening, # we force the decrypted payload to be interpreted as MIME. msg = if msg.header.content_type =~ %r{^multipart/} and not msg.multipart? decrypted_payload = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" + decrypted_payload msg = end notice = :valid, "This message has been decrypted for display" [notice, sig, msg] else :invalid, "This message could not be decrypted", output.split("\n") end end private def unknown_status lines=[] :unknown, "Unable to determine validity of cryptographic signature", lines end def cant_find_binary ["Can't find gpg binary in path."] end ## here's where we munge rmail output into the format that signed/encrypted ## PGP/GPG messages should be def format_payload payload payload.to_s.gsub(/(^|[^\r])\n/, "\\1\r\n").gsub(/^MIME-Version: .*\r\n/, "") end def run_gpg args cmd = "#{@cmd} #{args} 2> /dev/null" output = `#{cmd}` output end end end