# Rack Middleware for Code Highlighting The *Codehighlighter* gem provides a thin interface over a bunch of exisitng code highlighters to make their usage as generic possible. To install it, run: sudo gem install wbzyl-rack-codehighlighter -s http://gems.github.com Markup your code with:
Example (incomplete html, needs a layout file with link to css): # file simple.rb require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' gem 'coderay' require 'coderay' # use the Coderay highlighter gem 'wbzyl-sinatra-rdiscount' require 'sinatra/rdiscount' gem 'wbzyl-rack-codehighlighter' require 'rack/codehighlighter' use Rack::Codehighlighter, :coderay get "/" do erb :hello end __END__ @@ hello ### Fibonacci numbers in Ruby
    def fib(n)
      if n < 2
        fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)
## An example The Codehighlighter follows the same syntax as regular Markdown code blocks, with one exception. It needs to know what language to use for the code block. If the first line begins with three colons, the text following the colons identifies the language (ruby in the example). The first line is removed from the code block before processing. Run the above example with: ruby simple.rb The directory *examples* contains ready to run, simple Sinatra app. Try rackup -p 4567 config.ru or better yet (requires the *thin* gem to be installed): thin --rackup config.ru -p 4567 start Finally, visit the following url: http://localhost:4567 and contemplate the sheer beauty of the rendered code. ## Supported Highlighters These currently include: *Syntax* (fast), *Coderay* (very fast), *Ultraviolet* (slow). ### Syntax Supported languages: * xml * ruby I added support for these languages: * ansic * javascript * css21 * sqlite ### [Coderay](http://coderay.rubychan.de/) Supported languages: * C * CSS * Delphi * diff * HTML * RHTML (Rails) * Nitro-XHTML * Java * JavaScript * JSON * Ruby * YAML ### [Google Code Prettify](http://code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify/), pure Javascript Supported languages: * css, lisp, hs, lua, sql, vb, wiki, * bsh, c, cc, cpp, cs, csh, cyc, cv, htm, html, * java, js, m, mxml, perl, pl, pm, py, rb, sh, * xhtml, xml, xsl ### Ultraviolet The *ultraviolet* gem needs oniguruma regexp library. On Fedora install the library with: sudo yum install oniguruma For installation instruction from sources, see [Carbonica](http://carboni.ca/projects/harsh/) Now, install the gem: sudo gem install ultraviolet [Ultraviolet themes gallery](: http://ultraviolet.rubyforge.org/themes.xhtml) Ultraviolet supports almost any language: * actionscript * active4d * active4d\_html * active4d\_ini * active4d\_library * ada * antlr * apache * applescript * asp * asp\_vb.net * bibtex * blog\_html * blog\_markdown * blog\_text * blog\_textile * build * bulletin\_board * c * c++ * cake * camlp4 * cm * coldfusion * context\_free * cs * css * css\_experimental * csv * d * diff * dokuwiki * dot * doxygen * dylan * eiffel * erlang * f-script * fortran * fxscript * greasemonkey * gri * groovy * gtd * gtdalt * haml * haskell * html * html-asp * html\_django * html\_for\_asp.net * html\_mason * html\_rails * html\_tcl * icalendar * inform * ini * installer\_distribution\_script * io * java * javaproperties * javascript * javascript\_+\_prototype * javascript\_+\_prototype\_bracketed * jquery\_javascript * json * languagedefinition * latex * latex\_beamer * latex\_log * latex\_memoir * lexflex * lighttpd * lilypond * lisp * literate\_haskell * logo * logtalk * lua * m * macports\_portfile * mail * makefile * man * markdown * mediawiki * mel * mips * mod\_perl * modula-3 * moinmoin * mootools * movable\_type * multimarkdown * objective-c * objective-c++ * ocaml * ocamllex * ocamlyacc * opengl * pascal * perl * php * plain\_text * pmwiki * postscript * processing * prolog * property\_list * python * python\_django * qmake\_project * qt\_c++ * quake3\_config * r * r\_console * ragel * rd\_r\_documentation * regexp * regular\_expressions\_oniguruma * regular\_expressions\_python * release\_notes * remind * restructuredtext * rez * ruby * ruby\_experimental * ruby\_on\_rails * s5 * scheme * scilab * setext * shell-unix-generic * slate * smarty * sql * sql\_rails * ssh-config * standard\_ml * strings\_file * subversion\_commit\_message * sweave * swig * tcl * template\_toolkit * tex * tex\_math * textile * tsv * twiki * txt2tags * vectorscript * xhtml\_1.0 * xml * xml\_strict * xsl * yaml * yui\_javascript