class RbVmomi::VIM::ManagedObject # Wait for updates on an object until a condition becomes true. # # @param pathSet [Array] Property paths to wait for updates to. # @yield Called when an update to a subscribed property occurs. # @yieldreturn [Boolean] Whether to stop waiting. # # @todo Pass the current property values to the block. def wait_until *pathSet, &b all = pathSet.empty? filter = @soap.propertyCollector.CreateFilter :spec => { :propSet => [{ :type => self.class.wsdl_name, :all => all, :pathSet => pathSet }], :objectSet => [{ :obj => self }], }, :partialUpdates => false ver = '' loop do result = @soap.propertyCollector.WaitForUpdates(version: ver) ver = result.version if x = return x end end ensure filter.DestroyPropertyFilter if filter end # Efficiently retrieve multiple properties from an object. # @param pathSet [Array] Properties to return. # @return [Hash] Hash from property paths to values. def collect! *pathSet spec = { objectSet: [{ obj: self }], propSet: [{ pathSet: pathSet, type: self.class.wsdl_name }] } @soap.propertyCollector.RetrieveProperties(specSet: [spec])[0].to_hash end # Efficiently retrieve multiple properties from an object. # @param pathSet (see #collect!) # @yield [*values] Property values in same order as +pathSet+. # @return [Array] Property values in same order as +pathSet+, or the return # value from the block if it is given. def collect *pathSet h = collect! *pathSet a = { |k| h[k.to_s] } if block_given? yield a else a end end end