"use strict"; $(document).ready(function(){ /*Validation*/ /* Services RollOver Info */ function loadServices(){ $(".sl-ico").mouseenter(function(){ $(this).parent().find(".s-roll").addClass('visible'); }); $(".sl-ico").mouseleave(function(){ $(this).parent().find(".s-roll").removeClass('visible'); }); } /* Banner */ function loadTall(){ var altura = $(window).height(); $('#home').css('height',altura); } /* Jump Menu */ function loadJump(){ $('.jump-menu').click(function() { if($('#nav2').hasClass('active')){ $('#nav2').removeClass('active'); }else{ $('#nav2').addClass('active'); } }) $('#nav2 ul li a').click(function(){ $('#nav2').removeClass('active'); }); } /* Scroll Up */ $('.scrollup').click(function(){ $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 1000); return false; }); /* Parallax */ function Move(seccio){ $(seccio).each(function(){ if($(this).attr('class')==='parallax'){ $(this).css('background-position', '0 '+$(window).scrollTop()/3+'px'); }else{ $(this).css('background-position', '0 '+(($(window).scrollTop()+$(window).height()-$(this).attr('yPos'))/3+$(this).height())+'px'); 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// how many times to update the value, and how much to increment the value on each update var loops = Math.ceil(options.speed / options.refreshInterval), increment = (options.to - options.from) / loops; return $(this).each(function() { var _this = this, loopCount = 0, value = options.from, interval = setInterval(updateTimer, options.refreshInterval); function updateTimer() { value += increment; loopCount++; $(_this).html(value.toFixed(options.decimals)); if (typeof(options.onUpdate) == 'function') { options.onUpdate.call(_this, value); } if (loopCount >= loops) { clearInterval(interval); value = options.to; if (typeof(options.onComplete) == 'function') { options.onComplete.call(_this, value); } } } }) }; /* Portfolio HoverDir Roll-Over */ function mosaicInit() { $('.mosaic').mixitup({ targetSelector: '.mosaic__item', filterSelector: '.mosaic__filter-item', effects: ['fade','scale'], easing: 'snap', transitionSpeed: 850, }); $('.mosaic__item .image_item-meta--portfolio .image_item-table').each(function() { $(this).hoverdir(); 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$('.ca-wrapper').magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a', // child items selector, by clicking on it popup will open type: 'image', // other options gallery:{ enabled:true } }); } /* Isotope/ Portfolio Filter PlugIn */ var container = $('#i-portfolio'); container.isotope({ animationEngine : 'best-available', animationOptions: { duration: 200, queue: false }, layoutMode: 'fitRows' }); // filter items when filter link is clicked $('#filters a').click(function(){ $('#filters a').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); var selector = $(this).attr('data-option-value'); container.isotope({ filter: selector }); setProjects(); return false; }); function splitColumns() { var winWidth = $(window).width(), columnNumb = 1; if (winWidth > 1200) { columnNumb = 4; } else if (winWidth > 600) { columnNumb = 2; } else if (winWidth > 300) { columnNumb = 1; } return columnNumb; } function setColumns() { var winWidth = $(window).width(), columnNumb = splitColumns(), postWidth = Math.floor(winWidth / columnNumb); 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//move the background images in relation to the movement of the scrollbar /* Scroll Top Btn */ if ($(this).scrollTop() > $(window).height()-1) { $('.scrollup').fadeIn(); } else { $('.scrollup').fadeOut(); } }); /* Resize */ function resizedw(){ // Haven't resized in 500ms! setProjects(); loadTall(); } var doit; $(window).bind('resize', function () { clearTimeout(doit); doit = setTimeout(resizedw, 1000); }); function loadsuperslides(){ $('#slides-1').superslides({ hashchange: false, animation: 'fade', play: 10000, pagination: false }); } function loadbxSlider(){ $('.bxslider').bxSlider(); } /* Inview */ function loadInview(){ /* Parallax */ $('.parallax').bind('inview', function (event, visible) { if (visible === true) { // element is now visible in the viewport var offset = $(this).offset(); $(this).addClass('paraOn').attr('yPos',offset.top); } else { // element has gone out of viewport $(this).removeClass('paraOn'); } }); /* Fade In Elements */ $('.hideme').bind('inview', function (event, visible) { if (visible === true) { var offset = $(this).offset(); 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