module Challah module AuthableUser def authable_user unless included_modules.include?(InstanceMethods) include InstanceMethods extend ClassMethods end class_eval do cattr_accessor :protected_attributes # Validation ################################################################ validates :email, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true validates :first_name, :presence => true validates :last_name, :presence => true validates :role_id, :presence => true validates :username, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true validate :validate_new_password # Relationships ################################################################ belongs_to :role, :touch => true has_many :permission_users, :dependent => :destroy has_many :permissions, :through => :permission_users, :order => '' # Scoped Finders ################################################################ default_scope order('users.first_name, users.last_name') scope :active, where(:active => true) scope :inactive, where(:active => false) scope :search, lambda { |q| where([ 'users.first_name like ? OR users.last_name like ? OR like ? OR users.username LIKE ?', "%#{q}%", "%#{q}%", "%#{q}%", "%#{q}%" ]) } scope :with_role, lambda { |role| where([ "users.role_id = ?", role ]) } # Callbacks ################################################################ after_save :save_permission_keys before_save :before_save_password before_save :check_email_hash before_validation :sync_username # Attributes ################################################################ attr_accessible :email, :first_name, :last_name, :password_confirmation, :password, :username protect_attributes :api_key, :created_by, :crypted_password, :failed_login_count, :id, :last_login_at, :last_session_at, :last_session_ip, :login_count, :permission_users_attributes, :permission_users, :permissions_attributes, :permissions, :persistence_token, :role_id, :session_count, :updated_by end end module ClassMethods # Returns a scope of all users that are assigned with the given permission. # This takes into account permissions assigned by a user role, or permissions # given to a user on an ad-hoc basis. def find_all_by_permission(permission_id_or_key) permission = case permission_id_or_key when Permission permission_id_or_key when Symbol Permission[permission_id_or_key] else Permission.find_by_id(permission_id_or_key) end unless Permission === permission return self.scoped.limit(0) end user_ids = permission.permission_users.pluck(:user_id).to_a role_ids = permission.permission_roles.pluck(:role_id).to_a if self.where(:role_id => role_ids) else t = self.arel_table self.where(t[:role_id].in(role_ids).or(t[:id].in(user_ids))) end end alias_method :find_by_permission, :find_all_by_permission # Returns a scope of all users that are assigned to the given role. # Accepts a `Role` instance, a role_id, or a Symbol of the role name. def find_all_by_role(role_or_id_or_name) role_id = case role_or_id_or_name when Role role_or_id_or_name[:id] when Symbol Role[role_or_id_or_name][:id] else role_or_id_or_name end User.with_role(role_id) end alias_method :find_by_role, :find_all_by_role # Find a user instance by username first, or email address if needed. # If no user is found matching, return nil def find_for_session(username_or_email) return nil if username_or_email.to_s.blank? result = nil result = self.where(:username => username_or_email).first unless result if username_or_email.to_s.include?('@') result = self.where(:email => username_or_email).first end end result end # Protect certain attributes of this table from User#update_account_attributes. def protect_attributes(*args) self.protected_attributes ||= [] self.protected_attributes << args.collect(&:to_s) end end # Instance methods to be included once authable_user is set up. module InstanceMethods # Returns true if this user is active, and should be able to log in. If # the active column is false, the user will not be able to authenticate def active? !! end # Generic authentication method. By default, this just checks to see if the password # given matches this user. You can also pass in the first parameter as the method # to use for a different type of authentication. def authenticate(*args) return false unless active? if args.length > 1 method = args.shift if respond_to?("authenticate_with_#{method}") return self.send("authenticate_with_#{method}", *args) end false else authenticate_with_password(args[0]) end end # Pass in an api_key, and if it matches this user account, return true. def authenticate_with_api_key(api_key) self.api_key == api_key end # Pass in a password, and if it matches this user's account, return true. def authenticate_with_password(plain_password), plain_password) end # The default url where this user should be redirected to after logging in. Also can be used as the main link # at the top of navigation. def default_path role ? role.default_path : '/' end def failed_authentication! self.increment!(:failed_auth_count) end # First name and last name together def name "#{first_name} #{last_name}" end # Get the value of the current password, only can be used right after setting a new password. def password @password end # Set a password for this user def password=(value) if value.to_s.blank? @password = nil @password_updated = false else @password = value @password_updated = true end end # Set the confirmation when changing a password def password_confirmation=(value) @password_confirmation = value end # Returns the permission keys in an array for exactly what this user can access. # This includes all role based permission keys, and any specifically given to this user # through permissions_users def permission_keys return @permission_keys if @permission_keys role_keys = if role(true) role_key = "#{role.cache_key}/permissions" keys = Rails.cache.fetch(role_key) do role.permission_keys.clone end Rails.cache.write(role_key, keys) keys else [] end user_keys = Rails.cache.fetch(permissions_cache_key) do user_permission_keys.clone end user_keys = [] unless user_keys Rails.cache.write(permissions_cache_key, keys) unless new_record? @permission_keys = (role_keys + user_keys).uniq end # Returns true if this user has permission to the provided permission key def has(permission_key) self.permission_keys.include?(permission_key.to_s) end alias_method :permission?, :has # Set the permission keys that this role can access def permission_keys=(value) Rails.cache.delete(permissions_cache_key) @permission_keys = value @permission_keys end # When a role is set, reset the permission_keys def role_id=(value) @permission_keys = nil @user_permission_keys = nil self[:role_id] = value end # shortened name, just includes the first name and last initial def small_name "#{first_name.to_s.titleize} #{last_name.to_s.first.upcase}." end # Called when a +Session+ validation is successful, and this user has # been authenticated. def successful_authentication!(ip_address = nil) self.last_session_at = self.last_session_ip = ip_address self.increment!(:session_count, 1) end # Update a user's own account. This differsfrom User#update_attributes because it won't let # a user update their own role and other protected elements. # # All attributes on the user model can be updated, except for the ones listed below. def update_account_attributes(attributes_to_update = {}) protected_attributes = self.class.protected_attributes.clone.flatten attributes_to_update.keys.each do |key| if protected_attributes.include?(key.to_s) attributes_to_update.delete(key) end end self.update_attributes(attributes_to_update) end # Returns the permission keys used by this specific user, does not include any role-based permissions. def user_permission_keys new_record? ? [] : self.permissions(true).collect(&:key) end # Is this user valid and ready for a user session? # # Override this method if you need to check for a particular configuration on each page request. def valid_session? end # Allow dynamic checking for permissions # # +admin?+ is shorthand for: # # def admin? # has(:admin) # end def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) return has(sym.to_s.gsub(/\?/, '')) if sym.to_s =~ /^[a-z_]*\?$/ super(sym, *args, &block) end protected # called before_save on the User model, actually encrypts the password with a new generated salt def before_save_password if @password_updated and valid? self.crypted_password = ::Challah::Encrypter.encrypt(@password) @password_updated = false @password = nil end self.persistence_token = ::Challah::Random.token(125) if self.persistence_token.to_s.blank? self.api_key = ::Challah::Random.token(50) if self.api_key.to_s.blank? end # If the email was changed, hash it def check_email_hash if User.column_names.include?("email_hash") if email_changed? require 'digest/md5' self.email_hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest( end end end # The cache key to use for saving user permissions. def permissions_cache_key "#{self.cache_key}/permissions" end # Saves any updated permission keys to the database for this user. # Any permission keys that are specifically given to this user and are also in the # user's role will be removed. So, the only permission keys added here will be those # in addition to the user's role. def save_permission_keys if @permission_keys and Array === @permission_keys self.permission_users(true).clear @permission_keys = @permission_keys.uniq - self.role.permission_keys @permission_keys.each do |key| permission = ::Permission[key] if permission self.permission_users.create({ :permission_id =>, :user_id => }, :without_protection => true) end end @permission_keys = nil @user_permission_keys = nil self.permissions(true).collect(&:key) end end # Called before validations, if no username was provided but an email was, copy it over to the # username field. def sync_username if self.username.to_s.blank? and ! self.username = end end # validation call for new passwords, make sure the password is confirmed, and is >= 4 characters def validate_new_password if new_record? and self.read_attribute(:crypted_password).to_s.blank? and !@password_updated errors.add :password, :blank elsif @password_updated if @password.to_s.size < 4 errors.add :password, :invalid_password elsif @password.to_s != @password_confirmation.to_s errors.add :password, :no_match_password end end end end end end