# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # frozen_string_literal: true module Rouge module Lexers load_lexer 'c.rb' class HLSL < C title "HLSL" desc "HLSL, the High Level Shading Language for DirectX (docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl)" tag 'hlsl' filenames '*.hlsl', '*.hlsli' mimetypes 'text/x-hlsl' def self.keywords @keywords ||= Set.new %w( asm asm_fragment break case cbuffer centroid class column_major compile compile_fragment const continue default discard do else export extern for fxgroup globallycoherent groupshared if in inline inout interface line lineadj linear namespace nointerpolation noperspective NULL out packoffset pass pixelfragment point precise return register row_major sample sampler shared stateblock stateblock_state static struct switch tbuffer technique technique10 technique11 texture typedef triangle uniform vertexfragment volatile while ) end def self.keywords_type @keywords_type ||= Set.new %w( dword matrix snorm string unorm unsigned void vector BlendState Buffer ByteAddressBuffer ComputeShader DepthStencilState DepthStencilView DomainShader GeometryShader HullShader InputPatch LineStream OutputPatch PixelShader PointStream RasterizerState RenderTargetView RasterizerOrderedBuffer RasterizerOrderedByteAddressBuffer RasterizerOrderedStructuredBuffer RasterizerOrderedTexture1D RasterizerOrderedTexture1DArray RasterizerOrderedTexture2D RasterizerOrderedTexture2DArray RasterizerOrderedTexture3D RWBuffer RWByteAddressBuffer RWStructuredBuffer RWTexture1D RWTexture1DArray RWTexture2D RWTexture2DArray RWTexture3D SamplerState SamplerComparisonState StructuredBuffer Texture1D Texture1DArray Texture2D Texture2DArray Texture2DMS Texture2DMSArray Texture3D TextureCube TextureCubeArray TriangleStream VertexShader bool1 bool2 bool3 bool4 BOOL1 BOOL2 BOOL3 BOOL4 int1 int2 int3 int4 half1 half2 half3 half4 float1 float2 float3 float4 double1 double2 double3 double4 bool1x1 bool1x2 bool1x3 bool1x4 bool2x1 bool2x2 bool2x3 bool2x4 bool3x1 bool3x2 bool3x3 bool3x4 bool4x1 bool4x2 bool4x3 bool4x4 BOOL1x1 BOOL1x2 BOOL1x3 BOOL1x4 BOOL2x1 BOOL2x2 BOOL2x3 BOOL2x4 BOOL3x1 BOOL3x2 BOOL3x3 BOOL3x4 BOOL4x1 BOOL4x2 BOOL4x3 BOOL4x4 half1x1 half1x2 half1x3 half1x4 half2x1 half2x2 half2x3 half2x4 half3x1 half3x2 half3x3 half3x4 half4x1 half4x2 half4x3 half4x4 int1x1 int1x2 int1x3 int1x4 int2x1 int2x2 int2x3 int2x4 int3x1 int3x2 int3x3 int3x4 int4x1 int4x2 int4x3 int4x4 float1x1 float1x2 float1x3 float1x4 float2x1 float2x2 float2x3 float2x4 float3x1 float3x2 float3x3 float3x4 float4x1 float4x2 float4x3 float4x4 double1x1 double1x2 double1x3 double1x4 double2x1 double2x2 double2x3 double2x4 double3x1 double3x2 double3x3 double3x4 double4x1 double4x2 double4x3 double4x4 ) end def self.reserved @reserved ||= Set.new %w( auto catch char const_cast delete dynamic_cast enum explicit friend goto long mutable new operator private protected public reinterpret_cast short signed sizeof static_cast template this throw try typename union unsigned using virtual ) end def self.builtins @builtins ||= Set.new %w( abort abs acos all AllMemoryBarrier AllMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync any AppendStructuredBuffer asdouble asfloat asin asint asuint asuint atan atan2 ceil CheckAccessFullyMapped clamp clip CompileShader ConsumeStructuredBuffer cos cosh countbits cross D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4 ddx ddx_coarse ddx_fine ddy ddy_coarse ddy_fine degrees determinant DeviceMemoryBarrier DeviceMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync distance dot dst errorf EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid EvaluateAttributeAtSample EvaluateAttributeSnapped exp exp2 f16tof32 f32tof16 faceforward firstbithigh firstbitlow floor fma fmod frac frexp fwidth GetRenderTargetSampleCount GetRenderTargetSamplePosition GlobalOrderedCountIncrement GroupMemoryBarrier GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync InterlockedAdd InterlockedAnd InterlockedCompareExchange InterlockedCompareStore InterlockedExchange InterlockedMax InterlockedMin InterlockedOr InterlockedXor isfinite isinf isnan ldexp length lerp lit log log10 log2 mad max min modf msad4 mul noise normalize pow printf Process2DQuadTessFactorsAvg Process2DQuadTessFactorsMax Process2DQuadTessFactorsMin ProcessIsolineTessFactors ProcessQuadTessFactorsAvg ProcessQuadTessFactorsMax ProcessQuadTessFactorsMin ProcessTriTessFactorsAvg ProcessTriTessFactorsMax ProcessTriTessFactorsMin QuadReadLaneAt QuadSwapX QuadSwapY radians rcp reflect refract reversebits round rsqrt saturate sign sin sincos sinh smoothstep sqrt step tan tanh tex1D tex1D tex1Dbias tex1Dgrad tex1Dlod tex1Dproj tex2D tex2D tex2Dbias tex2Dgrad tex2Dlod tex2Dproj tex3D tex3D tex3Dbias tex3Dgrad tex3Dlod tex3Dproj texCUBE texCUBE texCUBEbias texCUBEgrad texCUBElod texCUBEproj transpose trunc WaveAllBitAnd WaveAllMax WaveAllMin WaveAllBitOr WaveAllBitXor WaveAllEqual WaveAllProduct WaveAllSum WaveAllTrue WaveAnyTrue WaveBallot WaveGetLaneCount WaveGetLaneIndex WaveGetOrderedIndex WaveIsHelperLane WaveOnce WavePrefixProduct WavePrefixSum WaveReadFirstLane WaveReadLaneAt SV_CLIPDISTANCE SV_CLIPDISTANCE0 SV_CLIPDISTANCE1 SV_CULLDISTANCE SV_CULLDISTANCE0 SV_CULLDISTANCE1 SV_COVERAGE SV_DEPTH SV_DEPTHGREATEREQUAL SV_DEPTHLESSEQUAL SV_DISPATCHTHREADID SV_DOMAINLOCATION SV_GROUPID SV_GROUPINDEX SV_GROUPTHREADID SV_GSINSTANCEID SV_INNERCOVERAGE SV_INSIDETESSFACTOR SV_INSTANCEID SV_ISFRONTFACE SV_OUTPUTCONTROLPOINTID SV_POSITION SV_PRIMITIVEID SV_RENDERTARGETARRAYINDEX SV_SAMPLEINDEX SV_STENCILREF SV_TESSFACTOR SV_VERTEXID SV_VIEWPORTARRAYINDEX allow_uav_condition branch call domain earlydepthstencil fastopt flatten forcecase instance loop maxtessfactor numthreads outputcontrolpoints outputtopology partitioning patchconstantfunc unroll BINORMAL BINORMAL0 BINORMAL1 BINORMAL2 BINORMAL3 BINORMAL4 BLENDINDICES0 BLENDINDICES1 BLENDINDICES2 BLENDINDICES3 BLENDINDICES4 BLENDWEIGHT0 BLENDWEIGHT1 BLENDWEIGHT2 BLENDWEIGHT3 BLENDWEIGHT4 COLOR COLOR0 COLOR1 COLOR2 COLOR3 COLOR4 NORMAL NORMAL0 NORMAL1 NORMAL2 NORMAL3 NORMAL4 POSITION POSITION0 POSITION1 POSITION2 POSITION3 POSITION4 POSITIONT PSIZE0 PSIZE1 PSIZE2 PSIZE3 PSIZE4 TANGENT TANGENT0 TANGENT1 TANGENT2 TANGENT3 TANGENT4 TESSFACTOR0 TESSFACTOR1 TESSFACTOR2 TESSFACTOR3 TESSFACTOR4 TEXCOORD0 TEXCOORD1 TEXCOORD2 TEXCOORD3 TEXCOORD4 FOG PSIZE VFACE VPOS DEPTH0 DEPTH1 DEPTH2 DEPTH3 DEPTH4 ) end ws = %r((?:\s|//.*?\n|/[*].*?[*]/)+) id = /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ state :root do mixin :expr_whitespace rule %r( ([\w*\s]+?[\s*]) # return arguments (#{id}) # function name (\s*\([^;]*?\)(?:\s*:\s+#{id})?) # signature (#{ws}?)({|;) # open brace or semicolon )mx do |m| # This is copied from the C lexer recurse m[1] token Name::Function, m[2] recurse m[3] recurse m[4] token Punctuation, m[5] if m[5] == ?{ push :function end end rule %r/\{/, Punctuation, :function mixin :statements end end end end