require 'yaks-html' require 'capybara/rspec' module YaksHTML # This is a bit of a hack. The only way to add custom rack env # entries to Capybara/Rack::Test is through the driver options (see # Capybara.register_driver below). However this is only executed # once, so throughout the whole test suite the same instance of the # hash we pass will be used. To make it a bit easier to set/reset # this we add this layer of indirection. Now what we pass the driver # looks like a hash, but we can point it to a new hash with # RACK_ENV.__setobj__({}) RACK_ENV ={}) module CapybaraDSL def self.included(base) base.class_eval do let(:rel_prefix) { '' } end end def click_rel(rel) rel = [rel_prefix, rel].join unless rel.is_a? Symbol find("a[rel=\"#{rel}\"]").click end def click_first_rel(rel) rel = [rel_prefix, rel].join unless rel.is_a? Symbol all("a[rel=\"#{rel}\"]") end def submit! find('input[type="submit"]').click end def within_form(name, &block) within(all("form[@name=\"#{name}\"]").first, &block) end def submit_form(name, &block) within(all("form[@name=\"#{name}\"]").first) do yield block submit! end end def refresh visit current_path end def env YaksHTML::RACK_ENV end end end RSpec.configure do |config| select = {type: :yaks_integration} config.include Capybara::DSL, select config.include Capybara::RSpecMatchers, select config.include YaksHTML::CapybaraDSL, select config.before(select) do YaksHTML::RACK_ENV.__setobj__('HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html') end end Capybara.register_driver :rack_test do |app|, headers: YaksHTML::RACK_ENV) end