# frozen-string-literal: true module Sequel module Plugins # Sequel's built-in hook_class_methods plugin is designed for backwards # compatibility. Its use is not encouraged, it is recommended to use # instance methods and super instead of this plugin. This plugin allows # calling class methods with blocks to define hooks: # # # Block only, can cause duplicate hooks if code is reloaded # before_save{self.created_at = Time.now} # # Block with tag, safe for reloading # before_save(:set_created_at){self.created_at = Time.now} # # Tag only, safe for reloading, calls instance method # before_save(:set_created_at) # # Pretty much anything you can do with a hook class method, you can also # do with an instance method instead (making sure to call super), which is # the recommended way to add hooks in Sequel: # # def before_save # super # self.created_at = Time.now # end # # Usage: # # # Allow use of hook class methods in all model subclasses (called before loading subclasses) # Sequel::Model.plugin :hook_class_methods # # # Allow the use of hook class methods in the Album class # Album.plugin :hook_class_methods module HookClassMethods # Set up the hooks instance variable in the model. def self.apply(model) hooks = model.instance_variable_set(:@hooks, {}) Model::HOOKS.each{|h| hooks[h] = []} end module ClassMethods Model::HOOKS.each do |h| class_eval(<<-END, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def #{h}(method = nil, &block) add_hook(:#{h}, method, &block) end END end # Freeze hooks when freezing model class. def freeze @hooks.freeze.each_value(&:freeze) super end # Returns true if there are any hook blocks for the given hook. def has_hooks?(hook) !@hooks[hook].empty? end # Yield every block related to the given hook. def hook_blocks(hook) @hooks[hook].each{|k,v| yield v} end Plugins.inherited_instance_variables(self, :@hooks=>:hash_dup) private # Add a hook block to the list of hook methods. # If a non-nil tag is given and it already is in the list of hooks, # replace it with the new block. def add_hook(hook, tag, &block) unless block (raise Error, 'No hook method specified') unless tag # Allow calling private hook methods block = proc {send(tag)} end h = @hooks[hook] if tag && (old = h.find{|x| x[0] == tag}) old[1] = block else if hook.to_s =~ /^before/ h.unshift([tag,block]) else h << [tag, block] end end end end module InstanceMethods [:before_create, :before_update, :before_validation, :before_save, :before_destroy].each{|h| class_eval("def #{h}; model.hook_blocks(:#{h}){|b| instance_exec(&b)}; super end", __FILE__, __LINE__)} [:after_create, :after_update, :after_validation, :after_save, :after_destroy].each{|h| class_eval("def #{h}; super; model.hook_blocks(:#{h}){|b| instance_exec(&b)}; end", __FILE__, __LINE__)} end end end end