module Authlogic module Session # = Timeout # # This is reponsibile for determining if the session is stale or fresh. It is also responsible for maintaining the last_request_at value if the column is present. # # Think about how financial websites work. If you are inactive after a certain period of time you must log back in. By default this is disabled, but if enabled this # module kicks in. See the logout_on_timeout configuration option for how to turn this on. module Timeout def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do alias_method_chain :find_record, :timeout after_find :update_last_request_at! after_save :update_last_request_at! end end # This implements the stale functionality when trying to find a session. If the session is stale the record will be cleared, but the session object will still be # returned. This allows you to perform a current_user_session.stale? query in order to inform your users of why they need to log back in. def find_record_with_timeout result = find_record_without_timeout self.record = nil if result && stale? result end # Tells you if the record is stale or not. Meaning the record has timed out. This will only return true if you set logout_on_timeout to true in your configuration. # Basically how a bank website works. If you aren't active over a certain period of time your session becomes stale and requires you to log back in. def stale? logout_on_timeout? && record && record.logged_out? end private def update_last_request_at! if record.class.column_names.include?("last_request_at") && (record.last_request_at.blank? || last_request_at_threshold.to_i.seconds.ago >= record.last_request_at) record.last_request_at = klass.default_timezone == :utc ? : record.save_without_session_maintenance(false) end end end end end