#!/usr/bin/env ruby BEGIN { require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent libdir = basedir + "lib" $LOAD_PATH.unshift( basedir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( basedir ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir ) } require 'rspec' require 'spec/lib/constants' require 'spec/lib/helpers' require 'spec/lib/matchers' require 'treequel/branch' require 'treequel/branchset' require 'treequel/branchcollection' include Treequel::TestConstants include Treequel::Constants ##################################################################### ### C O N T E X T S ##################################################################### describe Treequel::Branch do before( :all ) do setup_logging( :fatal ) end after( :all ) do reset_logging() end before( :each ) do @conn = mock( "ldap connection object", :bound? => false ) @directory = get_fixtured_directory( @conn ) end after( :each ) do Treequel::Branch.include_operational_attrs = false end it "can be constructed from a DN" do branch = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_PEOPLE_DN ) branch.dn.should == TEST_PEOPLE_DN end it "raises an exception if created with an invalid DN" do expect { Treequel::Branch.new(@directory, 'soapyfinger') }.to raise_error( ArgumentError, /invalid dn/i ) end it "can be constructed from an entry returned from LDAP::Conn.search_ext2" do entry = { 'dn' => [TEST_PERSON_DN], TEST_PERSON_DN_ATTR => TEST_PERSON_DN_VALUE, } branch = Treequel::Branch.new_from_entry( entry, @directory ) branch.rdn_attributes.should == { TEST_PERSON_DN_ATTR => [TEST_PERSON_DN_VALUE] } branch.entry.should == { TEST_PERSON_DN_ATTR => TEST_PERSON_DN_VALUE } branch.dn.should == entry['dn'].first end it "can be constructed from an entry with Symbol keys" do entry = { :dn => [TEST_PERSON_DN], TEST_PERSON_DN_ATTR => TEST_PERSON_DN_VALUE, } branch = Treequel::Branch.new_from_entry( entry, @directory ) branch.rdn_attributes.should == { TEST_PERSON_DN_ATTR => [TEST_PERSON_DN_VALUE] } branch.entry.should == { TEST_PERSON_DN_ATTR => TEST_PERSON_DN_VALUE, } branch.dn.should == entry[:dn].first end it "can be instantiated with a Hash with Symbol keys" do branch = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_PERSON_DN, TEST_PERSON_DN_ATTR.to_sym => TEST_PERSON_DN_VALUE ) branch.entry.should == { TEST_PERSON_DN_ATTR => TEST_PERSON_DN_VALUE, } end it "raises an exception if constructed with something other than a Hash entry" do expect { Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_PEOPLE_DN, 18 ) }.to raise_exception( ArgumentError, /can't cast/i ) end it "can be configured to include operational attributes for all future instances" do Treequel::Branch.include_operational_attrs = false Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_PEOPLE_DN ).include_operational_attrs?.should be_false Treequel::Branch.include_operational_attrs = true Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_PEOPLE_DN ).include_operational_attrs?.should be_true end describe "instances" do before( :each ) do @entry = { 'description' => ["A string", "another string"], 'l' => [ 'Antartica', 'Galapagos' ], 'objectClass' => ['organizationalUnit'], 'rev' => ['03eca02ba232'], 'ou' => ['Hosts'], } @conn.stub( :bound? ).and_return( false ) @conn.stub( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ @entry ]) @branch = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_HOSTS_DN ) end it "knows what its RDN is" do @branch.rdn.should == TEST_HOSTS_RDN end it "knows what its DN is" do @branch.dn.should == TEST_HOSTS_DN end it "can return its DN as an array of attribute=value pairs" do @branch.split_dn.should == TEST_HOSTS_DN.split(/\s*,\s*/) end it "can return its DN as a limited array of attribute=value pairs" do @branch.split_dn( 2 ).should have( 2 ).members @branch.split_dn( 2 ).should include( TEST_HOSTS_RDN, TEST_BASE_DN ) end it "can return itself as an ldap:// URI" do @branch.uri.to_s.should == "ldap://#{TEST_HOST}/#{TEST_HOSTS_DN}?" end it "are Comparable if they are siblings" do sibling = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_PEOPLE_DN ) ( @branch <=> sibling ).should == -1 ( sibling <=> @branch ).should == 1 ( @branch <=> @branch ).should == 0 end it "are Comparable if they are parent and child" do child = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_HOST_DN ) ( @branch <=> child ).should == 1 ( child <=> @branch ).should == -1 end it "compares as equal-by-value with another instance with the same DN" do clone = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_HOSTS_DN ) @branch.should be_eql( clone ) clone.should be_eql( @branch ) end it "compares as not equal-by-value with another instance with a different DN" do other = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_HOST_DN ) @branch.should_not be_eql( other ) other.should_not be_eql( @branch ) end it "hash-compares as equal with another instances with the same DN" do clone = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_HOSTS_DN ) @branch.hash.should == clone.hash end it "has a hash value different than its DN string" do @branch.hash.should_not == @branch.dn.hash end it "compares as not equal-by-value with another instance with a different DN" do other = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_HOST_DN ) @branch.hash.should_not == other.hash end it "knows that it hasn't loaded its entry yet if it's nil" do @branch.loaded?.should be_false() end it "knows that it has loaded its entry if it's non-nil" do @branch.instance_variable_set( :@entry, {} ) @branch.loaded?.should be_true() end it "knows that it exists in the directory if it can fetch its entry" do @branch.exists?.should be_true() end it "knows that it doesn't exist in the directory if it can't fetch its entry" do @conn.stub( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([]) @branch.exists?.should be_false() end it "fetch their LDAP::Entry from the directory if they don't already have one" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). exactly( :once ). and_return([ @entry ]) @branch.entry.should == @entry @branch.entry.should == @entry # this should fetch the cached one end it "fetch their LDAP::Entry with operational attributes if include_operational_attrs is set" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)", ["*", "+"] ).once. and_return([ @entry ]) @branch.include_operational_attrs = true @branch.entry.should == @entry end it "can search its directory for values using itself as a base" do subentry = {'objectClass' => ['ipHost'], 'dn' => [TEST_HOST_DN] } @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "(objectClass=*)", ["*"], false, nil, nil, 0, 0, 0, "", nil ). and_return([ subentry ]) branches = @branch.search( :one, '(objectClass=*)' ) branches.should have( 1 ).member branches.first.should be_a( Treequel::Branch ) branches.first.dn.should == TEST_HOST_DN end it "can search its directory for values with a block" do subentry = { 'objectClass' => ['ipHost'], TEST_HOST_DN_ATTR => [TEST_HOST_DN_VALUE], 'dn' => [TEST_HOST_DN], } @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "(objectClass=*)", ["*"], false, nil, nil, 0, 0, 0, "", nil ). and_return([ subentry ]) yielded_val = nil @branch.search( :one, '(objectClass=*)' ) do |val| yielded_val = val end yielded_val.should be_a( Treequel::Branch ) yielded_val.entry.should == { 'objectClass' => ['ipHost'], TEST_HOST_DN_ATTR => [TEST_HOST_DN_VALUE], } end it "clears any cached values if its include_operational_attrs attribute is changed" do @directory.should_receive( :get_entry ).with( @branch ).exactly( :once ). and_return( TEST_PEOPLE_ENTRY.dup ) @directory.should_receive( :get_extended_entry ).with( @branch ).exactly( :once ). and_return( TEST_OPERATIONAL_PEOPLE_ENTRY.dup ) @branch.entry.should == TEST_PEOPLE_ENTRY.dup.tap {|entry| entry.delete('dn') } @branch.include_operational_attrs = true @branch.entry.should == TEST_OPERATIONAL_PEOPLE_ENTRY.dup.tap {|entry| entry.delete('dn') } end it "returns a human-readable representation of itself for #inspect" do @directory.should_not_receive( :get_entry ) # shouldn't try to load the entry for #inspect rval = @branch.inspect rval.should =~ /#{TEST_HOSTS_DN_ATTR}/i rval.should =~ /#{TEST_HOSTS_DN_VALUE}/ rval.should =~ /#{TEST_BASE_DN}/ rval.should =~ /\bnil\b/ end it "can fetch a child entry by RDN" do res = @branch.get_child( 'cn=surprise' ) res.should be_a( Treequel::Branch ) res.dn.should == [ 'cn=surprise', @branch.dn ].join( ',' ) end it "can fetch a child entry by RDN if its DN is the empty String" do @branch.dn = '' res = @branch.get_child( 'cn=surprise' ) res.should be_a( Treequel::Branch ) res.dn.should == 'cn=surprise' end it "create sub-branches for messages that match valid attributeType OIDs" do rval = @branch.cn( 'rondori' ) rval.dn.should == "cn=rondori,#{TEST_HOSTS_DN}" rval2 = rval.ou( 'Config' ) rval2.dn.should == "ou=Config,cn=rondori,#{TEST_HOSTS_DN}" end it "create sub-branches for messages with additional attribute pairs" do rval = @branch.cn( 'rondori', :l => 'Portland' ) rval.dn.should == "cn=rondori+l=Portland,#{TEST_HOSTS_DN}" rval2 = rval.ou( 'Config' ) rval2.dn.should == "ou=Config,cn=rondori+l=Portland,#{TEST_HOSTS_DN}" end it "don't create sub-branches for messages that don't match valid attributeType OIDs" do @conn.stub( :bound? ).and_return( false ) expect { @branch.facelart( 'sbc' ) }.to raise_exception( NoMethodError, /undefined method.*facelart/i ) end it "don't create sub-branches for multi-value RDNs with an invalid attribute" do @conn.stub( :bound? ).and_return( false ) expect { @branch.cn( 'benchlicker', :facelart => 'sbc' ) }.to raise_exception( NoMethodError, /invalid secondary attribute.*facelart/i ) end it "can return all of its immediate children as Branches" do @directory.should_receive( :search ).with( @branch, :one, '(objectClass=*)', {} ). and_return([ :the_children ]) @branch.children.should == [ :the_children ] end it "can return its parent as a Branch" do @branch.parent.should be_a( Treequel::Branch ) @branch.parent.dn.should == TEST_BASE_DN end it "returns nil if a Branch for the base DN is asked for its parent" do @branch.parent.parent.should be_nil() end it "can construct a Treequel::Branchset that uses it as its base" do @branch.branchset.should be_a( Treequel::Branchset ) @branch.branchset.base_dn.should == @branch.dn end it "can create a filtered Treequel::Branchset for itself" do branchset = @branch.filter( :cn => 'acme' ) branchset.should be_a( Treequel::Branchset ) branchset.filter_string.should =~ /\(cn=acme\)/ end it "can create a Treequel::Branchset from itself that returns instances of another class" do otherclass = Class.new( Treequel::Branch ) branchset = @branch.as( otherclass ) branchset.should be_a( Treequel::Branchset ) branchset.branch.should be_a( otherclass ) end it "doesn't restrict the number of arguments passed to #filter (bugfix)" do branchset = @branch.filter( :uid => [:rev, :grumpy, :glee] ) branchset.should be_a( Treequel::Branchset ) branchset.filter_string.should =~ /\(\|\(uid=rev\)\(uid=grumpy\)\(uid=glee\)\)/i end it "can create a scoped Treequel::Branchset for itself" do branchset = @branch.scope( :onelevel ) branchset.should be_a( Treequel::Branchset ) branchset.scope.should == :onelevel end it "can create a selective Treequel::Branchset for itself" do branchset = @branch.select( :uid, :l, :familyName, :givenName ) branchset.should be_a( Treequel::Branchset ) branchset.select.should == %w[uid l familyName givenName] end it "knows which objectClasses it has" do @branch.object_classes. should include( @directory.schema.object_classes[:organizationalUnit] ) end it "knows what operational attributes it has" do op_attrs = @directory.schema.attribute_types.values.select do |attrtype| attrtype.operational? end.uniq @branch.operational_attribute_types.should have( op_attrs.length ).members @branch.operational_attribute_types.should include( *op_attrs ) end it "knows what the OIDs of its operational attributes are" do op_numeric_oids = @directory.schema.attribute_types.values.select do |attrtype| attrtype.operational? end.uniq.map( &:oid ) op_names = @directory.schema.attribute_types.values.select do |attrtype| attrtype.operational? end.uniq.map( &:names ).flatten op_oids = op_numeric_oids + op_names @branch.operational_attribute_oids.should have( op_oids.length ).members @branch.operational_attribute_oids.should include( *op_oids ) end it "can return the set of all its MUST attributes' OIDs based on which objectClasses " + "it has" do @conn.stub( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ {'objectClass' => %w[ipHost device ieee802device]} ]) must_oids = @branch.must_oids must_oids.should have( 3 ).members must_oids.should include( :objectClass, :cn, :ipHostNumber ) end it "can return the set of all its MUST attributeTypes based on which objectClasses it has" do @conn.stub( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ {'objectClass' => %w[ipHost device ieee802device]} ]) expected_attrtypes = @directory.schema.attribute_types. values_at( :objectClass, :cn, :ipHostNumber ) must_attrs = @branch.must_attribute_types must_attrs.should have( 3 ).members must_attrs.should include( *expected_attrtypes ) end it "can return a Hash pre-populated with pairs that correspond to its MUST attributes" do @conn.stub( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ {'objectClass' => %w[ipHost device ieee802device]} ]) @branch.must_attributes_hash. should include({ :cn => [''], :ipHostNumber => [''], :objectClass => ['top'] }) end it "can return the set of all its MAY attributes' OIDs based on which objectClasses " + "it has" do @conn.stub( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ {'objectClass' => %w[ipHost device ieee802device]} ]) must_oids = @branch.may_oids must_oids.should have( 9 ).members must_oids.should include( :l, :description, :manager, :serialNumber, :seeAlso, :owner, :ou, :o, :macAddress ) end it "can return the set of all its MAY attributeTypes based on which objectClasses it has" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ {'objectClass' => %w[ipHost device ieee802device]} ]) expected_attrtypes = @directory.schema.attribute_types.values_at( :l, :description, :manager, :serialNumber, :seeAlso, :owner, :ou, :o, :macAddress ) @branch.may_attribute_types.should include( *expected_attrtypes ) end it "can return a Hash pre-populated with pairs that correspond to its MAY attributes" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ {'objectClass' => %w[ipHost device ieee802device]} ]) @branch.may_attributes_hash.should include({ :l => [], :description => [], :manager => [], :serialNumber => [], :seeAlso => [], :owner => [], :ou => [], :o => [], :macAddress => [] }) end it "can return the set of all of its valid attributeTypes, which is a union of its " + "MUST and MAY attributes plus the directory's operational attributes" do all_attrs = @branch.valid_attribute_types all_attrs.should have( 57 ).members all_attrs.should include( @directory.schema.attribute_types[:ou] ) all_attrs.should include( @directory.schema.attribute_types[:l] ) end it "can return a Hash pre-populated with pairs that correspond to all of its valid " + "attributes" do @branch.valid_attributes_hash.should == { :objectClass => ['top'], :ou => [''], :userPassword => [], :searchGuide => [], :seeAlso => [], :businessCategory => [], :x121Address => [], :registeredAddress => [], :destinationIndicator => [], :telexNumber => [], :teletexTerminalIdentifier => [], :telephoneNumber => [], :internationaliSDNNumber => [], :facsimileTelephoneNumber => [], :street => [], :postOfficeBox => [], :postalCode => [], :postalAddress => [], :physicalDeliveryOfficeName => [], :st => [], :l => [], :description => [], :preferredDeliveryMethod => nil, } end it "can return the set of all of its valid attribute OIDs, which is a union of its " + "MUST and MAY attribute OIDs" do all_attr_oids = @branch.valid_attribute_oids all_attr_oids.should have( 23 ).members all_attr_oids.should include( :objectClass, :ou, :userPassword, :searchGuide, :seeAlso, :businessCategory, :x121Address, :registeredAddress, :destinationIndicator, :telexNumber, :teletexTerminalIdentifier, :telephoneNumber, :internationaliSDNNumber, :facsimileTelephoneNumber, :street, :postOfficeBox, :postalCode, :postalAddress, :physicalDeliveryOfficeName, :st, :l, :description, :preferredDeliveryMethod ) end it "knows if an attribute is valid given its objectClasses" do @branch.valid_attribute?( :ou ).should be_true() @branch.valid_attribute?( :rubberChicken ).should be_false() end it "can be moved to a new location within the directory" do newdn = "ou=oldhosts,#{TEST_BASE_DN}" @conn.should_receive( :modrdn ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, "ou=oldhosts", true ) @branch.move( newdn ) end it "resets any cached data when its DN changes" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ @entry ]) @branch.entry @branch.dn = TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ @entry ]) @branch.entry end it "can create children under itself" do newattrs = { :ipHostNumber => '', :objectClass => [:ipHost, :device], } @conn.should_receive( :add ). with( "cn=chillyt,#{TEST_HOSTS_DN}", "ipHostNumber"=>[""], "objectClass"=>["ipHost", "device"] ) res = @branch.cn( :chillyt ).create( newattrs ) res.should be_a( Treequel::Branch ) res.dn.should == "cn=chillyt,#{TEST_HOSTS_DN}" end it "can copy itself to a sibling entry" do @conn.should_receive( :add ).with( TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN, @entry ) newbranch = @branch.copy( TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN ) newbranch.dn.should == TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN end it "can copy itself to a sibling entry with attribute changes" do @conn.should_receive( :add ). with( TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN, @entry.merge('description' => ['Hosts in a subdomain.']) ) newbranch = @branch.copy( TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN, :description => ['Hosts in a subdomain.'] ) newbranch.dn.should == TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN end it "can modify its entry's attributes en masse by merging a Hash" do attributes = { :displayName => 'Chilly T. Penguin', :description => "A chilly little penguin.", } @conn.should_receive( :modify ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, 'displayName' => ['Chilly T. Penguin'], 'description' => ["A chilly little penguin."] ) @branch.merge( attributes ) end it "can delete all values of one of its entry's individual attributes" do mod = LDAP::Mod.new( LDAP::LDAP_MOD_DELETE, 'displayName', [] ) @conn.should_receive( :modify ).with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, [mod] ) @branch.delete( :displayName ) end it "can delete all values of more than one of its entry's individual attributes" do mod1 = LDAP::Mod.new( LDAP::LDAP_MOD_DELETE, 'displayName', [] ) mod2 = LDAP::Mod.new( LDAP::LDAP_MOD_DELETE, 'gecos', [] ) @conn.should_receive( :modify ).with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, [mod1, mod2] ) @branch.delete( :displayName, :gecos ) end it "can delete one particular value of its entry's individual attributes" do mod = LDAP::Mod.new( LDAP::LDAP_MOD_DELETE, 'objectClass', ['apple-user'] ) @conn.should_receive( :modify ).with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, [mod] ) @branch.delete( :objectClass => 'apple-user' ) end it "can delete one particular non-String value of its entry's individual attributes" do mod = LDAP::Mod.new( LDAP::LDAP_MOD_DELETE, 'pwdChangedTime', ['20000101201501Z'] ) @conn.should_receive( :modify ).with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, [mod] ) @branch.delete( :pwdChangedTime => Time.gm(2000,"jan",1,20,15,1) ) end it "can delete particular values of more than one of its entry's individual attributes" do mod1 = LDAP::Mod.new( LDAP::LDAP_MOD_DELETE, 'objectClass', ['apple-user', 'inetOrgPerson'] ) mod2 = LDAP::Mod.new( LDAP::LDAP_MOD_DELETE, 'cn', [] ) @conn.should_receive( :modify ).with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, array_including(mod1, mod2) ) @branch.delete( :objectClass => ['apple-user',:inetOrgPerson], :cn => [] ) end it "deletes its entry entirely if no attributes are specified" do @conn.should_receive( :delete ).with( TEST_HOSTS_DN ) @branch.delete end it "knows how to represent its DN as an RFC1781-style UFN", :if => LDAP.respond_to?(:dn2ufn) do @branch.to_ufn.should =~ /Hosts, acme\.com/i end it "knows how to represent its DN as a UFN even if the LDAP library doesn't " + "define #dn2ufn" do LDAP.stub( :respond_to? ).with( :dn2ufn ).and_return( false ) @branch.to_ufn.should =~ /Hosts, acme\.com/i end it "knows how to represent itself as LDIF" do ldif = @branch.to_ldif ldif.should =~ /dn: #{TEST_HOSTS_DN_ATTR}=#{TEST_HOSTS_DN_VALUE},#{TEST_BASE_DN}/i ldif.should =~ /description: A string/ ldif.should =~ /description: another string/ ldif.should =~ /l: Antartica/ ldif.should =~ /l: Galapagos/ ldif.should =~ /ou: Hosts/ end LONG_TEST_VALUE = 'A poet once said, "The whole universe is in ' + 'a glass of wine." We will probably never know in what sense ' + 'he meant that, for poets do not write to be understood. But ' + 'it is true that if we look at a glass of wine closely enough ' + 'we see the entire universe.' it "knows how to split long lines in LDIF output" do entry = { 'description' => [LONG_TEST_VALUE], 'l' => [ 'Antartica', 'Galapagos' ] } @conn.stub( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ entry ]) ldif = @branch.to_ldif( 20 ) val = ldif[ /(description: (?:[^\n]|\n )+)/, 1 ] lines = val.split( /\n/ ) lines.first.should =~ /.{20}/ lines[1..-2].each do |line| line.should =~ / .{19}/ end lines.last.should =~ / .{1,19}/ end LONG_BINARY_TEST_VALUE = ( <<-END_VALUE ).gsub( /^\t{2}/, '' ) Once there came a man Who said, "Range me all men of the world in rows." And instantly There was terrific clamour among the people Against being ranged in rows. There was a loud quarrel, world-wide. It endured for ages; And blood was shed By those who would not stand in rows, And by those who pined to stand in rows. Eventually, the man went to death, weeping. And those who staid in bloody scuffle Knew not the great simplicity. END_VALUE it "knows how to split long binary lines in LDIF output" do entry = { 'description' => [LONG_BINARY_TEST_VALUE], 'l' => [ 'Antartica', 'Galapagos' ] } @conn.stub( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ entry ]) ldif = @branch.to_ldif( 20 ) ldif.scan( /^description/ ).length.should == 1 val = ldif[ /^(description:: (?:[^\n]|\n )+)/, 1 ] lines = val.split( /\n/ ) lines.first.should =~ /.{20}/ lines[1..-2].each do |line| line.should =~ / .{19}/ end lines.last.should =~ / .{1,19}/ end it "knows how to represent itself as a Hash" do @branch.to_hash.should == { 'description' => ['A string', 'another string'], 'l' => [ 'Antartica', 'Galapagos' ], 'objectClass' => ['organizationalUnit'], 'ou' => ['Hosts'], 'rev' => ['03eca02ba232'] } end it "returns a Treequel::BranchCollection with equivalent Branchsets if added to another " + "Branch" do other_branch = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN ) coll = (@branch + other_branch) coll.should be_a( Treequel::BranchCollection ) coll.branchsets.should have( 2 ).members coll.branchsets.map( &:base_dn ).should include( TEST_HOSTS_DN, TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN ) end ### Attribute reader describe "index fetch operator" do it "fetches a multi-value attribute as an Array of Strings" do entry = { 'description' => ["A string", "another string"], 'l' => [ 'Antartica', 'Galapagos' ], 'objectClass' => ['organizationalUnit'], } @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ entry ]) @branch[ :description ].should include( 'A string', 'another string' ) @branch[ :l ].should include( 'Galapagos', 'Antartica' ) end it "fetches an empty Array if a record doesn't have an attribute set" do @branch[ :cn ].should == [] end it "fetches an empty Array for an attribute if the entry doesn't exist" do @conn.stub( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return( [] ) @branch[ :cn ].should == [] end it "fetches a single-value attribute as a scalar String" do test_dn = "cn=ssh,cn=www,#{TEST_HOSTS_DN}" entry = { 'ipServicePort' => ['22'], 'ipServiceProtocol' => ['tcp'], 'objectClass' => ['ipService'], 'cn' => ['www'], } @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( test_dn, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ entry ]) branch = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, test_dn ) branch[ :ipServicePort ].should == 22 branch[ :ipServiceProtocol ].should == ['tcp'] end it "returns the entry without conversion if there is no such attribute in the schema" do @branch[ :rev ].should == [ '03eca02ba232' ] end it "returns nil if a record doesn't have a SINGLE-type attribute set" do @branch[ :displayName ].should == nil end it "caches the value fetched from its entry" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). exactly( :once ). and_return([ @entry ]) 2.times { @branch[ :description ] } end it "doesn't cache nil values that don't correspond to an attribute type in the schema" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ @entry ]) @branch[ :string_beans ] @branch.instance_variable_get( :@values ).should_not have_key( :string_beans ) end it "freezes the values fetched from its entry by default to prevent accidental " + "in-place modification" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). exactly( :once ). and_return([ @entry ]) expect { @branch[ :description ] << "Another description" }.to raise_error( /can't modify frozen/i ) end it "doesn't freeze the values fetched from its entry if it's told not to" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_HOSTS_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). exactly( :once ). and_return([ @entry ]) begin Treequel::Branch.freeze_converted_values = false expect { @branch[ :description ] << "Another description" }.to_not raise_error() ensure Treequel::Branch.freeze_converted_values = true end end it "converts objects via the conversions set in its directory" do test_dn = "cn=ssh,cn=www,#{TEST_HOSTS_DN}" entry = { 'ipServicePort' => ['22'], 'ipServiceProtocol' => ['tcp'], 'objectClass' => ['ipService'], 'cn' => ['www'], } @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( test_dn, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ entry ]) branch = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, test_dn ) branch[ :ipServicePort ].should be_a( Fixnum ) end it "respects syntax inherited from supertype in object conversion" do test_dn = "cn=authorized_users,#{TEST_HOSTS_DN}" entry = { 'cn' => ['authorized_users'], 'member' => [TEST_PERSON_DN] } @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( test_dn, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ entry ]) branch = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, test_dn ) branch[ :member ].first.should be_a( Treequel::Branch ) branch[ :member ].first.dn.should == TEST_PERSON_DN end end ### Attribute writer describe "index set operator" do it "writes a single value attribute via its directory" do test_dn = "cn=ssh,cn=www,#{TEST_HOSTS_DN}" entry = { 'ipServicePort' => ['22'], 'ipServiceProtocol' => ['tcp'], 'objectClass' => ['ipService'], 'cn' => ['www'], } @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( test_dn, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ entry ]) branch = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, test_dn ) @conn.should_receive( :modify ). with( test_dn, {'ipServicePort' => ['22022']} ) branch[ :ipServicePort ] = 22022 end it "converts values for non-single attribute types to an Array" do test_dn = "cn=laptops,ou=computerlists,ou=macosxodconfig,#{TEST_BASE_DN}" entry = { 'dn' => [test_dn], 'cn' => ['laptops'], 'objectClass' => ['apple-computer-list'], 'apple-computers' => %w[chernobyl beetlejuice toronaga], 'apple-generateduid' => ['3f73981a-07bb-11e0-b21a-fb56fb48ba42'], } @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( test_dn, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)" ). and_return([ entry ]) branch = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, test_dn ) @conn.should_receive( :modify ). with( test_dn, "apple-computers" => ["chernobyl", "beetlejuice", "toronaga", "glider", "creeper"] ) branch[ 'apple-computers' ] += %w[glider creeper] end it "writes multiple attribute values via its directory" do test_dn = "cn=ssh,cn=www,#{TEST_HOSTS_DN}" branch = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, test_dn ) @conn.should_receive( :modify ). with( test_dn, 'ipServicePort' => ['56'], 'ipServiceProtocol' => ['udp'] ) branch.merge( :ipServicePort => 56, :ipServiceProtocol => 'udp' ) end end it "can fetch multiple values via #values_at" do results = @branch.values_at( TEST_HOSTS_DN_ATTR, :description ) results.should have( 2 ).members results.first.should == [TEST_HOSTS_DN_VALUE] results.last.should == @entry['description'] end end end # vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: