# # A helper module to look a capability up from PuppetDB # # @todo lutter 2015-03-10: determine whether this should be based on # Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::Collectors, or at least use # Puppet::Util::Puppetdb::Http require 'net/http' require 'cgi' require 'json' # @api private module Puppet::Resource::CapabilityFinder # Looks up a capability resource from PuppetDB. Capability resources are # required to be unique per environment and code id. If multiple copies of a # capability resource are found, the one matching the current code id is # used. # # @param environment [String] environment name # @param code_id [String,nil] code_id of the catalog # @param cap [Puppet::Resource] the capability resource type instance # @return [Puppet::Resource,nil] The found capability resource or `nil` if it could not be found def self.find(environment, code_id, cap) unless Puppet::Util.const_defined?('Puppetdb') #TRANSLATOR PuppetDB is a product name and should not be translated raise Puppet::DevError, _('PuppetDB is not available') end resources = search(nil, nil, cap) if resources.size > 1 Puppet.debug "Found multiple resources when looking up capability #{cap}, filtering by environment #{environment}" resources = resources.select { |r| r['tags'].any? { |t| t == "producer:#{environment}" } } end if resources.empty? Puppet.debug "Could not find capability resource #{cap} in PuppetDB" elsif resources.size == 1 resource_hash = resources.first elsif code_id_resource = disambiguate_by_code_id(environment, code_id, cap) resource_hash = code_id_resource else #TRANSLATOR PuppetDB is a product name and should not be translated message = _("Unexpected response from PuppetDB when looking up %{capability}:") % { capability: cap } message += "\n" + _("expected exactly one resource but got %{count};") % { count: resources.size } message += "\n" + _("returned data is:\n%{resources}") % { resources: resources.inspect } raise Puppet::DevError, message end if resource_hash resource_hash['type'] = cap.resource_type instantiate_resource(resource_hash) end end def self.search(environment, code_id, cap) query_terms = [ 'and', ['=', 'type', cap.type.capitalize], ['=', 'title', cap.title.to_s], ] if environment.nil? query_terms << ['~', 'tag', "^producer:"] else query_terms << ['=', 'tag', "producer:#{environment}"] end unless code_id.nil? query_terms << ['in', 'certname', ['extract', 'certname', ['select_catalogs', ['=', 'code_id', code_id]]]] end #TRANSLATOR PuppetDB is a product name and should not be translated Puppet.notice _("Looking up capability %{capability} in PuppetDB: %{query_terms}") % { capability: cap, query_terms: query_terms } query_puppetdb(query_terms) end def self.query_puppetdb(query) begin # If using PuppetDB >= 4, use the API method query_puppetdb() result = if Puppet::Util::Puppetdb.respond_to?(:query_puppetdb) # PuppetDB 4 uses a unified query endpoint, so we have to specify what we're querying Puppet::Util::Puppetdb.query_puppetdb(["from", "resources", query]) # For PuppetDB < 4, use the old internal method action() else url = "/pdb/query/v4/resource?query=#{Puppet::Util.uri_query_encode(query.to_json)}" response = Puppet::Util::Puppetdb::Http.action(url) do |conn, uri| conn.get(uri, { 'Accept' => 'application/json'}) end JSON.parse(response.body) end # The format of the response body is documented at # https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppetdb/3.0/api/query/v4/resources.html#response-format unless result.is_a?(Array) #TRANSLATOR PuppetDB is a product name and should not be translated raise Puppet::DevError, _("Unexpected response from PuppetDB when looking up %{capability}: expected an Array but got %{result}") % { capability: cap, result: result.inspect } end result rescue JSON::JSONError => e #TRANSLATOR PuppetDB is a product name and should not be translated raise Puppet::DevError, _("Invalid JSON from PuppetDB when looking up %{capability}\n%{detail}") % { capability: cap, detail: e } end end private # Find a distinct copy of the given capability resource by searching for only # resources matching the given code_id. Returns `nil` if no code_id is # supplied or if there isn't exactly one matching resource. # # @param environment [String] environment name # @param code_id [String,nil] code_id of the catalog # @param cap [Puppet::Resource] the capability resource type instance def self.disambiguate_by_code_id(environment, code_id, cap) if code_id Puppet.debug "Found multiple resources when looking up capability #{cap}, filtering by code id #{code_id}" resources = search(environment, code_id, cap) if resources.size > 1 Puppet.debug "Found multiple resources matching code id #{code_id} when looking up #{cap}" nil else resources.first end end end def self.instantiate_resource(resource_hash) real_type = resource_hash['type'] resource = Puppet::Resource.new(real_type, resource_hash['title']) real_type.parameters.each do |param| param = param.to_s next if param == 'name' if value = resource_hash['parameters'][param] resource[param] = value else Puppet.debug "No capability value for #{resource}->#{param}" end end return resource end end