var Debugger, DebuggerApp, Frame, Process; var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }; window.escapeHTML = function(str) { if (str == null) { str = ""; } if (typeof str !== "string") { str += str; } return $("").text(str).html(); }; Frame = (function() { function Frame(server, pid, frame_idx, container) { this.server = server; = pid; this.frame_idx = frame_idx; this.container = container; } Frame.prototype.update_detail_view = function(objectInfo) { this.inspector.hide(); this.inspector.find('.objInfoClass').text(objectInfo['class']); this.inspector.find('.objInfoValue').text(objectInfo['inspect']); this.renderTableData(this.inspector.children('.objInstVars'), objectInfo.instance_variables, function(idx, data) { return $("" + idx + "" + data + ""); }); return; }; Frame.prototype.renderTableData = function(table, object, formatFn) { var ui; ui = table.children('tbody'); ui.empty(); return $.each(object, function(key, value) { if (key.indexOf("@") === 0) { return ui.append(formatFn(key, value)); } }); }; Frame.prototype.create_detail_view = function() { this.inspector = $('#objectInspector').clone(); this.inspector.removeAttr('id'); this.inspector.removeClass('hidden'); return this.container.append(this.inspector); }; Frame.prototype.create_source_code_holder = function() { this.container.prepend(window.editorDiv); window.editor.save_url = "" + this.server + "/process/" + + "/frames/" + this.frame_idx; return; }; Frame.prototype.create_inspector = function(object, index, path) { var inspector, options; if (index == null) { index = 0; } if (path == null) { path = "" + this.server + "/process/" + + "/frames/" + this.frame_idx; } options = $([]); if (object.instance_variables != null) { $.each(object.instance_variables, function(key, value) { return options.push("" + key); }); } else { $.each(object, function(key, value) { return options.push("" + key); }); } if (!(this.inspector_div != null)) { this.inspector_div = $(document.createElement("div")); this.inspector_div.addClass("inspectors"); this.container.prepend(this.inspector_div); } if (this.inspectors[index] != null) { inspector = this.inspectors[index]; } else { this.inspectors[index] = (inspector = $(document.createElement("select"))); this.inspector_div.append(inspector); inspector.attr({ multiple: true, "class": 'inspector' }); } inspector.html(""); $(options).each(__bind(function(idx, o) { return inspector.append(""); }, this)); this.create_evaluator(path); return inspector.bind("change", __bind(function() { var i, url, value, _i, _len, _ref; value = options[inspector.val()]; url = "" + path + "/objects/" + value; _ref = this.inspectors.slice(index + 1); for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { i = _ref[_i]; i.html(""); } return $.get(url, __bind(function(object) { this.create_inspector(object.instance_variables, index + 1, url); return this.update_detail_view(object); }, this), 'json'); }, this)); }; Frame.prototype.create_evaluator = function(path) { if (this.evaluator == null) { this.evaluator = $(document.createElement("input")); this.evaluator.attr({ type: "text", name: "" + this.frame_idx + "_evaluator", id: "" + this.frame_idx + "_evaluator", "class": "ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", style: 'width: 100%;' }); this.container.prepend(this.evaluator); } this.evaluator.bind("focus", __bind(function() {}, this)); this.evaluator.unbind("keypress"); return this.evaluator.bind("keypress", __bind(function(e) { var code; if (e.keyCode != null) { code = e.keyCode; } if (!code) { code = e.which; } if (code === 13) { return $.ajax({ url: path, data: { "do-it": this.evaluator.val() }, success: __bind(function(data) { var result; result = data["do-it-result"]; this.evaluator.val("" + (this.evaluator.val()) + " => " + result['inspect']); this.update_detail_view(result); return; }, this), dataType: 'json', type: 'PUT' }); } }, this)); }; Frame.prototype.render = function() { this.container.html(""); this.inspectors = []; this.create_source_code_holder(); return $.get("" + this.server + "/process/" + + "/frames/" + this.frame_idx, __bind(function(frame) { editor.getSession().setValue(frame.debug_info.source); this.create_inspector(frame.debug_info.context); return this.create_detail_view(); }, this), 'json'); }; return Frame; })(); Process = (function() { function Process(server, pid, tab) { this.server = server; = pid; = tab; this.info_div = $("#" + + " .info-bar"); this.stack_div = $("#" + + " .frame-list"); } Process.prototype.render = function() { this.render_info(); return this.render_stack(); }; Process.prototype.render_info = function() { var request; return request = $.get("" + this.server + "/process/" +, __bind(function(data) { return this.info_div.text("" + data.label + " (" + data.timestamp + ")"); }, this), 'json'); }; Process.prototype.render_stack = function() { var request; this.stack_div.html(""); return request = $.get("" + this.server + "/process/" + + "/frames", __bind(function(framelist) { $(framelist).each(__bind(function(idx, f) { var div, header, link, restartLink; header = $(document.createElement("h3")); link = $(document.createElement("a")); link.attr({ href: '#', data_idx: idx }); link.text("" + f["class"] + "#" + f.method_name); link.append("" + (escapeHTML(f.source_location)) + ""); header.append(link); restartLink = $('Restart frame'); restartLink.bind("click", __bind(function(e) { $.ajax({ url: "" + this.server + "/process/" + + "/frames/" + idx, type: 'DELETE', success: __bind(function() { return this.render(); }, this) }); return e.preventDefault(); }, this)); header.append(restartLink); div = document.createElement("div"); $(div).text("Waiting for data..."); this.stack_div.append(header); this.stack_div.append(div); if (idx === 0) { this.selected_frame = new Frame(this.server,, 0, $(div)); return this.selected_frame.render(); } }, this)); this.stack_div.accordion("destroy"); return this.stack_div.accordion({ clearStyle: true, collapsible: true, changestart: __bind(function(event, ui) { var frame_idx; frame_idx = ui.newHeader.children("a").attr("data_idx"); if (frame_idx != null) { this.selected_frame = new Frame(this.server,, frame_idx, ui.newContent); return this.selected_frame.render(); } }, this) }); }, this), 'json'); }; return Process; })(); Debugger = (function() { function Debugger(server) { this.server = server; this.tab_content_template = $("#tab_content_template"); } Debugger.prototype.toString = function() { return "Debugger on " + server; }; Debugger.prototype.server_alive = function() { var request; request = $.ajax({ url: "" + this.server + "/process", async: false }); return request.status === 200; }; Debugger.prototype.clone_template = function() { this.content = this.tab_content_template.clone();; return this.content.removeAttr("id"); }; Debugger.prototype.fill_process_selector = function() { var refreshButton; this.process_box = this.content.children("select[name='process-select-box']"); $.getJSON("" + this.server + "/process", __bind(function(errors) { return $(errors).each(__bind(function(idx, e) { return this.process_box.append(""); }, this)); }, this)); this.process_box.bind("change", __bind(function() { this.process = new Process(this.server, this.process_box.val(),; return this.process.render(); }, this)); refreshButton = this.content.children(".reload-button"); return refreshButton.bind("click", __bind(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.process = new Process(this.server, this.process_box.val(),; return this.process.render(); }, this)); }; Debugger.prototype.content_for = function(ui_panel) { if (!(this.content != null)) { = $(ui_panel).attr("id"); if (!this.server_alive()) { return "

The URL " + url + " could not be reached

"; } this.clone_template(); this.fill_process_selector(); ui_panel.append(this.content); } return this.content; }; return Debugger; })(); DebuggerApp = { setup: function() { var add_tab, debuggers, dialog, form, tab_counter, tab_server_input, tabs; debuggers = []; tab_server_input = $("#tab_server"); tab_counter = 2; add_tab = function() { var tab_server; tab_server = tab_server_input.val(); tabs.tabs("add", "#tabs-" + tab_counter, tab_server); return tab_counter++; }; tabs = $("#tabs").tabs({ tabTemplate: '
  • #{label}' + "Remove Tab
  • ", add: function(event, ui) { var new_debugger; new_debugger = new Debugger(tab_server_input.val()); debuggers.push(new_debugger); return new_debugger.content_for($(ui.panel)); } }); dialog = $("#dialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: true, buttons: { Add: function() { add_tab(); return dialog.dialog("close"); }, Cancel: function() { return dialog.dialog("close"); } }, open: function() { return tab_server_input.focus(); }, close: function() { return form[0].reset(); } }); form = $("form", this.dialog).submit(function() { add_tab(); dialog.dialog("close"); return false; }); $("#add_tab").button().click(function() { return dialog.dialog("open"); }); return $("#tabs span.ui-icon-close").live("click", function() { var index; index = $("li", tabs).index($(this).parent()); return tabs.tabs("remove", index); }); } }; $(document).ready(function() { DebuggerApp.setup(); window.RubyMode = require("ace/mode/ruby").Mode; = require('pilot/canon'); window.editorDiv = $("#editor"); window.editor = ace.edit('editor'); window.editor.getSession().setUseSoftTabs(true); window.editor.getSession().setMode(new RubyMode()); return canon.addCommand({ name: "save", bindKey: { win: "Ctrl-S", mac: "Command-S", sender: "editor" }, exec: function() { return $.ajax({ url: window.editor.save_url, type: 'PUT', data: { debug_info: { source: window.editor.getSession().getValue() } }, success: function() { alert('Save successful. The stack has been reset to the new method.'); return $("#tabs").select(".reload-button").filter(':visible').click(); } }); } }); });