module SOPT #{{{ ACCESSORS class << self attr_accessor :command, :summary, :synopsys, :description attr_accessor :inputs, :input_shortcuts, :input_types, :input_descriptions, :input_defaults end def self.command @command ||= File.basename($0) end def self.summary @summary ||= "" end def self.synopsys @synopsys ||= begin "#{command} " << inputs.collect{|name| "[" << input_format(name, input_types[name] || :string, input_defaults[name], input_shortcuts[name]).sub(/:$/,'') << "]" } * " " end end def self.description @description ||= "Missing" end def self.shortcuts @shortcuts ||= [] end def self.delete_inputs(inputs) inputs.each do |input| input = input.to_s self.shortcuts.delete self.input_shortcuts.delete(input) self.inputs.delete input self.input_types.delete input self.input_defaults.delete input self.input_descriptions.delete input end end def self.all @all ||= {} end def self.inputs @inputs ||= [] end def self.input_shortcuts @input_shortcuts ||= {} end def self.input_types @input_types ||= {} end def self.input_descriptions @input_descriptions ||= {} end def self.input_defaults @input_defaults ||= {} end def self.reset @shortcuts = [] @all = {} end #{{{ PARSING def self.record(info) input = info[:long].sub("--", '') inputs << input input_types[input] = info[:arg] ? :string : :boolean input_descriptions[input] = info[:description] input_defaults[input] = info[:default] input_shortcuts[input] = info[:short]? info[:short].sub("-",'') : nil end def self.short_for(name) short = [] chars = name.to_s.chars.to_a short << chars.shift shortcuts = input_shortcuts.values.compact.flatten while shortcuts.include? short * "" and chars.any? short << chars.shift end return nil if chars.empty? short * "" end def (info[:long] || info[:short]).sub(/^-*/,'') end def self.parse(opts) info = {} opts.split(/[:\n]+/).each do |opt| next if opt.strip.empty? short, long = opt.strip.sub(/(^[^\s]*)\*/,'\1').split('--').values_at(0,1) long, short = short, nil if long.nil? if long.index(" ") long, description = long.match(/^([^\s]+)\s+(.*)/).values_at 1, 2 else description = nil end i= { :arg => !!opt.match(/^[^\s]*\*/) } i[:short] = short unless short.nil? || short.empty? i[:long] = '--' + long unless long.nil? || long.empty? i[:description] = description unless description.nil? || description.empty? if shortcuts.include? short i[:short] = short_for(i[:long]) Log.debug{ "Short for #{ long } is taken. Changed to #{i[:short]}" } else shortcuts << i[:short] if short end record(i) info[name(i)] = i end info end def self.get(opts) info = parse(opts) switches = {} info.each do |name, i| switches[i[:short]] = name if i[:short] switches[i[:long]] = name if i[:long] end options = rest = [] index = 0 while index < ARGV.length do orig_arg = ARGV[index] if orig_arg =~ /=/ arg, value = orig_arg.match(/(.*?)=(.*)/).values_at 1, 2 else arg = orig_arg value = nil end if switches.include? arg name = switches[arg] i = info[name] if i[:arg] if value.nil? value = ARGV[index + 1] index += 1 end options[name.to_sym] = value else options[name.to_sym] = value == "false" ? false : true end else rest << orig_arg end index += 1 end ARGV.delete_if do true end rest.each do |e| ARGV << e end options end #{{{ DOCUMENTATION def self.input_format(name, type = nil, default = nil, short = "") short = short_for(name) if not short.nil? and short.empty? input_str = short.nil? ? "--#{name}" : "-#{short}, --#{name}" input_str << case type when nil "#{default != nil ? " (default '#{default}')" : ""}:" when :boolean "[=false]#{default != nil ? " (default '#{default}')" : ""}:" when :tsv, :text "=<filename.#{type}|->#{default != nil ? " (default '#{default}')" : ""}; Use '-' for STDIN:" when :array "=<string[,string]*|filename.list|->#{default != nil ? " (default '#{default}')" : ""}; Use '-' for STDIN:" else "=<#{ type }>#{default != nil ? " (default '#{default}')" : ""}:" end end def self.input_doc(inputs, input_types = nil, input_descriptions = nil, input_defaults = nil, input_shortcuts = nil) type = description = default = nil shortcut = "" inputs.collect do |name| type = input_types[name] unless input_types.nil? description = input_descriptions[name] unless input_descriptions.nil? default = input_defaults[name] unless input_defaults.nil? shortcut = input_shortcuts[name] unless input_shortcuts.nil? type = :string if type.nil? str = " * " << SOPT.input_format(name, type.to_sym, default, shortcut) << "\n" str << " " << description << "\n" if description and not description.empty? str end * "\n" end def self.doc doc = <<-EOF #{command}(1) -- #{summary} #{"=" * (command.length + summary.length + 7)} ## SYNOPSYS #{synopsys} ## DESCRIPTION #{description} ## OPTIONS #{input_doc(inputs, input_types, input_descriptions, input_defaults, input_shortcuts)} EOF end end