module Sites class JobsRails42 < Base # @NOTE: I had to rename this class because we are not allowed to have numbers # on the beginning of the class name (42JobsRails won't work). # file paths follow this convention HOST = ''.freeze PATH = '/rails/jobs-remote'.freeze JOB_ITEM_SELECTOR = 'li.job-offers__item a'.freeze STORE_DIR = 'data/jobs_rails42'.freeze def initialize @url = "#{self.class::HOST}#{self.class::PATH}" @current_time = @timestamp = @current_time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") @doc = nil @total_pages = 4 @rows_count = 0 @jobs_count = get_jobs_count end def collect_jobs(limit: nil) FileUtils.mkdir_p STORE_DIR (1..@total_pages).each do |page| process_page(page: page, limit: limit) end end private def process_page(page:, limit:) current_page = "#{@url}?page=#{page}" doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open_page(current_page)) puts "[Info] Getting the data from #{current_page}", 'ab') do |csv| doc.css(JOB_ITEM_SELECTOR).each do |link| return if limit == @rows_count job_url = "#{HOST}#{link["href"]}" puts "[Info] Parsing #{job_url}..." csv << get_row(job_url) @rows_count += 1 end end puts "[Done] Collected #{@jobs_count} job offers from #{url}. Data stored in: #{filepath}." if page == @total_pages end def get_row(job_url) job_page = Nokogiri::HTML(open_page(job_url)) offer_text = job_page.css('.job-offer__description').to_s location = Support::OfferParser.get_location(offer_text) keywords = Support::OfferParser.get_keywords(offer_text) company = job_page.css('.job-offer__summary a').text [job_url, location, keywords, company] end def get_jobs_count jobs_count = 25 * @total_pages puts "[Info] There are #{jobs_count} remote jobs on [42JobsRails]." jobs_count end end end