# Use these commands to access the legacy REST API for Test Runs (Protocol Mutation, Scenario Mutation, DoS, and PV tests). require 'mu/api/muapi' class Mu class Command class Cmd_muapi < Command attr_accessor :host, :username, :password, :api, :docroot # displays command-line help # * argv = command-line arguments def cmd_help argv help end # for any of the possible status values, returns a list of analysis # * argv = command-line arguments, requires the status (-s) argument, specifying the values to query, such as 'running' or 'failed' def cmd_list_by_status argv setup argv status = @hash['status'] response = @api.list_by_status(status) if response.is_a?(Array) response.each do | r | msg r end else msg response end end # returns the status of a particular analysis # * argv = command-line argumentsm require a uuid (-u) argument, specifying a test on the Mu def cmd_status argv setup argv uuid = @hash['uuid'] response = @api.status(uuid) msg response return response end # runs an analysis, reference is the posted uuid # ex: run(1234-1234-1234-1234, "new_name") # * argv = command-line arguments, requires a uuid (-u) and an optional name such that each successive run of the same uuid yields a new name def cmd_run argv setup argv uuid = @hash['uuid'] if @hash['boolean'].nil? rename = "" else rename = @hash['boolean'] end response = @api.run(uuid, rename) msg response return response end # aborts a running analysis. the next queued analysis will start # * argv = command-line arguments, requires a uuid (-u) argument specifying the test def cmd_stop argv setup argv uuid = @hash['uuid'] response = @api.stop(uuid) msg response return response end # pauses a running analysis. Note that any queued analysis will NOT begin # * argv = command-line arguments, requires a uuid (-u) argument specifying the test def cmd_pause argv setup argv uuid = @hash['uuid'] response = @api.pause(uuid) msg response return response end # resumes a paused analysis # * argv = command-line arguments, requires a uuid (-u) argument specifying the test def cmd_resume argv setup argv uuid = @hash['uuid'] response = @api.resume(uuid) msg response return response end # delets an analysis or template of any type # * argv = command-line arguments, requires a uuid (-u) argument specifying the test def cmd_delete argv setup argv uuid = @hash['uuid'] response = @api.delete(uuid) msg response return response end # returns a list of faults (if any) for the analysis # * argv = command-line arguments, requires a uuid (-u) argument specifying the test def cmd_get_faults argv setup argv uuid = @hash['uuid'] response = @api.get_faults(uuid) if response.is_a?(Array) response.each do | r | msg r end else msg response end return response end # returns the name of a test referenced by uuid # * argv = command-line arguments, requires a uuid (-u) argument specifying the test def cmd_get_name argv setup argv uuid = @hash['uuid'] response = @api.get_name(uuid) msg response return response end # returns the types of templates on the Mu # * argv = command-line arguments def cmd_types argv setup argv response = @api.types msg response return response end # lists all templates of the given type # * argv = command-line arguments, requires a type (-t) argument, such as 'scenario' def cmd_list argv setup argv type = @hash['type'] response = @api.list(type) if response.is_a?(Array) response.each do | r | msg r end else msg response end return response end # exports a template by type and name # * argv = command-line arguments, requires a template type (-t) and template name (-n) argument def cmd_export_by_type_and_name argv setup argv type = @hash['type'] name = @hash['name'] response = @api.export_by_type_and_name(type, name) msg response return response end # exports a template by uuid # * argv = command-line arguments, requires a template uuid (-u) argument def cmd_export_by_uuid argv setup argv uuid = @hash['uuid'] response = @api.export_by_uuid(uuid) msg response return response end # archive has a set of three commands that are used to # generate and download an archive of all data produced by # a particular test # ex: # * argv = command-line arguments, requires a command (-c) argument # * command=run returns the job_id # * command=status (called after 'run'), requires the job_id (-u) argument # * command=get (called when status returns "Finished"), requires the job_id (-u) argument def cmd_archive argv setup argv command = @hash['command'] job_id = @hash['uuid'] response = @api.archive(command, job_id) msg response return response end # backup has a set of three commands that are used to generate, # query and retrieve a backup # ex: # * argv = command-line arguments, requires a command (-c) argument # * command=run returns the job_id # * command=status (called after 'run') # * command=get (called when status returns "Finished"), requires the name (-n) argument # * name = backup file name (will be given a .dat extension) def cmd_backup argv setup argv command = @hash['command'] name = @hash['name'] response = @api.backup(command, name) msg response return response end # capture has a set of three commands that are used to generate # packet captures, poll the status and return the resulting file # ex: # * argv = command-line arguments, requires a command (-c) argument # * command=run returns the job_id # * command=status (called after 'run'), requires the job_id (-u) argument # * command=get (called when status returns "Finished"), requires the job_id (-u) argument # * port = the Mu interface on which to capture packets def cmd_capture argv setup argv command = @hash['command'] port = @hash['port'] job_id = @hash['uuid'] response = @api.capture(command, port, job_id) msg response return response end private def setup argv parse_cli argv @host = (@@mu_ip.nil?) ? "" : @@mu_ip @username = (@@mu_admin_user.nil?) ? "admin" : @@mu_admin_user @password = (@@mu_admin_pass.nil?) ? "admin" : @@mu_admin_pass @docroot = "/api/v3" @params = nil @expected_error = nil @api = Muapi.new(@host, @username, @password) msg "Created API object to :#{@host}", Logger::DEBUG end def parse_cli argv args = Array.new @hash = Hash.new while not argv.empty? args << argv.shift if argv.first[0,1] != '-' k = argv.shift if [ '-b', '--boolean' ].member? k @hash['boolean'] = shift(k, argv) next end if [ '-c', '--command' ].member? k @hash['command'] = shift(k, argv) next end if [ '-h', '--help' ].member? k help exit end if [ '-m', '--mu_string' ].member? k mu_string = shift(k, argv) if mu_string =~ /(.+?):(.+?)@(.*)/ @@mu_admin_user = $1 @@mu_admin_pass = $2 @@mu_ip = $3 end next end if [ '-n', '--name' ].member? k @hash['name'] = shift(k, argv) next end if [ '-o', '--output' ].member? k $stdout.reopen(shift(k, argv), "w") next end if [ '-p', '--port' ].member? k @hash['port'] = shift(k, argv) next end if [ '-s', '--status' ].member? k @hash['status'] = shift(k, argv) next end if [ '-t', '--type' ].member? k @hash['type'] = shift(k, argv) next end if [ '-u', '--uuid' ].member? k @hash['uuid'] = shift(k, argv) next end if [ '-v', '--verbose' ].member? k $log.level = Logger::DEBUG next end end args end def help helps = [ { :short => '-b', :long => '--boolean', :value => '', :help => 'boolean arg' }, { :short => '-c', :long => '--command', :value => '', :help => 'e.g. run|get|status' }, { :short => '-h', :long => '--help', :value => '', :help => 'help on command line options' }, { :short => '-m', :long => '--mu_string', :value => '', :help => 'user, password, mu_ip in the form of admin:admin@' }, { :short => '-n', :long => '--name', :value => '', :help => 'name for filtering' }, { :short => '-o', :long => '--output', :value => '', :help => 'output logging to this file' }, { :short => '-p', :long => '--port', :value => '', :help => 'port name' }, { :short => '-s', :long => '--status', :value => '', :help => 'status, running|finished|aborted|queued|failed' }, { :short => '-t', :long => '--type', :value => '', :help => 'template type' }, { :short => '-u', :long => '--uuid', :value => '', :help => 'template uuid' }, { :short => '-v', :long => '--verbose', :value => '', :help => 'set Logger::DEBUG level' } ] cmds = [ "mu cmd_muapi:archive -c -u ", "mu cmd_muapi:backup -c [-n ]", "mu cmd_muapi:capture -c -p [-u ]", "mu cmd_muapi:delete -u ", "mu cmd_muapi:export_by_type_and_name -t -n ", "mu cmd_muapi:export_by_uuid -u ", "mu cmd_muapi:get_faults -u ", "mu cmd_muapi:get_name -u ", "mu cmd_muapi:help", "mu cmd_muapi:list -t ", "mu cmd_muapi:list_by_status -s ", "mu cmd_muapi:pause -u ", "mu cmd_muapi:resume -u ", "mu cmd_muapi:run -u [-b rename]", "mu cmd_muapi:status -u ", "mu cmd_muapi:stop -u ", "mu cmd_muapi:types", ] max_long_size = helps.inject(0) { |memo, obj| [ obj[:long].size, memo ].max } max_value_size = helps.inject(0) { |memo, obj| [ obj[:value].size, memo ].max } puts puts "Usage: mu cmd_muapi " puts helps.each do |h| puts "%-*s %*s %-*s %s" % [max_long_size, h[:long], 2, h[:short], max_value_size, h[:value], h[:help]] end puts puts "Available Commands" puts cmds.each do | c | puts c end puts end end end # Command end # Mu