require 'spec_helper' describe Grape::Middleware::Auth::OAuth2 do class FakeToken attr_accessor :token def self.verify(token) if !!token && %w(g e).include?(token[0..0]) end def initialize(token) @token = token end def expired? @token[0..0] == 'e' end def permission_for?(env) env['PATH_INFO'] == '/forbidden' ? false : true end end def app do use Grape::Middleware::Auth::OAuth2, token_class: 'FakeToken' run lambda { |env| [200, {}, [(env['api.token'].token if env['api.token'])]] } end end context 'with the token in the query string' do context 'and a valid token' do before { get '/awesome?access_token=g123' } it 'sets env["api.token"]' do last_response.body.should == 'g123' end end context 'and an invalid token' do before do @err = catch :error do get '/awesome?access_token=b123' end end it 'throws an error' do @err[:status].should == 401 end it 'sets the WWW-Authenticate header in the response' do @err[:headers]['WWW-Authenticate'].should == "OAuth realm='OAuth API', error='invalid_grant'" end end end context 'with an expired token' do before do @err = catch :error do get '/awesome?access_token=e123' end end it 'throws an error' do @err[:status].should == 401 end it 'sets the WWW-Authenticate header in the response to error' do @err[:headers]['WWW-Authenticate'].should == "OAuth realm='OAuth API', error='invalid_grant'" end end %w(HTTP_AUTHORIZATION X_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION REDIRECT_X_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION).each do |head| context "with the token in the #{head} header" do before do get '/awesome', {}, head => 'OAuth g123' end it 'sets env["api.token"]' do last_response.body.should == 'g123' end end end context 'with the token in the POST body' do before do post '/awesome', 'access_token' => 'g123' end it 'sets env["api.token"]' do last_response.body.should == 'g123' end end context 'when accessing something outside its scope' do before do @err = catch :error do get '/forbidden?access_token=g123' end end it 'throws an error' do @err[:status].should == 403 end it 'sets the WWW-Authenticate header in the response to error' do @err[:headers]['WWW-Authenticate'].should == "OAuth realm='OAuth API', error='insufficient_scope'" end end context 'when authorization is not required' do def app do use Grape::Middleware::Auth::OAuth2, token_class: 'FakeToken', required: false run lambda { |env| [200, {}, [(env['api.token'].token if env['api.token'])]] } end end context 'with no token' do before { post '/awesome' } it 'succeeds anyway' do last_response.status.should == 200 end end context 'with a valid token' do before { get '/awesome?access_token=g123' } it 'sets env["api.token"]' do last_response.body.should == 'g123' end end end end