# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'fluent/configurable' module Fluent module Config class ConfigureProxy attr_accessor :name, :final, :param_name, :required, :multi, :alias, :argument, :params, :defaults, :descriptions, :sections # config_param :desc, :string, :default => '....' # config_set_default :buffer_type, :memory # # config_section :default, required: true, multi: false do # config_argument :arg, :string # config_param :required, :bool, default: false # config_param :name, :string # config_param :power, :integer # end # # config_section :child, param_name: 'children', required: false, multi: true, alias: 'node' do # config_param :name, :string # config_param :power, :integer, default: nil # config_section :item do # config_param :name # end # end def initialize(name, opts = {}) @name = name.to_sym @final = opts.fetch(:final, false) @param_name = (opts[:param_name] || @name).to_sym @required = opts[:required] @multi = opts[:multi] @alias = opts[:alias] @argument = nil # nil: ignore argument @params = {} @defaults = {} @descriptions = {} @sections = {} end def required? @required.nil? ? false : @required end def multi? @multi.nil? ? true : @multi end def final? @final end def merge(other) # self is base class, other is subclass return merge_for_finalized(other) if self.final? options = { param_name: other.param_name, required: (other.required.nil? ? self.required : other.required), multi: (other.multi.nil? ? self.multi : other.multi) } merged = self.class.new(other.name, options) merged.argument = other.argument || self.argument merged.params = self.params.merge(other.params) merged.defaults = self.defaults.merge(other.defaults) merged.sections = {} (self.sections.keys + other.sections.keys).uniq.each do |section_key| self_section = self.sections[section_key] other_section = other.sections[section_key] merged_section = if self_section && other_section self_section.merge(other_section) elsif self_section || other_section self_section || other_section else raise "BUG: both of self and other section are nil" end merged.sections[section_key] = merged_section end merged end def merge_for_finalized(other) # list what subclass can do for finalized section # * overwrite param_name to escape duplicated name of instance variable # * append params/defaults/sections which are missing in superclass options = { param_name: other.param_name, required: (self.required.nil? ? other.required : self.required), multi: (self.multi.nil? ? other.multi : self.multi), final: true, } merged = self.class.new(other.name, options) merged.argument = self.argument || other.argument merged.params = other.params.merge(self.params) merged.defaults = other.defaults.merge(self.defaults) merged.sections = {} (self.sections.keys + other.sections.keys).uniq.each do |section_key| self_section = self.sections[section_key] other_section = other.sections[section_key] merged_section = if self_section && other_section other_section.merge(self_section) elsif self_section || other_section self_section || other_section else raise "BUG: both of self and other section are nil" end merged.sections[section_key] = merged_section end merged end def parameter_configuration(name, *args, &block) name = name.to_sym opts = {} args.each { |a| if a.is_a?(Symbol) opts[:type] = a elsif a.is_a?(Hash) opts.merge!(a) else raise ArgumentError, "#{self.name}: wrong number of arguments (#{1 + args.length} for #{block ? 2 : 3})" end } type = opts[:type] if block && type raise ArgumentError, "#{self.name}: both of block and type cannot be specified" end begin type = :string if type.nil? block ||= Configurable.lookup_type(type) rescue ConfigError # override error message raise ArgumentError, "#{self.name}: unknown config_argument type `#{type}'" end if opts.has_key?(:default) config_set_default(name, opts[:default]) end if opts.has_key?(:desc) config_set_desc(name, opts[:desc]) end [name, block, opts] end def config_argument(name, *args, &block) if @argument raise ArgumentError, "#{self.name}: config_argument called twice" end name, block, opts = parameter_configuration(name, *args, &block) @argument = [name, block, opts] name end def config_param(name, *args, &block) name, block, opts = parameter_configuration(name, *args, &block) if @current_description config_set_desc(name, @current_description) @current_description = nil end @sections.delete(name) @params[name] = [block, opts] name end def config_set_default(name, defval) name = name.to_sym if @defaults.has_key?(name) raise ArgumentError, "#{self.name}: default value specified twice for #{name}" end @defaults[name] = defval nil end def config_set_desc(name, description) name = name.to_sym if @descriptions.has_key?(name) raise ArgumentError, "#{self.name}: description specified twice for #{name}" end @descriptions[name] = description nil end def desc(description) @current_description = description end def config_section(name, *args, &block) unless block_given? raise ArgumentError, "#{self.name}: config_section requires block parameter" end name = name.to_sym opts = {} unless args.empty? || args.size == 1 && args.first.is_a?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, "#{self.name}: unknown config_section arguments: #{args.inspect}" end sub_proxy = ConfigureProxy.new(name, *args) sub_proxy.instance_exec(&block) @params.delete(name) @sections[name] = sub_proxy name end def dump(level = 0) dumped_config = "" indent = " " * level @params.each do |name, config| dumped_config << "#{indent}#{name}: #{config[1][:type]}: <#{@defaults[name].inspect}>" dumped_config << " # #{@descriptions[name]}" if @descriptions[name] dumped_config << "\n" end @sections.each do |section_name, sub_proxy| dumped_config << "#{indent}#{section_name}\n#{sub_proxy.dump(level + 1)}" end dumped_config end end end end