%section.hero .grid-container .grid-x.grid-padding-x .cell.medium-6.large-5 %h1 A Rails CMS which just works. %p Create a website (which does stuff) within minutes powered by Rails 5. = link_to 'DEPLOY NOW', 'https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/yamasolutions/integral-sample', class: 'button', target: :blank %p %small = icon('check', class: 'text-primary') 100% free and open source. = icon('check', class: 'text-primary') Easy to get started. .cell.medium-6.large-7.pos-rel = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/integral-presentation.png', skip_pipeline: true) %section.anchors{ 'data-smooth-scroll' => true } .grid-container .grid-x.grid-padding-x.text-center .cell.medium-2 = link_to 'Features', '#features', { 'data-turbolinks' => 'false' } .cell.medium-2 = link_to 'Easy Setup', '#setup', { 'data-turbolinks' => 'false' } .cell.medium-2 = link_to 'Partners', '#partners', { 'data-turbolinks' => 'false' } .cell.medium-2 = link_to 'Heroku Ready', '#heroku-ready', { 'data-turbolinks' => 'false' } .cell.medium-2 = link_to 'Production Ready', '#production-ready', { 'data-turbolinks' => 'false' } .cell.medium-2 = link_to 'Frontend framework', '#frontend-framework', { 'data-turbolinks' => 'false' } %section.summary .grid-container .grid-x.grid-padding-x.align-center .cell.medium-6 = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/integral-cms-without-hassle.jpg', skip_pipeline: true), class: 'image--shadow' .cell.medium-6 %h2 Deploy a professional website without all the hassle %p Integral CMS combines all the tools necessary to create a website which stands up to the elements, whether you’re creating that niche blog you’ve always wanted or developing a complex application for a client. %p Don’t worry there are no fancy over complicated methodologies to learn, so long as you have a basic grasp of Rails then you’ll be up and running in no time - with the ability to easily customise Integral to exactly what you want. .cell.medium-6.large-4.flex-container .card %hr %h3 Content focused %p Create fascinating blog posts and interesting pages using Integrals sleek backend. Integrated SEO gives you full control of your online presence. .cell.medium-6.large-4.flex-container .card %hr %h3 Simple setup & customisation %p Integral follows convention over configuration allowing you to get started within minutes whilst providing flexibility through configurable settings .cell.medium-6.large-4.flex-container .card %hr %h3 Production Ready %p Powers websites & applications big and small. Actively maintained & tested by the community to improve features as well as develop new functionality. %section#features.features .grid-container .grid-x.grid-padding-x .cell.medium-6.large-5 %h2 Features including... %ul#feature-tabs.tabs{ 'data-tabs' => true } %li.tabs-title.is-active = link_to 'Professional UI', '#feature-professional-ui' %li.tabs-title = link_to 'User management', '#feature-user-management' %li.tabs-title = link_to 'Integrated blog', '#feature-integrated-blog' %li.tabs-title = link_to 'Dynamic pages', '#feature-dynamic-pages' %li.tabs-title = link_to 'List managment', '#feature-list-management' %li.tabs-title = link_to 'Activity tracking', '#feature-activity-tracking' %li.tabs-title = link_to 'Image management', '#feature-image-management' %li.tabs-title = link_to 'SEO ready', '#feature-seo-ready' %li.tabs-title = link_to 'Contact form processing w/ HTML emails', '#feature-contact-form' .cell.medium-6.large-7.pos-rel .tabs-content{ 'data-tabs-content' => 'feature-tabs' } #feature-professional-ui.tabs-panel.is-active = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/integral-features-design.jpg', skip_pipeline: true) #feature-user-management.tabs-panel = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/integral-features-user-management.jpg', skip_pipeline: true) #feature-integrated-blog.tabs-panel = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/integral-features-integrated-blog.jpg', skip_pipeline: true) #feature-dynamic-pages.tabs-panel = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/integral-features-dynamic-pages.jpg', skip_pipeline: true) #feature-list-management.tabs-panel = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/integral-features-list-management.jpg', skip_pipeline: true) #feature-activity-tracking.tabs-panel = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/integral-features-activity-tracking.jpg', skip_pipeline: true) #feature-image-management.tabs-panel = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/integral-features-image-management.jpg', skip_pipeline: true) #feature-seo-ready.tabs-panel = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/integral-features-seo-ready.jpg', skip_pipeline: true) #feature-contact-form.tabs-panel = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/integral-features-contact-form.png', skip_pipeline: true), class: 'image--no-shadow' %section#partners.partners .grid-container .grid-x.grid-padding-x.text-center.align-center .cell %h2 Standing on the shoulders of giants %p.paragraph--summary Integral wouldn't be possible without all those individuals who have spent time and effort to create great software and then make it freely available through open source, to name a couple... .cell.small-6.medium-3 = icon('users') %h5 Devise %p User Authentication .cell.small-6.medium-3 = icon('picture-o') %h5 Carrierwave %p Image Management .cell.small-6.medium-3 = icon('history') %h5 Papertrail %p Activity Tracking .cell.small-6.medium-3 = icon('ellipsis-h') %h5 Plus lots more... %section#setup.section--setup .grid-container .grid-x.grid-padding-x .cell.large-5 %h2 Super easy setup .cell.large-7 %p Add the gem to your Rails application. %pre %code gem 'integral' %p Run Integral’s installer %pre %code rake integral:install %p Visit %code localhost:3000 and voila! Check out %code /admin to edit the example page or create your first blog post. = link_to 'Documentation', 'https://github.com/yamasolutions/integral', class: 'button' %section#frontend-framework.section--frontend-framework .grid-container .grid-x.grid-padding-x .cell.medium-6 %h2 Built with Foundation %h3 Responsive front-end framework %p Foundation makes it easy to design beautiful responsive websites that look amazing on any device. Integral uses it as the default front-end framework because it’s flexible, readable and jam-packed with features to help people rapidly build content-focused websites. %p = link_to 'Learn More', 'https://foundation.zurb.com/sites.html', class: 'button hollow', target: :blank .cell.medium-6 = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/foundation-frontend-framework.jpg', skip_pipeline: true) %section#heroku-ready.section--heroku-ready .grid-container .grid-x.grid-padding-x .cell.medium-6 %h2 Heroku Ready %h3 Super fast deployment %p Deploy in no time with Heroku using facilities such as GitHub integration, pipelines, review apps as well as code and data rollbacks. %h3 Management, simplified %p Heroku handles the developer operations side of things so you can focus on creating amazing websites. Scaling, metrics, add ons and continuous delivery and all provided by Heroku. .cell.medium-6 = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/heroku.png', skip_pipeline: true), class: 'image--shadow' %section#production-ready.section--production-ready .grid-container .grid-x.grid-padding-x .cell.medium-6.medium-order-2 %h2 Production Ready %h3 Battle Tested %p Used to power applications from the smallest blog to multi-language sites with 1000s of pages, Integral is ready for almost any use case %h3 CI Enabled %p Tests, code quality and coverage checks are carried out automatically whenever any changes are made to Integral to ensure good development practise and code is functioning properly .cell.medium-6.medium-order-1 = image_tag image_url('integral/demo/continous-integration.png', skip_pipeline: true) %section.section--banner .grid-container.text-center %h2 A Rails CMS which will knock your socks off %p Creating a professional website on Rails has never been easier = link_to 'Get Started', 'https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/yamasolutions/integral-sample', class: 'button white hollow', target: :blank