require 'active_record_inline_schema' class FuzzyMatch class CachedResult < ::ActiveRecord::Base if ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= '3.2' self.table_name = :fuzzy_match_cached_results else set_table_name :fuzzy_match_cached_results end class << self def setup(from_scratch = false) if from_scratch connection.drop_table :fuzzy_match_cached_results rescue nil end auto_upgrade! end end col :a_class col :a col :b_class col :b add_index [:a_class, :b_class, :a], :name => 'aba' add_index [:a_class, :b_class, :b], :name => 'abb' add_index [:a_class, :b_class, :a, :b], :name => 'abab' module ActiveRecordBaseExtension # required options: # :primary_key - what to call on this class # :foreign_key - what to call on the other class def cache_fuzzy_match_with(other_active_record_class, options) other = other_active_record_class.to_s.singularize.camelcase me = name if me < other a = me b = other primary_key = :a foreign_key = :b else a = other b = me primary_key = :b foreign_key = :a end # def aircraft define_method other.underscore.pluralize do other.constantize.where options[:foreign_key] => send("#{other.underscore.pluralize}_foreign_keys") end # def flight_segments_foreign_keys define_method "#{other.underscore.pluralize}_foreign_keys" do fz = ::FuzzyMatch::CachedResult.arel_table sql = fz.project(fz[foreign_key]).where(fz["#{primary_key}_class".to_sym].eq(["#{foreign_key}_class".to_sym].eq(other)).and(fz[primary_key].eq(send(options[:primary_key])))).to_sql connection.select_values sql end # def cache_aircraft! define_method "cache_#{other.underscore.pluralize}!" do other_class = other.constantize primary_key_value = send options[:primary_key] other_class.fuzzy_match.find_all(primary_key_value).each do |other_instance| attrs = {} attrs[primary_key] = primary_key_value attrs["#{primary_key}_class"] = attrs[foreign_key] = other_instance.send options[:foreign_key] attrs["#{foreign_key}_class"] = other unless ::FuzzyMatch::CachedResult.exists? attrs ::FuzzyMatch::CachedResult.create! attrs end end end end end end end ::ActiveRecord::Base.extend ::FuzzyMatch::CachedResult::ActiveRecordBaseExtension