module JavascriptTags include Radiant::Taggable class TagError < StandardError; end desc %{ Renders the content from or a reference to the javascript specified in the @slug@ attribute. Additionally, the @as@ attribute can be used to make the tag render as one of the following: * with no @as@ value the javascript's content is rendered by default. * @inline@ - wraps the javascript's content in an (X)HTML @ } tag 'javascript' do |tag| slug = (tag.attr['slug'] || tag.attr['name']) raise"`javascript' tag must contain a `slug' attribute.") unless slug if (javascript = JavascriptPage.find_by_slug(slug)) mime_type = tag.attr['type'] || javascript.headers['Content-Type'] path = javascript.path optional_attributes = tag.attr.except('slug', 'name', 'as', 'type').inject('') { |s, (k, v)| s << %{#{k}="#{v}" } }.strip optional_attributes = " #{optional_attributes}" unless optional_attributes.empty? case tag.attr['as'] when 'url','path' path when 'inline' %{} when 'link' %{} else javascript.render_part('body') end else raise"javascript #{slug} not found") end end end