describe 'uki.Geometry' Rect = uki.geometry.Rect; Size = uki.geometry.Size; Point = uki.geometry.Point; Inset = uki.geometry.Inset; describe 'Point' it 'should serialize to string' s = new Point(-1, 12) (s + '') '-1 12' end it 'should unserialize from string' Point.fromString('10 -11').should.eql new Point(10, -11) end end describe 'Size' it 'should serialize to string' s = new Size(10, 20) (s + '') '10 20' end it 'should unserialize from string' Size.fromString('20 21').should.eql new Size(20, 21) end end describe 'Rect' it 'should serialize to string' s = new Rect(10, 11, 21, 22) (s + '') '10 11 21 22' end it 'should unserialize from string' Rect.fromString('10 11 21 22').should.eql new Rect(10, 11, 21, 22) end it 'should create iteself from Point and Size' s = new Rect(new Point(10, 11), new Size(12, 13)) s.should.eql new Rect(10, 11, 12, 13) end it 'should create itself from coords' Rect.fromCoords(10, 20, 100, 200).should.eql new Rect(10, 20, 90, 180) end it 'should create itself from 2 Points' Rect.fromCoords(new Point(10, 20), new Point(100, 200)).should.eql new Rect(10, 20, 90, 180) end it 'should serialize to coords string' r = new Rect(10, 11, 21, 22); r.toCoordsString() '10 11 31 33' end end describe 'Inset' it 'should create itself from 4 offsets' var i = new Inset(0, 1, 2, 3); (i + '') '0 1 2 3' end it 'should create itself from 2 offsets' i = new Inset(2, 4); (i + '') '2 4 2 4' end it 'should create itself from zerros' i = new Inset(2, 4, 0, 0); (i + '') '2 4 0 0' end it 'should unserialize from string' i = Inset.fromString('1 2 3 4'); (i + '') '1 2 3 4' end end end