# encoding: utf-8 require 'tmpdir' require 'socket' require 'fileutils' require 'rbconfig' require 'thread' class Object def systemu(*a, &b) SystemUniversal.new(*a, &b).systemu end end class SystemUniversal # # constants # SystemUniversal::VERSION = '2.6.3' unless SystemUniversal.send(:const_defined?, :VERSION) def SystemUniversal.version() SystemUniversal::VERSION end def version() SystemUniversal::VERSION end def SystemUniversal.description "universal capture of stdout and stderr and handling of child process pid for windows, *nix, etc." end # # class methods # @host = Socket.gethostname @ppid = Process.ppid @pid = Process.pid @turd = ENV['SYSTEMU_TURD'] c = begin; ::RbConfig::CONFIG; rescue NameError; ::Config::CONFIG; end ruby = File.join(c['bindir'], c['ruby_install_name']) << c['EXEEXT'] @ruby = if system('%s -e 42' % ruby) ruby else system('%s -e 42' % 'ruby') ? 'ruby' : warn('no ruby in PATH/CONFIG') end class << SystemUniversal %w( host ppid pid ruby turd ).each{|a| attr_accessor a} def quote(*words) words.map{|word| word.inspect}.join(' ') end end # # instance methods # def initialize argv, opts = {}, &block getopt = getopts opts @argv = argv @block = block @stdin = getopt[ ['stdin', 'in', '0', 0] ] @stdout = getopt[ ['stdout', 'out', '1', 1] ] @stderr = getopt[ ['stderr', 'err', '2', 2] ] @env = getopt[ 'env' ] @cwd = getopt[ 'cwd' ] @host = getopt[ 'host', self.class.host ] @ppid = getopt[ 'ppid', self.class.ppid ] @pid = getopt[ 'pid', self.class.pid ] @ruby = getopt[ 'ruby', self.class.ruby ] end def systemu tmpdir do |tmp| c = child_setup tmp status = nil begin thread = nil quietly{ IO.popen "#{ quote(@ruby) } #{ quote(c['program']) }", 'rb+' do |pipe| line = pipe.gets case line when %r/^pid: \d+$/ cid = Integer line[%r/\d+/] else begin buf = pipe.read buf = "#{ line }#{ buf }" e = Marshal.load buf raise unless Exception === e raise e rescue raise "systemu: Error - process interrupted!\n#{ buf }\n" end end thread = new_thread cid, @block if @block pipe.read rescue nil end } status = $? ensure if thread begin class << status attr 'thread' end status.instance_eval{ @thread = thread } rescue 42 end end end if @stdout or @stderr open(c['stdout'], 'rb'){|f| relay f => @stdout} if @stdout open(c['stderr'], 'rb'){|f| relay f => @stderr} if @stderr status else [status, open(c['stdout'], 'rb'){|f| f.read}, open(c['stderr'], 'rb'){|f| f.read}] end end end def quote *args, &block SystemUniversal.quote(*args, &block) end def new_thread cid, block q = Queue.new Thread.new(cid) do |cid| current = Thread.current current.abort_on_exception = true q.push current block.call cid end q.pop end def child_setup tmp stdin = File.expand_path(File.join(tmp, 'stdin')) stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(tmp, 'stdout')) stderr = File.expand_path(File.join(tmp, 'stderr')) program = File.expand_path(File.join(tmp, 'program')) config = File.expand_path(File.join(tmp, 'config')) if @stdin open(stdin, 'wb'){|f| relay @stdin => f} else FileUtils.touch stdin end FileUtils.touch stdout FileUtils.touch stderr c = {} c['argv'] = @argv c['env'] = @env c['cwd'] = @cwd c['stdin'] = stdin c['stdout'] = stdout c['stderr'] = stderr c['program'] = program open(config, 'wb'){|f| Marshal.dump(c, f)} open(program, 'wb'){|f| f.write child_program(config)} c end def quietly v = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil yield ensure $VERBOSE = v end def child_program config <<-program # encoding: utf-8 PIPE = STDOUT.dup begin config = Marshal.load(IO.read('#{ config }')) argv = config['argv'] env = config['env'] cwd = config['cwd'] stdin = config['stdin'] stdout = config['stdout'] stderr = config['stderr'] Dir.chdir cwd if cwd env.each{|k,v| ENV[k.to_s] = v.to_s} if env STDIN.reopen stdin STDOUT.reopen stdout STDERR.reopen stderr PIPE.puts "pid: \#{ Process.pid }" PIPE.flush ### the process is ready yo! PIPE.close exec *argv rescue Exception => e PIPE.write Marshal.dump(e) rescue nil exit 42 end program end def relay srcdst src, dst, ignored = srcdst.to_a.first if src.respond_to? 'read' while((buf = src.read(8192))); dst << buf; end else if src.respond_to?(:each_line) src.each_line{|buf| dst << buf} else src.each{|buf| dst << buf} end end end def slug_for(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} join = (options[:join] || options['join'] || '_').to_s string = args.flatten.compact.join(join) words = string.to_s.scan(%r|[/\w]+|) words.map!{|word| word.gsub %r|[^/0-9a-zA-Z_-]|, ''} words.delete_if{|word| word.nil? or word.strip.empty?} words.join(join).downcase.gsub('/', (join * 2)) end def tmpdir d = Dir.tmpdir, max = 42, &b i = -1 and loop{ i += 1 tmp = File.join(d, slug_for("systemu_#{ @host }_#{ @ppid }_#{ @pid }_#{ rand }_#{ i += 1 }")) begin Dir.mkdir tmp rescue Errno::EEXIST raise if i >= max next end break( if b begin b.call tmp ensure FileUtils.rm_rf tmp unless SystemU.turd end else tmp end ) } end def getopts opts = {} lambda do |*args| keys, default, ignored = args catch(:opt) do [keys].flatten.each do |key| [key, key.to_s, key.to_s.intern].each do |key| throw :opt, opts[key] if opts.has_key?(key) end end default end end end end # some monkeypatching for JRuby if defined? JRUBY_VERSION require 'jruby' java_import org.jruby.RubyProcess class SystemUniversal def systemu split_argv = JRuby::PathHelper.smart_split_command @argv process = java.lang.Runtime.runtime.exec split_argv.to_java(:string) stdout, stderr = [process.input_stream, process.error_stream].map do |stream| StreamReader.new(stream) end exit_code = process.wait_for field = process.get_class.get_declared_field("pid") field.set_accessible(true) pid = field.get(process) [ RubyProcess::RubyStatus.new_process_status(JRuby.runtime, exit_code, pid), stdout.join, stderr.join ] end class StreamReader def initialize(stream) @data = "" @thread = Thread.new do reader = java.io.BufferedReader.new java.io.InputStreamReader.new(stream) while line = reader.read_line @data << line << "\n" end end end def join @thread.join @data end end end end SystemU = SystemUniversal unless defined? SystemU Systemu = SystemUniversal unless defined? Systemu if $0 == __FILE__ # # date # date = %q( ruby -e" t = Time.now; STDOUT.puts t; STDERR.puts t " ) status, stdout, stderr = systemu date p [status, stdout, stderr] status = systemu date, 1=>(stdout = '') p [status, stdout] status = systemu date, 2=>(stderr = '') p [status, stderr] # # sleep # sleep = %q( ruby -e" p(sleep(1)) " ) status, stdout, stderr = systemu sleep p [status, stdout, stderr] sleep = %q( ruby -e" p(sleep(42)) " ) status, stdout, stderr = systemu(sleep){|cid| Process.kill 9, cid} p [status, stdout, stderr] # # env # env = %q( ruby -e" p ENV['A'] " ) status, stdout, stderr = systemu env, :env => {'A' => 42} p [status, stdout, stderr] # # cwd # env = %q( ruby -e" p Dir.pwd " ) status, stdout, stderr = systemu env, :cwd => Dir.tmpdir p [status, stdout, stderr] end