# Guard-rails is watching on your railses! [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/guard-rails.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/guard-rails) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ranmocy/guard-rails.png)](https://travis-ci.org/ranmocy/guard-rails) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/ranmocy/guard-rails.png)](https://gemnasium.com/ranmocy/guard-rails) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/ranmocy/guard-rails.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/ranmocy/guard-rails) [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/ranmocy/guard-rails/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/ranmocy/guard-rails) ## Main repository Currently, the official fork repository is at [ranmocy/guard-rails][ranmocy-guard-rails]. Please, come here and communicate with me. ## Install Please make sure to have [Guard][guard] installed before continuing. Add Guard::Rails to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby group :development do gem 'guard-rails', require: false end ``` Add the default Guard::Rails template to your `Guardfile` by running: ```bash $ guard init rails ``` Add options in Guardfile ```rb guard :rails, port: 3000, host: '' do watch('Gemfile.lock') watch(%r{^(config|lib)/.*}) end ``` Now I can automatically restart your Rails development server as your files change! ## Lots of fun options growing! * `:daemon` runs the server as a daemon, without any output to the terminal that started `guard` (**default `false`**) * `:debugger` enable the debugger in server. Requires ruby-debug gem. (**default `false`**) * `:environment` is the server environment (**default `development`**) * `:force_run` kills any process that's holding the listen port before attempting to (re)start Rails (**default `false`**) * `:pid_file` specify your pid\_file (**default `tmp/pids/[RAILS_ENV].pid`**) * `:host` is where the server is hosted (**default `localhost`**) * `:port` is the server port number (**default `3000`**) * `:root` lets you specify the Rails root, i.e. for using guard-rails to run a dummy app within an engine (try `:root => '/spec/dummy'`). * `:server` the webserver engine to use (**try `:server => :thin`**) * `:start_on_start` will start the server when starting Guard (**default `true`**) * `:timeout` waits when restarting the Rails server, in seconds (**default `30`**). * `:zeus_plan` the [custom plan][zeus-custom-plan] in zeus, only works when `zeus` option is `true` (**default `server`**) * `:zeus` support [zeus][zeus] to boost rails init speed (**default `false`**). * `:CLI` construct the runner command as you will! Will omit all options above except `pid_file`! (**default `rails server --pid tmp/pids/[RAILS_ENV].pid`**) ## How-to * **Multiple instances** use `pid_file` option to run multiple instances with same rails\_env. * **Avoid multiple autoruns when editing by VIM and Emacs** move the backup files to somewhere else or just ignore them in Guardfile. * **Use binding.pry in Rails** Actually you can't! See discussion [here](https://github.com/ranmocy/guard-rails/issues/24). ## Philosophy * **All Platforms** MRI is the main test case. But will be tested under REE and JRuby. * **Live on the edge** Guard-Rails will be tested under Ruby 2.2.3 to 2.3.0 with newest gems. * [Semantic Version](http://semver.org/) ## Contribute The best way to contact me is the Issues and Pull Request system on GitHub. Currently the official fork repository is at [ranmocy/guard-rails][ranmocy-guard-rails]. Please, post your issues or pull requests there. And I will be there as your call. ## Contributors * Ranmocy Sheng * John Bintz * cablegram * Joel Moss * Sidney Burks * Paul Schyska * Adam Michel * Adib Saad * Cezary Baginski * Nathan Broadbent * Tim Preston * killphi * Michael * Benjamin Sullivan * Johnny Robeson * Grant Hutchins and Jonathan Mukai-Heidt * Everard Brown * Sho Kusano * Darrin Holst * Leo Lou * Luciano Sousa * Michel Pavan Macedo ## Copyright Guard-rails is under **[MIT license][MIT]**. [ranmocy-guard-rails]: http://github.com/ranmocy/guard-rails [guard]: https://github.com/guard/guard [zeus]: https://github.com/burke/zeus [zeus-custom-plan]: https://github.com/burke/zeus/blob/master/docs/ruby/modifying.md [MIT]: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT