# rubocop:disable Metrics/ModuleLength module RemoteExecutionHelper def providers_options RemoteExecutionProvider.providers.map { |key, provider| [ key, _(provider.humanized_name) ] } end def template_input_types_options TemplateInput::TYPES.map { |key, name| [ _(name), key ] } end def job_invocation_chart(invocation) options = { :class => 'statistics-pie small', :expandable => true, :border => 0, :show_title => true } if (bulk_task = invocation.task) failed_tasks = bulk_task.sub_tasks.select { |sub_task| task_failed? sub_task } cancelled_tasks, failed_tasks = failed_tasks.partition { |task| task_cancelled? task } success = bulk_task.output['success_count'] || 0 cancelled = cancelled_tasks.length failed = failed_tasks.length pending = (bulk_task.output['pending_count'] || bulk_task.sub_tasks.count) flot_pie_chart('status', job_invocation_status(invocation), [{:label => _('Success'), :data => success, :color => '#5CB85C'}, {:label => _('Failed'), :data => failed, :color => '#D9534F'}, {:label => _('Pending'), :data => pending, :color => '#DEDEDE'}, {:label => _('Cancelled'), :data => cancelled, :color => '#B7312D'}], options) else content_tag(:h4, job_invocation_status(invocation)) end end def job_invocation_status(invocation) case invocation.status when HostStatus::ExecutionStatus::QUEUED _('queued') when HostStatus::ExecutionStatus::RUNNING _('running %{percent}%') % {:percent => invocation.progress} when HostStatus::ExecutionStatus::OK _('succeeded') when HostStatus::ExecutionStatus::ERROR _('failed') else _('unknown status') end end def task_failed?(task) %w(warning error).include? task.result end def task_cancelled?(task) task.execution_plan.errors.map(&:exception).any? { |exception| exception.class == ::ForemanTasks::Task::TaskCancelledException } end def host_counter(label, count) content_tag(:div, :class => 'host_counter') do content_tag(:div, label, :class => 'header') + content_tag(:div, count.to_s, :class => 'count') end end def template_invocation_status(task) if task.nil? icon_text('question', 'N/A', :kind => 'fa') elsif task.state == 'running' icon_text('running', _('running'), :kind => 'pficon') elsif task.state == 'planned' icon_text('build', _('planned'), :kind => 'pficon') else case task.result when 'warning', 'error' if task_cancelled?(task) icon_text('warning-triangle-o', _('cancelled'), :kind => 'pficon') else icon_text('error-circle-o', _('failed'), :kind => 'pficon') end when 'success' icon_text('ok', _('success'), :kind => 'pficon') else task.result end end end def template_invocation_actions(task, host, job_invocation, template_invocation) [ display_link_if_authorized(_('Host detail'), hash_for_host_path(host).merge(:auth_object => host, :permission => :view_hosts)), display_link_if_authorized(_('Rerun on %s') % host.name, hash_for_rerun_job_invocation_path(:id => job_invocation, :host_ids => [ host.id ])), ] end def remote_execution_provider_for(template_invocation) template_invocation.nil? ? _('N/A') : template_invocation.template.provider.humanized_name end def job_invocations_buttons [ documentation_button_rex('3.2ExecutingaJob'), display_link_if_authorized(_('Run Job'), hash_for_new_job_invocation_path) ] end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def job_invocation_task_buttons(task) job_invocation = task.task_groups.find { |group| group.class == JobInvocationTaskGroup }.job_invocation buttons = [] buttons << link_to(_('Refresh'), {}, :class => 'btn btn-default', :title => _('Refresh this page')) if authorized_for(hash_for_new_job_invocation_path) buttons << link_to(_('Rerun'), rerun_job_invocation_path(:id => job_invocation.id), :class => 'btn btn-default', :title => _('Rerun the job')) end if authorized_for(hash_for_new_job_invocation_path) buttons << link_to(_('Rerun failed'), rerun_job_invocation_path(:id => job_invocation.id, :failed_only => 1), :class => 'btn btn-default', :disabled => !task.sub_tasks.any? { |sub_task| task_failed?(sub_task) }, :title => _('Rerun on failed hosts')) end if authorized_for(:permission => :view_foreman_tasks, :auth_object => task) buttons << link_to(_('Job Task'), foreman_tasks_task_path(task), :class => 'btn btn-default', :title => _('See the last task details')) end if authorized_for(:permission => :edit_foreman_tasks, :auth_object => task) buttons << link_to(_('Cancel Job'), cancel_foreman_tasks_task_path(task), :class => 'btn btn-danger', :title => _('Try to cancel the job'), :disabled => !task.cancellable?, :method => :post) end return buttons end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize def template_invocation_task_buttons(task) buttons = [] if authorized_for(:permission => :view_foreman_tasks, :auth_object => task) buttons << link_to(_('Task Details'), foreman_tasks_task_path(task), :class => 'btn btn-default', :title => _('See the task details')) end if authorized_for(:permission => :edit_foreman_tasks, :auth_object => task) buttons << link_to(_('Cancel Job'), cancel_foreman_tasks_task_path(task), :class => 'btn btn-danger', :title => _('Try to cancel the job on a host'), :disabled => !task.cancellable?, :method => :post) end return buttons end def link_to_invocation_task_if_authorized(invocation) if invocation.queued? job_invocation_status(invocation) else link_to_if_authorized job_invocation_status(invocation), hash_for_foreman_tasks_task_path(invocation.task).merge(:auth_object => invocation.task, :permission => :view_foreman_tasks) end end def invocation_count(invocation, options = {}) options = { :unknown_string => 'N/A' }.merge(options) if invocation.queued? options[:unknown_string] else (invocation.task.try(:output) || {}).fetch(options[:output_key], options[:unknown_string]) end end def invocation_result(invocation, key) unknown = '—' result = invocation_count(invocation, :output_key => key, :unknown_string => unknown.html_safe) label = key == :failed_count ? 'danger' : 'info' result == unknown ? result : report_event_column(result, "label-#{label}") end def preview_box(template_invocation, target) renderer = InputTemplateRenderer.new(template_invocation.template, target, template_invocation) if (preview = renderer.preview) content_tag :pre, preview else alert :class => 'alert-block alert-danger base in fade has-error', :text => renderer.error_message.html_safe end end def job_invocation_active_tab(tab, params) active = 'active' inactive = '' hosts_tab_active = params[:page].present? || params[:search].present? || params[:order].present? if hosts_tab_active tab == :hosts ? active : inactive else tab == :overview ? active : inactive end end def time_in_words_span(time) if time.nil? _('N/A') else content_tag :span, (time > Time.now.utc ? _('in %s') : _('%s ago')) % time_ago_in_words(time), { :'data-original-title' => time.try(:in_time_zone), :rel => 'twipsy' } end end def documentation_button_rex(section = '') url = 'http://theforeman.org/plugins/foreman_remote_execution/' + "#{ForemanRemoteExecution::VERSION.split('.').take(2).join('.')}/index.html#" + section link_to( icon_text('help', _('Documentation'), :class => 'icon-white', :kind => 'pficon'), url, :rel => 'external', :class => 'btn btn-info', :target => '_blank') end def template_input_header(f, template) header = _('Template input') header += ' ' + remove_child_link('x', f, {:rel => 'twipsy', :'data-title' => _('remove template input'), :'data-placement' => 'left', :class => 'fr badge badge-danger'}) unless template.locked? header.html_safe end def description_checkbox_f(f, job_template, disabled) check_box_tag('description_format_override', job_template.generate_description_format, f.object.description_format.nil?, :class => 'description_format_override', :name => f.object_name + '[description_override]', :disabled => disabled, :onchange => 'description_override(this);') + ' ' + _('Use default description template') end def description_format_textarea_f(f, job_template, disabled) textarea_f f, 'description_format', :label => _('Description template'), :value => f.object.description_format || job_template.generate_description_format, :rows => 2, :onchange => 'regenerate_description(this);', :class => 'description_format advanced', :disabled => disabled, :help_inline => popover(_('Explanation'), _('This template is used to generate the description ' + 'Input values can be used using the syntax %{package}. ' + 'You may also include the job category and template ' + 'name using %{job_category} and %{template_name}.')) end def advanced_switch_f(default_text, switch_text) content_tag :div, :class => 'form-group' do content_tag(:div, '', :class => 'col-md-2 control-label') + content_tag(:div, :class => 'col-md-4') do content_tag(:i, '', :class => 'fa fa-angle-right') + ' ' + link_to(default_text, '#', :class => 'advanced_fields_switch', :'data-alternative-label' => switch_text) end end end end