Get Version
1.0.0you don't have to restart your program
What Is It?
Autoreload reloads libraries automatically at regular intervals when files are updated.
$ gem install autoreload
The Basics
# foo.rb def foo 1 end
# sample1.rb require 'autoreload' autoreload(:interval=>1, :verbose=>true) do require 'foo' end loop { puts foo sleep 1 }
In this situation, run the script sample1.rb
. You see that the
number 1 is shown repeatedly. Then, while that is still running,
update the file foo.rb
. For example, change the number 1 to 2
and save it. Then, the library automatically check the update
and reload it. You'll see the number 2 is shown.
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The repository is git://
for anonymous access.
(FreeBSD License)
Copyright (c) 2010 Thomas Sawyer
Copyright (c) 2003 Kouichirou Eto
Comments are welcome. Send an email to Trans "transfire at gmail dot org".
Autoreload is a RubyWorks project.
Trans, 2011-07-15
Theme extended from Paul Battley