module RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat def self.const_missing(const) RequestLogAnalyzer::load_default_class_file(self, const) end # Loads a FileFormat::Base subclass instance. # You can provide: # * A FileFormat instance (which will return itself) # * A FileFormat class (of which an imstance will be returned) # * A filename (from which the FileFormat class is loaded) # * A symbol of a built-in file format (e.g. :rails) def self.load(file_format, *args) klass = nil if file_format.kind_of?(RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Base) # this already is a file format! return itself return @current_file_format = file_format elsif file_format.kind_of?(Class) && file_format.ancestors.include?(RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Base) # a usable class is provided. Use this format class. klass = file_format elsif file_format.kind_of?(String) && File.exist?(file_format) # load a format from a ruby file require file_format const = RequestLogAnalyzer::to_camelcase(File.basename(file_format, '.rb')) if RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat.const_defined?(const) klass = RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat.const_get(const) elsif Object.const_defined?(const) klass = Object.const_get(const) else raise "Cannot load class #{const} from #{file_format}!" end else # load a provided file format klass = RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat.const_get(RequestLogAnalyzer::to_camelcase(file_format)) end # check the returned klass to see if it can be used raise "Could not load a file format from #{file_format.inspect}" if klass.nil? raise "Invalid FileFormat class" unless klass.kind_of?(Class) && klass.ancestors.include?(RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Base) @current_file_format = klass.create(*args) # return an instance of the class end # Makes classes aware of a file format by registering the file_format variable module Awareness def self.included(base) base.send(:attr_reader, :file_format) end def register_file_format(format) @file_format = format end end # Base class for all log file format definitions. This class provides functions for subclasses to # define their LineDefinitions and to define a summary report. # # A subclass of this class is instantiated when request-log-analyzer is started and this instance # is shared with all components of the application so they can act on the specifics of the format class Base attr_reader :line_definitions, :report_trackers #################################################################################### # CLASS METHODS for format definition #################################################################################### # Registers the line definer instance for a subclass. def self.inherited(subclass) if subclass.superclass == RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Base # Create aline and report definer for this class subclass.class_eval do instance_variable_set(:@line_definer, instance_variable_set(:@report_definer, class << self; attr_accessor :line_definer, :report_definer; end end # Create a custom Request class for this file format subclass.const_set('Request', unless subclass.const_defined?('Request') else # Copy the line and report definer from the parent class. subclass.class_eval do instance_variable_set(:@line_definer, superclass.line_definer.clone) instance_variable_set(:@report_definer, superclass.report_definer.clone) class << self; attr_accessor :line_definer, :report_definer; end end # Create a custom Request class based on the superclass's Request class subclass.const_set('Request', unless subclass.const_defined?('Request') end end # Specifies a single line defintions. def self.line_definition(name, &block) @line_definer.send(name, &block) end # Specifies multiple line definitions at once using a block def self.format_definition(&block) if block_given? yield self.line_definer else return self.line_definer end end # Specifies the summary report using a block. def = :append, &block) self.report_definer.reset! if mode == :overwrite yield(self.report_definer) end #################################################################################### # Instantiation #################################################################################### def self.create(*args) # Ignore arguments return, report_definer.trackers) end def initialize(line_definitions = [], report_trackers = []) @line_definitions, @report_trackers = line_definitions, report_trackers end #################################################################################### # INSTANCE methods #################################################################################### # Returns the Request class of this file format def request_class self.class::Request end # Returns a Request instance with the given parsed lines that should be provided as hashes. def request(*hashes) request_class.create(self, *hashes) end # Checks whether the line definitions form a valid language. # A file format should have at least a header and a footer line type def valid? line_definitions.any? { |(name, ld)| ld.header } && line_definitions.any? { |(name, ld)| ld.footer } end # Returns true if this language captures the given symbol in one of its line definitions def captures?(name) line_definitions.any? { |(name, ld)| ld.captures?(name) } end # Function that a file format con implement to monkey patch the environment. # * controller The environment is provided as a controller instance def setup_environment(controller) end # Parses a line by trying to parse it using every line definition in this file format def parse_line(line, &warning_handler) request_data = nil self.line_definitions.any? { |lt, definition| request_data = definition.matches(line, &warning_handler) } return request_data end end end