# # ActiveFacts Vocabulary Metamodel. # Extensions to the ActiveFacts Vocabulary classes (which are generated from the Metamodel) # # Copyright (c) 2009 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # module ActiveFacts module Metamodel class FactType def all_reading_by_ordinal all_reading.sort_by{|reading| reading.ordinal} end def preferred_reading all_reading_by_ordinal[0] end def describe(highlight = nil) (entity_type ? entity_type.name : "")+ '('+all_role.map{|role| role.describe(highlight) }*", "+')' end def default_reading(frequency_constraints = [], define_role_names = false) preferred_reading.expand(frequency_constraints, define_role_names) end end class Role def describe(highlight = nil) concept.name + (self == highlight ? "*" : "") end # Is there are internal uniqueness constraint on this role only? def unique all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rs = rr.role_sequence rs.all_role_ref.size == 1 and rs.all_presence_constraint.detect{|pc| pc.max_frequency == 1 } } end def is_mandatory all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rs = rr.role_sequence rs.all_role_ref.size == 1 and rs.all_presence_constraint.detect{|pc| pc.min_frequency and pc.min_frequency >= 1 and pc.is_mandatory } } end # Return the RoleRef to this role from its fact type's preferred_reading def preferred_reference fact_type.preferred_reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.role == self } end end class Join def column_name(joiner = '-') concept == input_role.concept ? input_role.preferred_reference.role_name(joiner) : Array(concept.name) end def describe "#{input_role.fact_type.describe(input_role)}->" + concept.name + (output_role ? "->#{output_role.fact_type.describe(output_role)}":"") end end class RoleRef def describe # The reference traverses the Joins in sequence to the final role: all_join.sort_by{|jp| jp.join_step}.map{ |jp| jp.describe + "." }*"" + role_name end def role_name(joiner = "-") name_array = if role.fact_type.all_role.size == 1 role.fact_type.preferred_reading.reading_text.gsub(/\{[0-9]\}/,'').strip.split(/\s/) else role.role_name || [leading_adjective, role.concept.name, trailing_adjective].compact.map{|w| w.split(/\s/)}.flatten end return joiner ? Array(name_array)*joiner : Array(name_array) end # Two RoleRefs are equal if they have the same role and Joins with matching roles def ==(role_ref) role_ref.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::RoleRef) && role_ref.role == role && all_join.size == role_ref.all_join.size && !all_join.sort_by{|j|j.join_step}. zip(role_ref.all_join.sort_by{|j|j.join_step}). detect{|j1,j2| j1.input_role != j2.input_role || j1.output_role != j2.output_role } end end class RoleSequence def describe "("+ all_role_ref.sort_by{|rr| rr.ordinal}.map{|rr| rr.describe }*", "+ ")" end end class ValueType def supertypes_transitive [self] + (supertype ? supertype.supertypes_transitive : []) end def subtypes all_value_type_as_supertype end end class EntityType def preferred_identifier if fact_type # For a nested fact type, the PI is a unique constraint over N or N-1 roles fact_roles = Array(fact_type.all_role) debug :pi, "Looking for PI on nested fact type #{name}" do pi = catch :pi do fact_roles[0,2].each{|r| # Try the first two roles of the fact type, that's enough r.all_role_ref.map{|rr| # All role sequences that reference this role role_sequence = rr.role_sequence # The role sequence is only interesting if it cover only this fact's roles # or roles of the objectification next if role_sequence.all_role_ref.size < fact_roles.size-1 # Not enough roles next if role_sequence.all_role_ref.size > fact_roles.size # Too many roles next if role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect do |rsr| if (of = rsr.role.fact_type) != fact_type case of.all_role.size when 1 # A unary FT must be played by the objectification of this fact type next rsr.role.concept != fact_type.entity_type when 2 # A binary FT must have the objectification of this FT as the other player other_role = (of.all_role-[rsr.role])[0] next other_role.concept != fact_type.entity_type else next true # A role in a ternary (or higher) cannot be usd in our identifier end end rsr.role.fact_type != fact_type end # This role sequence is a candidate pc = role_sequence.all_presence_constraint.detect{|c| c.max_frequency == 1 && c.is_preferred_identifier } throw :pi, pc if pc } } throw :pi, nil end debug :pi, "Got PI #{pi.name||pi.object_id} for nested #{name}" if pi debug :pi, "Looking for PI on entity that nests this fact" unless pi raise "Oops, pi for nested fact is #{pi.class}" unless !pi || pi.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::PresenceConstraint) return pi if pi end end debug :pi, "Looking for PI for ordinary entity #{name} with #{all_role.size} roles:" do debug :pi, "Roles are in fact types #{all_role.map{|r| r.fact_type.describe(r)}*", "}" pi = catch :pi do all_supertypes = supertypes_transitive debug :pi, "PI roles must be played by one of #{all_supertypes.map(&:name)*", "}" if all_supertypes.size > 1 all_role.each{|role| next unless role.unique || fact_type ftroles = Array(role.fact_type.all_role) # Skip roles in ternary and higher fact types, they're objectified, and in unaries, they can't identify us. next if ftroles.size != 2 debug :pi, "Considering role in #{role.fact_type.describe(role)}" # Find the related role which must be included in any PI: # Note this works with unary fact types: pi_role = ftroles[ftroles[0] != role ? 0 : -1] next if ftroles.size == 2 && pi_role.concept == self debug :pi, " Considering #{pi_role.concept.name} as a PI role" # If this is an identifying role, the PI is a PC whose role_sequence spans the role. # Walk through all role_sequences that span this role, and test each: pi_role.all_role_ref.each{|rr| role_sequence = rr.role_sequence # A role sequence that includes a possible role debug :pi, " Considering role sequence #{role_sequence.describe}" # All roles in this role_sequence must be in fact types which # (apart from that role) only have roles played by the original # entity type or a supertype. #debug :pi, " All supertypes #{all_supertypes.map{|st| "#{st.object_id}=>#{st.name}"}*", "}" if role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rsr| fact_type = rsr.role.fact_type debug :pi, " Role Sequence touches #{fact_type.describe(pi_role)}" fact_type_roles = fact_type.all_role debug :pi, " residual is #{fact_type_roles.map{|r| r.concept.name}.inspect} minus #{rsr.role.concept.name}" residual_roles = fact_type_roles-[rsr.role] residual_roles.detect{|rfr| debug :pi, " Checking residual role #{rfr.concept.object_id}=>#{rfr.concept.name}" # This next line looks right, but breaks things. Find out what and why: # !rfr.unique or !all_supertypes.include?(rfr.concept) } } debug :pi, " Discounting this role_sequence because it includes alien roles" next end # Any presence constraint over this role sequence is a candidate rr.role_sequence.all_presence_constraint.detect{|pc| # Found it! if pc.is_preferred_identifier debug :pi, "found PI #{pc.name||pc.object_id}, is_preferred_identifier=#{pc.is_preferred_identifier.inspect} over #{pc.role_sequence.describe}" throw :pi, pc end } } } throw :pi, nil end raise "Oops, pi for entity is #{pi.class}" if pi && !pi.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::PresenceConstraint) debug :pi, "Got PI #{pi.name||pi.object_id} for #{name}" if pi if !pi if (supertype = identifying_supertype) # This shouldn't happen now, as an identifying supertype is connected by a fact type # that has a uniqueness constraint marked as the preferred identifier. #debug :pi, "PI not found for #{name}, looking in supertype #{supertype.name}" #pi = supertype.preferred_identifier #return nil elsif fact_type fact_type.all_role.each{|role| role.all_role_ref.each{|role_ref| # Discount role sequences that contain roles not in this fact type: next if role_ref.role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.role.fact_type != fact_type } role_ref.role_sequence.all_presence_constraint.each{|pc| next unless pc.is_preferred_identifier and pc.max_frequency == 1 pi = pc break } break if pi } break if pi } else debug :pi, "No PI found for #{name}" end end raise "No PI found for #{name}" unless pi pi end end # An array of all direct subtypes: def subtypes # REVISIT: There's no sorting here. Should there be? all_type_inheritance_as_supertype.map{|ti| ti.subtype } end def all_supertype_inheritance all_type_inheritance_as_subtype.sort_by{|ti| [ti.provides_identification ? 0 : 1, ti.supertype.name] } end # An array all direct supertypes def supertypes all_supertype_inheritance.map{|ti| ti.supertype } end # An array of self followed by all supertypes in order: def supertypes_transitive ([self] + all_type_inheritance_as_subtype.map{|ti| # debug ti.class.roles.verbalise; exit ti.supertype.supertypes_transitive }).flatten.uniq end # A subtype does not have a identifying_supertype if it defines its own identifier def identifying_supertype debug "Looking for identifying_supertype of #{name}" all_type_inheritance_as_subtype.detect{|ti| debug "considering supertype #{ti.supertype.name}" next unless ti.provides_identification debug "found identifying supertype of #{name}, it's #{ti.supertype.name}" return ti.supertype } debug "Failed to find identifying supertype of #{name}" return nil end end class Reading # The frequency_constraints array here, if supplied, may provide for each role either: # * a PresenceConstraint to be verbalised against the relevant role, or # * a String, used as a definite or indefinite article on the relevant role, or # * an array containing two strings (an article and a super-type name) # The order in the array is the same as the reading's role-sequence. # REVISIT: This should probably be changed to be the fact role sequence. # # define_role_names here is false (use defined names), true (define names) or nil (neither) def expand(frequency_constraints = [], define_role_names = false) expanded = "#{reading_text}" role_refs = role_sequence.all_role_ref.sort_by{|role_ref| role_ref.ordinal} (0...role_refs.size).each{|i| role_ref = role_refs[i] role = role_ref.role la = "#{role_ref.leading_adjective}" la.sub!(/(.\b|.\Z)/, '\1-') la = nil if la == "" ta = "#{role_ref.trailing_adjective}" ta.sub!(/(\b.|\A.)/, '-\1') ta = nil if ta == "" expanded.gsub!(/\{#{i}\}/) { player = role_refs[i].role.concept role_name = role.role_name role_name = nil if role_name == "" if role_name && define_role_names == false la = ta = nil # When using role names, don't add adjectives end fc = frequency_constraints[i] fc = fc.frequency if fc && fc.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::PresenceConstraint) if fc.is_a?(Array) fc, player_name = *fc else player_name = player.name end [ fc ? fc : nil, la, define_role_names == false && role_name ? role_name : player_name, ta, define_role_names && role_name && player.name != role_name ? "(as #{role_name})" : nil ].compact*" " } } expanded.gsub!(/ *- */, '-') # Remove spaces around adjectives #debug "Expanded '#{expanded}' using #{frequency_constraints.inspect}" expanded end def words_and_role_refs reading_text. scan(/(?: |\{[0-9]+\}|[^{} ]+)/). # split up the text into words reject{|s| s==' '}. # Remove white space map do |frag| # and go through the bits if frag =~ /\{([0-9]+)\}/ role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.ordinal == $1.to_i} else frag end end end end class PresenceConstraint def frequency min = min_frequency max = max_frequency [ ((min && min > 0 && min != max) ? "at least #{min == 1 ? "one" : min.to_s}" : nil), ((max && min != max) ? "at most #{max == 1 ? "one" : max.to_s}" : nil), ((max && min == max) ? "#{max == 1 ? "one" : max.to_s}" : nil) ].compact * " and" end def describe role_sequence.describe + " occurs " + frequency + " time" end end class TypeInheritance def describe(role = nil) "#{subtype.name} is a kind of #{supertype.name}" end end end end