module JSON class Schema class TypeAttribute < Attribute def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = {}) union = true if options[:disallow] types = current_schema.schema['disallow'] else types = current_schema.schema['type'] end if !types.is_a?(Array) types = [types] union = false end valid = false # Create an array to hold errors that are generated during union validation union_errors = [] types.each do |type| if type.is_a?(String) valid = data_valid_for_type?(data, type) elsif type.is_a?(Hash) && union # Validate as a schema schema =,current_schema.uri,validator) # We're going to add a little cruft here to try and maintain any validation errors that occur in this union type # We'll handle this by keeping an error count before and after validation, extracting those errors and pushing them onto a union error pre_validation_error_count = validation_errors(processor).count begin schema.validate(data,fragments,processor,options) valid = true rescue ValidationError # We don't care that these schemas don't validate - we only care that one validated end diff = validation_errors(processor).count - pre_validation_error_count valid = false if diff > 0 while diff > 0 diff = diff - 1 union_errors.push(validation_errors(processor).pop) end end break if valid end if (options[:disallow]) if valid message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' matched one or more of the following types:" types.each {|type| message += type.is_a?(String) ? " #{type}," : " (schema)," } message.chop! validation_error(processor, message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) end elsif !valid if union message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' of type #{type_of_data(data)} did not match one or more of the following types:" types.each {|type| message += type.is_a?(String) ? " #{type}," : " (schema)," } message.chop! validation_error(processor, message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) validation_errors(processor).last.sub_errors = union_errors else message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' of type #{type_of_data(data)} did not match the following type:" types.each {|type| message += type.is_a?(String) ? " #{type}," : " (schema)," } message.chop! validation_error(processor, message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) end end end TYPE_CLASS_MAPPINGS = { "string" => String, "number" => Numeric, "integer" => Integer, "boolean" => [TrueClass, FalseClass], "object" => Hash, "array" => Array, "null" => NilClass, "any" => Object } def self.data_valid_for_type?(data, type) valid_classes = TYPE_CLASS_MAPPINGS.fetch(type) { return true } Array(valid_classes).any? { |c| data.is_a?(c) } end # Lookup Schema type of given class instance def self.type_of_data(data) type, klass = { |k,v| [k,v] }.sort_by { |i| k,v = i -Array(v).map { |klass| klass.ancestors.size }.max }.find { |i| k,v = i Array(v).any? { |klass| data.kind_of?(klass) } } type end end end end